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Everything posted by YesitwasaWin4theAges

  1. I will tear the joint apart if we dont pull players out of this mocked up [censored] Goodwin i know you have brain please do the right thing and pull clayton, trac or any player in best 26 players at club FFS.
  2. Johnny Warren would be turning in his grave at the sight of this. #STUPIDITY Please dont risk players over this CRAP.
  3. Why do you think Gill and the AFL are pushing this so hard? $$$$ No goals scored = less ad breaks the sponsors of these companies would have been livid with the output from the 1st round bar melb v gws. There is alot riding on theses games /competition plus the AFLX because the AFL are in such a hurry to package this all up with the AFL proper for the TV rights renewal at the end if this year. Thats why Gill has given them a wack the greedy bastard. It will take 10 years for AFLW to be any good the young girls need to come through the correct training systems and fitness.
  4. Champion data have great formulas for most stats and are very relevant they tend to get lost in translation when ranking teams the way they do is just complete and utter crap.
  5. Your definitely on drugs if you dont think we bat deep especially this year 12-14 can go through the guts.
  6. Toyota is a third party sponsor of Rory Sloane. You know what i mean?????
  7. How long have zurich signed up for major sponsor?
  8. Prefer this to the white for sure. Are we keeping the home strip with red on the back or not?
  9. Simply Amazing, AFL the most hypocritical sporting entity in the world bar none including FIFA. Rules for a certain few and rules for others. JOKE.
  10. Good wish list but beat north by a kick after the siren please i want those [censored] on toast 60 pts plus please.
  11. Injuries and form permitting he'll play till he's 35 he'll get to 300. He has been the heart and soul of the joint for the past decade, deserves every accolade that comes his way.
  12. Absolute bit of genius from the trading department to snare this gem of a player. Happy Birthday Hibbo.
  13. Merry new year Deemaniacs may 2018 be filled with nothing but glory and hapiness.
  14. Very impressive interview enjoy it alot for who haven't listened do so.
  15. If you really think about it the gruelling 4 games in 18 days mixed in with this boot camp at the start of pre season tipped us over the edge. We didnt give a yep after R15. Let all these clowns talk about it in the media i reckon the boys made the right call. Very sceptical of Misson with these camps and what not behind the players on this one.
  16. I reckon this camp last year contributed to our injury toll big time. You can not compare an NRL player to an AFL player they are a completely different beast.
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