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Everything posted by YesitwasaWin4theAges

  1. Davey Warner plays footy for the Dees now, sand paper, taped up fingers and all.?????
  2. some of the entries into 50 are mindless, just blazing away to 1 on 3 out numbered situations, this has not improved in the first 3 games of the year imagine the carnage when we fix this part of our game.?????
  3. I have stated no change previously but the only change I can see is ANB for Brayshaw.
  4. Thats why it' imperative that when this club wins a Flag he's holding that cup up high for a the [censored] he has been through.
  5. Couldn't agree more about Oscar, got outmuscled on numerous occasions but didnt get much of a chop out. Glad to see you notice Frosty were a better team with him in it did a solid job on Waite and ran off him at leisure. Also some good intercept marks for gd measure from Frosty.
  6. yeah that was on hibbo, disgraceful.
  7. How about the free kick against Frisch in the Goal square, it was a legit mark, kenty barely touched him, incredibly frustrating.
  8. Waite was his opponent today and he wasn't at the races ran him ragged. Waite had no impact at all. Agreed was loose in the 1st but corrected this and played his part no doubt Oscar, Frost, Lever and Hibbo should always be the constant 4 defenders in our set up. With others rotating off half back, finally got the balance right.
  9. No change barring injuries.
  10. We got crucified today by the parasites today, 5-6 frees resulting in goals. Gawn in the ruck nothing and still won by 6 goals. Inaccurate kick for goal cost us a 10 goal victory but I'm not complaining glad to have this pathetic streak put to bed.
  11. What was so iffy about Frost? did u watch the game f me.
  12. Frost massive just what we needed, ran waite ragged. Maxy wow wee.
  13. u can [censored] that one right out of the ball park.
  14. [censored] off Brad Scott
  15. Go and get [censored] North go into years and years of everlasting darkness you bunch of yobbos.
  16. #thestreakisover
  17. In this 17 match losing sequence of ours against Norf, I have never been to church on the same day of a game we have played against them. I am in gd spirits and i thinks it's our time to end one of the most unexplainable losing streaks in VFL/AFL history. Enough is Enough now, time to inflict some pain of our own. #thetimehascome
  18. To quote Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber "I Like it, I like it a lot". Feel for Pedo.
  19. f me dont druge up the past this is neck worthy stuff.
  20. I hope your right La Dee but i just dont see it right now. Im starting to get really annoyed with his ill discipline and his unaccountable football its starting to become an all to familiar pattern. Yes he's an organiser out their but he has to lift his output big time. Were playing for Premierships now not creating a nice little retirement home and getting him to 300 games.
  21. They have to [censored] Lewis right out of the backline he is a dead set liability.
  22. no easy games this year, Geelong copped it in the bum this time round.????????????
  23. Yes no big forwards have got the better of us yet on the scoreboard. That Ranetogua or what ever gave us a bit of trouble in mark duals which led to goals. Menzel with 4.2 should have been 6 ,Christensen with 3 and Cameron with 3 killed us and I know arent Bigs. Our versatility is non cexistant with Lewis, Jetta and Hunt playing on Medium ,small forwards.
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