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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. He made me age 50 years in one footy season,and i was already 60yrs
  2. I thought the exact same thing.Neeld what a dud
  3. Is Petty going to be out for all of 2022?
  4. Wondering what a bloke like Tommy Lahiff would make of media people today .Are you there Harry
  5. this is some sort of poor joke.good grief
  6. During our great years 50s and 60s a lot champion players retired early as there was not a lot of money in footy back then.Many had professional jobs and careers outside of football and had to get back to a full time job.The way afl is played now I cant see how players will be able to the distance to 300
  7. Absolute champ,I was only a young boy back then but players like him made me want to eat a footy.Was rapt when Greg Wells got his number and played in the middle ,just like LM
  8. you are so right in any work place not everyone gets on as best mates,there will always be different views between each person/playerbut as a unit this bunch got a flag.And will always be bonded together with that joy
  9. why,dont understand your post
  10. Come on Saty log on
  11. Wow what a hangover and worth every bit of pain im in ,think i better have a get weller oh how sweet it is
  12. There is few players who need have a good look at themselves .Looking at you tom,jack and i doubt if may is fit
  13. Half [censored] and still 4 hrs to go .Picked the wrong week to give up sniffing laundry powder
  14. Isaw the 58 gf so everything peaks to early theses days
  15. dump the mo for god sake
  16. Who cares what lyons thinks his credabilty was lost when he shafted stkilda,as for Lloyd just jumps from horse to horse mid race ,no credibilty at all .The less said about Cornes the better just a hack FW
  17. good old fashioned hip and shoulder and so fair,loved it
  18. If only we had 20 more like him in 2000 it would have been a different story.Well done Nev a great career
  19. your dad sent me a pic of this last night
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