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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. This. this "brand" business is ?‍♂️
  2. At its core it's still a people problem, not social media per se (which amplifies the harassment etc - I was badly bullied at school and this is early mid 90s way before social media). Human beings as a whole really are just a parasite on the planet. Sorry to be so misanthropic. sorry to hear about your friends glad jake lever got off Twitter i think a lot of us would be better off off line
  3. Not sure we have the coaching nous and personnel or preparation tonshut Sydney down (QBW execution and preparation or lack thereof massively worrying ) on buddy, does anyone know what Leigh Matthews is doing that day?
  4. That's a good point. If the Alice springs team turns up we can win any game we beat weagles last year and are arguably (arguably not inarguably) better (?).
  5. Good on him for realising there's life after / outside footy and for having a crack at business
  6. I remember taking my dad to an MFC final and watching Davey run amok and an MFC supporter / barracker / whatever was teeing off with all sorts of vile racist stuff. I'm only 5'7'' and not huge and turned around and called him out on it to which he responded with threats of violence charming
  7. Excellent coaching by Buckley etc then and something mfc need to sort out asap coz Le chat is out of Le sac
  8. Unless port [censored] and I mean [censored] bulldogs for +++% f. L0g is censored?
  9. If that is true that is totally abhorrent. Leave the club. I imagine it was horrendous indeed. No question. Would hate to leave my pregnant wife to do everything with other kids.
  10. Just listened to the Age Real footy podcast re: MFC V CFC Is it fair to say we might need to trade for a quality backman (I don't which position, not necessarily to cover Lever)? The Age crew pointed out we are heavily exposed on the backline
  11. Not sure that is abuse (subjective though) I got told I was a lefty and had mental issues (half right) but whatevs.
  12. Vox Pop: Who would you give up for Dee Goey? Petracca + a pick or someone else?
  13. Same, what started as corn chips, frothies and a carnival friendly atmosphere of Dees (father and son) V pIes (wife) quickly devolved into matrimonial disharmony due to my inability to not take it so seriously
  14. Sure , historical quantitative data would seem to indicate a good probability of an MFC victory in finals. recent qualitative and qauntitative data against the CFC outside finals, and the same information from similar Big stage MCG games (r23 2017, tigers Hawks 2018), does not inspire such comfidence that's all I am saying
  15. I didn't say we wouldn't. But based on Monday, we did not appear to learn or have counters in place for what occurred early in the season. Or, if we did, it was not evident. I'm basing 9th based on what I have seen thus far against quality opposition. You cannot deny the quality we will come up against from here on in. Therefore it is entirely reasonable, rational and not at all cynical, to say 9th based on the facts and evidence and observations to hand. Of course I hope this is not the case, but my level of confidence is not high.
  16. Au contraire They are most certainly the MFCs bogeyman, at the G, in front of 90k +, based on what we have seen to date. I know who I'd have money on in a week 1 Elim b/w MFC and CFC @ the G
  17. Good idea it being bombers dees I also dislike Essendon a lot less than CFC
  18. Is it the case, thus far,, the really good teams have proven more resilient in the face of manpower challenges or a bad game. Ie have Richmond eagles swans had blowouts like we keep doing (I view this as a really worrying pattern on a sample size of 4 losses). I think this is a rational and valid concern we lost 10% on the weekend and IIRC approx 40% (120% down to 80 ish?) courtesy of hawks and Richmond. My numbers might be slightly off but the point stands
  19. True, I wasn't arguing on substance. You are right of course. Expectations management for us.
  20. What do you rate our performance out of 10 to this point? Why? > 6/10. Cons: Cracking under pressure with no remediation - Tigers, Hawks, Pies. Missing a sitter (Cats). Pros: Flogging with no mercy (Blues, Crows) and 6 on trot. Breaking North hoodoo. Which player has impressed you the most? > Tmac, closely followed by Fritsch. Which draftee has made the biggest impact? > Lever. Both negative (knee) and positive (pre-knee) What has been our best win to date? > Adelaide. Which player(s) needs to improve in the second half of the year? > Petracca, Viney (caveat foot), Salem, Lewis, Vince, Garlett (obviously, so he can get picked), I am sure there are others. What has been our most disappointing performance? > Equally - Hawks - Cats - Pies. Where do you see us finishing? Give a win/loss and finishing position > 9th, 13 wins. Ironically missing on %.
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