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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Has there been an update on Tmac? Googled On The Line first to check
  2. Awesome WCE away Week 1 with them getting a 5 goal umpire assisted head start
  3. If he doesn't play again Cameron should be rubbed out for a year. Thug. If the AFL is serious about the spectacle and watchability and expanding the game, get serious on thuggery. Reading his response to the journos, he didn't sound very contrite.
  4. +1 Roos sent a clear message in the DL podcast
  5. Wouldn't it be a very good lesson and growing for the team and brand (?)
  6. No he cannot pretty sure posters here mentioned port height yet we went in short and it was admitted as much afterward maybe the match selection committee can have a gander here first
  7. Going out on a limb and saying 2000 was a better team with some match winners
  8. Of all things for Goodwin to be livid about and drop someone for, this isn't the droid you're looking for
  9. Nope. Everyone is content with finals. Nope. Nope.com. low expectations is why we are where we are. It's why jones needs looking at. And petracca. And Lewis. And Vince. And others
  10. Just a heads up to everyone god I hate Collingwood and I suspect 95% of their supporters
  11. We are mirror images - your Husbo and his family's irrational support for Collingwood and my Wifey and hers. intolerable father in law thought it good judgement to send a "bad luck timbo, good game" after QBW. Good intent I'm sure but know your time! if only the Tour de France was around QBW so I could tune out
  12. Golf. A totally apt comparison. Hmmm that looks to be a hard 7. Nope easy 6. Maybe umpires are just dopey
  13. I actually would be perfectly happy nabbing a flag then sitting in MTM for a few years before rising again, it'd beat the last 54 years (coz we won't win this year)
  14. Petracca should be dropped Did it work?
  15. What can clubs do realistically? go on strike? Sue the league? and that's the problem and why I want the data so I can try and pull it apart and find the main offenders - quantitative data indisputable
  16. There is no denying the umpires cost us the game melk wingard we win by 2
  17. The continued faith we make the finals is admirable crazy, but admirable
  18. I don't think luck is it imagine being able to move the ball end to end like that in what, 60sec bulldogs: gone in sixty seconds much like us v pies in first minute
  19. It's not just about which train station is a better choice dv8. If you can't see that then this is a pointless discussion
  20. No. we're stuffed. Finish 12th
  21. Confident one will edge us out of finals
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