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forever demons

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Posts posted by forever demons

  1. Everyone seems against Omac and weid but they are young big blokes who take time to mature ,the games they play now are great for experience down the track.Tom Hawkins is a great example at geelong ,was bagged early in his career now they love him

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Jumping Jack Clennett said:

    Jimmy Jenkinson, Frankie Giampolo, Lou Salvana, Hugh Brommell,John Clennett(!),Ray Nilson, Frank and Joe Rugolo.

    Remember Frankie very well one game at the G Jack Dyer stated it was the best game he had seen a player play i was at the game and the ball followed him up the race at half time.Jack Dyer used to call the reserves game way back in the days of great footy claimed he saw a new champion in kelvin clark ,he never got to be that but his brother denis was very handy

  3. 5 hours ago, deegirl said:

    Last night was Oliver's worst effort ever but last season was solid.  He's set extremely high standards for a very young player.  

    Amazing how people are happy to accept seasons (and last night didn't say any different) of mediocrity from Trac yet we all seem to forget Oliver is 22.

    As for Brayshaw, I genuinely don't understand what has happened to him.


    Brayshaw needs a rocket or maybe he is not as good as people think ,had plenty of mates going half pace ,oliver ,anb etc

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Deestar9 said:

    Every club is locked down so find it hard to believe “you heard it on the grapevine” from anyone, Several teams have flown interstate under the same conditions & no one has had any complaints. Even if true ...everyone out there is living with a degree of fear & uncertainty so “poor form” to post that !!

    i didnt post that rubbish,i just responded to it ,get you facts right befroe you post

  5. 4 minutes ago, JakovichScissorKick said:

    Yes it does.

    It fits under mental health.  You cant tell people to lock themselves inside with zero stimulation unless you want the mental illness epidemic to get even worse, and mass suicides to occur.

    The AFL must continue on.

    oh please,get a grip

  6. 1 hour ago, Mental Demons said:

    heard on the grapevine that this has not been a good trip for Melbourne. They had to move hotels and have had little sleep and stability pre-game. Players vomiting from the overpowering smell of disinfectant. This will be the last game for a while, men or women. The only option seems to have all the teams playing and staying in a remote venue and doing as many games as they can in a month or so. It seems this is more to meet advertising contracts not footballing needs. To continue the existing season will be near impossible and may damage the AFL brand. Put a line through this season and maybe plan a carnival type format in a few months if it is safe.

    terrible if true,why bother playing a pointless game

  7. 3 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

    I'm not big on these sorts of threads because there are so many considerations that are totally out of our control.  But hopefully when people see some of the teams above they will start seeing how close to being out of the side Jones is.  He needs to earn games this year, and not be given a free pass to the 300-club because of loyalty.

    yes he does thats footy clubs are about,loyalty

  8. 3 hours ago, pitmaster said:

    You seriously want the club to confide in the public details of injuries, recovery times and illnesses? Why? So the opposition can plan better how to set up against us, who is likely to play and how our players might be hiding injuries?

    I am without words to respond to such expectations.


    3 hours ago, pitmaster said:

    You seriously want the club to confide in the public details of injuries, recovery times and illnesses? Why? So the opposition can plan better how to set up against us, who is likely to play and how our players might be hiding injuries?

    I am without words to respond to such expectations.

    what a load of rubbish,how old are you 15-16 ?

  9. 55 minutes ago, Mickey said:

    Not at all relevant. The quote was in regards to lack of information about injuries, a legitimate criticism.

    Not the completely legitimate decision to host news relating to one of the club's teams on the club's website.

    correct, but why does the club not have an informative web site to keep us up to date,its our club not theirs

  10. 2 minutes ago, waynewussell said:
    • AVB accidently kicked an opponent's leg when taking a kick early in the game...
    • he continued on but was limping.
    • It was the sort of accident that could happen to any player. 
    • I understand the concerns!

    you have never been the same room as the truth,your  post is all just your opinion and has no factual bearing on his injury

  11. 25 minutes ago, waynewussell said:

    AVB accidently kicked an opponent's leg when taking a kick early in the game... he continued on but was limping. It was the sort of accident that could happen to any player. I'm suggesting that his current condition is a new 'bruising' and not the old injury... but I understand the concerns!


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