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Everything posted by Elegt

  1. Wasn't Tynan on our AFL list at one point?
  2. Doesn't look like his 3 week stint in the gym has done anything . Still outmuscled by small players
  3. All fwd50 entries are just bombs , no lead up passes
  4. Jack watts played with more physicality. I want to see weid want the ball and not be afraid of contact
  5. The big head needs a rocket bad
  6. Thought he was a dud but looked the goods today
  7. Coaches need to change things up, try him in the bp
  8. Keilty is interesting, was dominating vfl at one point then came into the AFL squad, spudded it up and then has struggled ever since being relegated back to Casey
  9. He has always struggled to get a kick at Casey... Baffling he was picked at 29
  10. We weren't winnning any clearances anyway.. what's there to lose. I just feel like there is not enough passion shown out there on field; need more mongrel. Brent Moloney wouldn't stand for any of this crap
  11. I just want to see our mids tackling hard and chasing. They all seemed to shy away from contact today, even viney. I wouldn't be opposed to giving May a run in a couple of bounces to get some physicality in.
  12. Accepting mediocrity will never win us a flag. Tough calls have to be made and Spargo does not appear to be one for future plans.
  13. Recurring theme, got shown up today with slow lazy mids. Taylor has rocks in his head- persisting on recruiting slow inside mids
  14. Spargo can't get a kick at Casey. Ridiculous that an AFL recruiter would spend a second round pick on a 172cm bloke who can't compete. Taylor has a lot to answer for.
  15. Gee KK is a dissapointment so far, hope he can turn it around
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