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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. It's great that we keep countering their goal. We need a one two punch now.
  2. Weid needs to contribute. This is an important chance.
  3. I don't mind losing, but the Lions are not this far ahead of us. I at least want to boys to put that half behind them and make them earn it. Good sides don't get smoked. We're being tested. We CAN do this. Half the team have barely sighted the ball, they should be fresh as to run them off their feet.
  4. Only two ways this'll go: - Lions start converting, we get smoked because it's flattering that we're only 20 points down. - We work out we are being smoked and the boys lift and stop letting the Lions play this on their terms. Mids need to run harder, defence gotta communicate better. We need to lock that ball in our f50 and stop them waltzing the ball in their f50. Got to stop being bullied. We look soft.
  5. Who, who, who, who, who Who are top dogs now?
  6. Best on ground, Harmes? Maybe, huge game. But geez, Gus aye. Selfless. So important tonight.
  7. For a team renowned for pressure, the Doggies weren't able to handle it, were they? So proud of the boys tonight. Just shows the dogs have been beating up on lesser clubs. Questions were being asked of us, and we answered. I wonder what excuse will be made for their loss? Did we not play a team in form? At their home? Who let the dogs out? We did. They weren't behaving. We gave them a smack on the snout, opened the gate and let them out.
  8. I love how the boys walked off getting in each other's ear about things they could have done better. Great to see!
  9. Too early to call as a quarter is plenty of time and the Doggies have been finishing strong, but geez it would be sweeeeeeet to win this by 10 goals. But I'm not greedy, I'll take a win by any margin. Great quarter, let's ice this!
  10. That's what I'm talking about! Bring it, Weid! That's what he's capable of. Good hands, solid kick. The guy just needs to know his value in the team. With good delivery like that, he'll be vital for us.
  11. Booyah! Weid just needs some confidence. Hopefully this gives him a buzz to slot a few in the last quarter.
  12. Rare mess up by Salem, lucky it didn't cost us a goal.
  13. Fritter is not a mid-size! With that hair, he's a tall! And he's standing tall.
  14. Lyon is such a [censored]. There's no pleasing him. We're apparently not winning due to pressure, but because the dogs are off and 'spooked'. What the hell? Maybe spooked because of our pressure?! I swear, when we're holding up the cup, I hope he is watching from the stands.
  15. We need a quick response to remind the Doggies that they're not going to catch us.
  16. Loving these deliberate calls against us. Really fitting, almost comical.
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