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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Great post, perfect summary really. Agree - we have an opportunity to correct things but we have to make some immediate, tough decisions or else we'll continue to be overtaken by other clubs. We're wasting the good talent we DO have (and we do have it), and sorely need to recognise that something very ordinary happened to our culture long ago and it has not been restored. The marketing videos don't restore a thing, they just keep putting our deficiencies in the spotlight to be mocked when we don't deliver, which is about as close a thing as we have to a brand right now - i.e. disappointment, false dawns, over-inflated egos. I don't mind ego, I guess, but you need to win things for that sort of crap. We're a great club, but the glory days fade day by day and we're at risk of squandering talent and having to do yet another rebuild, which will be harder and harder to do as the years go by - who would want to join this basket case when you could go to the other clubs on the rise? For things to change, we have to change.
  2. I just managed to catch Goody's presser. I don't know why his comments aggravate me so much. Maybe because it exposes his lack of knowledge - the fact that he doesn't even know he's been out-coached? He talked about how we lost it in the first half was also off. I mean, yeah, we created chances but we were playing 16 on the ladder! I'd like to think we created some chances, but I think our skills were still really poor. Many of our boys were unsighted and his coaching 'masterstroke' was OMac up forward? I dunno, I thought he was as usual pretty oblivious to the fact that we were pretty poor throughout. Not just for a half. Ugh.
  3. Pretty much agree with this, except for ANB. I just don't get what he gives us. He was an instant in this week and other than the goal was largely unsighted (unless you count him running around in circles). Melksham is tricky. I think he needs a spell as he's looked out of sorts for a long time. But I honestly think we're a better team when he's on some. He's one of the few who actually pass to a lead i50 rather than just bomb it in. He's a smart footballer, but prone to being lazy - needs a reality check, but I prefer him in the team in the long term. Fritter, I'm not sure what happened to him. He's way off. He used to be a pretty good kick, what the hell? Overall I'm against the deck chair approach, recycling through the same guys, we need to stick with a relatively stable team if we want these guys to gel. Baker and Bedford are not the answers, not long term anyway. I mean they have been ok in brief stints. If we think they are the answer, we need to commit to them, rather than play them, then go nah, and replace with the same guy we dropped the week before.
  4. I never got the love for Richardson. Many talked of his 'smarts', but I haven't seen anything, other than the same stunned mullet face as Goody.
  5. Not that Goody is responsible for all of them, but 9 out of the last 10 games going the Swans way is damning.
  6. It's true. It's like a car crash, and Goody is the guy who drives by realllllyyyy slow. Stunned face and all. But to be fair, the players need to stand up as well, and they just seem content to watch it all happening, like they're in the couch with us. There doesn't seem to be any leadership during these moments either.
  7. I'd say we were woeful, pathetic, embarrassing, soul-crushing, heartless, lazy, gut-wrenchingly poor, shameful... ...but that would be ignoring the fact that the Swans have been a powerhouse this year, and clearly headed for a premiership! ☹️
  8. My wife just asked me why I'm still watching this. It's a good question. I told her I have the see the punishment through to the bitter end. It's what I deserve.
  9. We deserve what we get. Langdon misses an easy shot at one end, and we are punished at the other. Which sucks because Langdon has just about been our best today.
  10. 4 (unanswered) goals, 12 minutes. Doable for good sides. I'm watching (with a drink, just in case, I'm not watching this sober).
  11. he Swans are moving the ball around like we're not even there. Either they're gonna win the flag this year or we're in fact terrible.
  12. How so? But even then, even if no breeze, we kicked a solitary goal in a whole quarter, which is poor. And I guess if the breeze has dropped, there should be no impediment to us kicking 4 in the final quarter, right?
  13. I keep chipping in heaps of bucks but it seems this club keeps using my money to buy potato seeds. I'd love a solid, reliable FF.
  14. 1 goal with the breeze. 4 goals to get against the breeze? Easy peasy
  15. That's about as bad a first half as I've seen. Eerily similar to the Port game. We're being shown up by the titans of footy in 2020 - the bloody Swans! What the hell!? The teams below us must love it. They know they can have a crack at a spot in the 8 while we're in there! And we wonder why we're not taken seriously as a club? We've got no heart. And the rare times that it does beat, it is short-lived and replaced by dead silence. We're a club that needs to be resuscitated by accumulated disgust from its members and Board. Let's see if we grow some balls and a little heart in the second half (we're going to need it given the predicament we've put ourselves in!), but I won't hold my breath. I've seen this movie before and know how it ends. Pathetic.
  16. I hope we get 'into' this game before it's over. We're making the Swans look like THEY'RE the team vying for the finals. Woeful.
  17. Yeah fair he wasn't terrible. On the upside he's the better of the Wagners haha. Look, I'm not a fan and today was far from the worst I've seen him, and if him playing alright down there means we get Harmes back to where he needs to be, I'm ok with that.
  18. The 4 points should go to May. A deadset one man fortress. (But to be fair, Salem, Trac, Rivers, Langdon, Lever and Weed were also great ). A lot of passengers, though. Which is disappointing, but also kind of promising - imagine who we can beat if they get involved!
  19. We've lost so many close ones to the Saints in recent times - makes this so much sweeter!
  20. Our season hangs on this last quarter. Have we got the guts? Some of the quieter guys need to stand up. It's amazing we've stayed in this with do many passengers!
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