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Mel Bourne

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Everything posted by Mel Bourne

  1. Good stuff. Let’s hope they don’t do any brick-related exercises there.
  2. Interesting. Do you know who signed up for that trip?
  3. His sure-footed disposal provides the supporters with moments of rare calm. But when that aspect of his game is off (which thankfully isn’t too often) he can be a bit of a non-presence. Hard worker though, and those stats posted above say as much. But yeah, would be great to see him go from “quiet achiever“ to “noisy dominator”.
  4. Hardly a smashable offering. That’s all more or less how it is.
  5. Yeeeaah boi, that’s some good stuff right there. A very tidy left-foot snap when required too. Love it.
  6. Totally understand why you’d keep a lid on it during the season (for the reasons you mention), but not sure why it would need to remain confidential beyond that. I just would’ve thought both for his own reasons (trade worth, deflection of unfair scrutiny) and the supporters’ (simple reassurance) it would be better than what is largely assumed - that he was just a bit crap. ??‍♂️
  7. Can anybody tell me why it would be kept a secret that he was playing injured? Wouldn’t AB himself want this information out there?
  8. I recently spent some of my precious time on earth sifting through a thread where one person said they had info about a rumoured trade, which was followed by four pages of people guessing (in vain) who it was. The “I know something you don’t” post, is becoming increasingly irritating
  9. Jay Lockhart doesn’t seem to make it on anyone’s lists ??‍♂️. At least deserves the title of “developing”.
  10. No, there are no Bs apparently. There are some B+ and B- players, but Gary has decreed there to be no B players. Don’t question his system.
  11. It’s pretty well documented that the players’ collective-favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so that checks out.
  12. This is a compliment, right? Just checkin’.
  13. ??? Isn’t he only contracted for four more seasons?
  14. Extremely underwhelming and at times surprisingly horrible to watch. Very good intercept mark, yeah. But some of his Incredibly expensive disposals have been sub-Casey level. So far his appointment has been a quiet disaster. Obviously, we all hope that improves.
  15. Nah, was just being a silly bugger. Look, he might not set too many games on fire but I reckon he’ll be a lot more a reassuring presence on the ground than a few of the players we sent out there this year.
  16. He’s also a Demon now, and therefore one of your/our favourite players.
  17. It’s not Jake Stringer on the hunt for forty-four new mates is it? He’s kicked most of his goals against Melbourne ?
  18. Yeah, I like how much pluck and ambition he’s shown just getting on the ground this year. He’s clearly very driven and naturally talented. All this and yet to do a pre-season with the club. I can’t help but feel he could really impress all of us grumpy fux next year.
  19. https://youtu.be/U1TAkyJXt7o Apologies for being slightly obsessed with this idea of late, but what do y’all with your learned opinions think about this guy (JL) filling the above-mentioned role? (Also how do you embed a video properly?)
  20. Lockhart is going to have a good couple of years. Any developments on Mr. Sokol?
  21. Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what the point of such a post is. Regardless, I’m hoping this person you’re talking about is a fit and rejuvenated Mark Jackson.
  22. I still think it would send a powerful message.
  23. Maybe a nice Demonland group activity could be to go down to Goschs Paddock this summer and build a dunny together.
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