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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Yo TB, I am pretty sure Armchair gets you 1 x MCG entry so you're sorted - you need to email ahead to organise. Not sure what to do for B, but I am sure they can accommodate. Spin a tail of woe and sadness, replete with fears of your dear old mum catching cold in her bones, and see if you can't snaffle an upgrade innit. Have fun, I'll get more deck done for our wet the deck sesh! (Forrrreee!)
  2. "Hi Jack, um, so, well, this is hashtag totes awks, but Jakey is going to be captain, we just want you to concentrate on being an awesome footballer. Sorry not sorry. Kthanx." Jake for El Capitane, don't know when, but it's pretty clear. Or vice. Found out me dear old mum in law taught him and his siblings in good old Romsey town kinder!
  3. What fresh hell is this? Hereabouts we speak the Queen's Good England!
  4. I can't reconcile my thoughts on Jones. Great clubman, etc etc, but every time I see him play I think WTF
  5. Did it? Must have had some glove-handed butlers silencing its pealing into a mere ephemeral tolling. I think Supermercado is onto something. Somewhere in Bernie's house is a safe with photos of Goody doing something truly shocking.
  6. True, but Collingwood only ground out a 20pt win. My point is, which I didn't articulate (sorry), that we didn't just go into cruise mode but sunk the boot in. What's missing is winning a few clutch games against big teams. Rusty made a good point - would be good to see someone stand up to physical pressure and smash some crnts. We need someone who can shred a game for a quarter to win a game. A dangerfield or whomever.
  7. I'll take that bet sir! I take it your odds will be forthcoming. I will then provide my bank account into which you can place my winnings from this wager rightaway as there is so low a chance of this occurring I am almost comatose in my comfort it won't happen
  8. God I hope GWS folds just to stick it to the AFL. Amazing how much hate there is for the AFL. It's like Sepp Blatter or that [gnashing teeth] Verbruggen (although plenty were prolly ok with him) Sorry, I meant Dill. Geez First Dog on the Moon could do a ripper tear down of him, racking my brown for his animal character. What's a super dopey animal.
  9. If so I wish they'd tell us so everyone can stop their pointless speculation on him
  10. He's a dill for saying we should have come out harder against the Pies? (Hello r23 17) and for saying maybe we could have found a way to stop hawthorn kicking a billion goals in a. Row unchallenged ? I think they're valid points? but I'm not a footy expert (I think I've made that obvious)
  11. An interesting question. Did we win any matches by 108 and 91 last year. Did we beat ALL the bottom 8 teams we were expected to? to be fair, apart from Max's inexcusable miss and the umpires literally stealing the game from us because corruption, I think we're tracking ok apart from the hawthorn and pies games. (Both inexcusable)
  12. Now this is a very interesting point , I'd love a hodge as a captain
  13. Man if we could knock off Radelaide and at least one of Sydney and Geelong I would be so stoked and it would be a sign of progress (notwithstanding we should have beaten GFC this year and I hope the players' fines committee fined Max the 3 first shouts at mad Monday because that miss was unforgiveable) im very nervous about freo too
  14. WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH Let's not let accuracy via technology get in the way here
  15. Weid kicked 7 in apparently greasy conditions. Yes, against Coburg, but still. Clean is clean.
  16. Fan petition needed. 1 person is an island. Might seem a bit twee, but a petition with say 50k-100k sigs calling for an umpiring overhaul would be something for the media to get stuck into Dill with. I suspect there would be sections of the media who would be delighted (except for biting the hand that feeds) but I might be wrong. Starting a petition and spreading has never been easier. We could also call for the summary execution of the Port Dees umpires for added entertainment value or else some forensic accounting of their betting accounts. Not at all suggestion anything amiss there, but it's good to be sure.
  17. Agree with all of this. As an objective observer of the WCE/ESS game with equal parts completely rational hate for both, along with admiration for ESS's start, I could not believe the umpiring against ESS.
  18. As Supermercado says though, the lack of pace apropos Vince and Lewis is GLARINGLY obvious but they continue to get picked. So either they think Frost and/or Petty aren't up to scratch yet, or else Vince has something salty on Goodwin. Maybe Dirty S3x Pie Vids. Which is a verbose way of saying doubtful Vince and Lewis are dropped.
  19. Is there any footage of Petty and Baker.
  20. The predictor auto tip looks like it uses a lot of historical data which is as sound a basis as any to predict on. A week 1 Elimination Final flogging at the hands of Collingwood does not make me happy. I would much prefer to play anybody else (and lose to them). Literally anyone. Actually I don't know if anyone has done this, but I ran the predictor about 10 times and variously had us 7th playing Pies or Cats W1 @6th 6th playing Cats or Pies @ 7th W1 (reversal of above) 5th playing GWS, Hawks or Roos @ 8th No scenarios put us 8th or out of 8, and no scenarios put us above 5th. Of the above games I reckon we could account for GWS, Hawks, Roos and maybe Cats (low confidence though). Confidence low v pies. == Some big games Pies V Tiges @ G R 19. Crikey. Tigers Cats @ G R20. Crikey.
  21. Obviously the accuracy of ladder predictor turns on the %s, how accurate are they likely to be?!
  22. I'd love to know how the opposition analysis people in the FD "War Game" these and look at possible scenarios to counter us, e.g. flooding and fast rebound. Their fast rebounding, to my untrained eye anyway, looked good.
  23. Like. Lots on the line next 3 games, maybe Petty for Frosty, but apart from that, Like. Then again, if you're going to blood someone now might be the time?
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