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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. If we play Weideman, that could all change ... it's like playing a finals contender with one man missing from the TEAM effort. Still, I hold the premise that we will beat Collingwood and probably cement position 2 on the ladder at the end of the H&A rounds.
  2. If he doesn't need vision correction, then there is no need to play him ever again.
  3. 17 of our selected onfield players (and utilised replacements during the game) played extremely well and did the team thing continuously to beat the Dockers quite soundly, obviously and comprehensively. An extra assistant to this victory would make the likelihood of Dee dominance even more predictable and assured. Weideman just ain't that assistant and never will be - wake up, coaches and selection panel.
  4. Gus is a keystone in our team in multiple areas of endeavour and conduct. It is such good news that he will remain a Demon - yet there was little doubt that he would stay in the red'n'blue. We relish and deeply respect your confirmation to remain a Demon, Gus; we can now work as a Club towards another Premiership, this year!
  5. Common idiom and usage allows this; oral usage retains the meaning quite clearly. Possibly six of one and half a dozen of the other on this call. Outside of such preferences, there are those to whom possession could be sacrosanct and these people will strongly disagree. Their preferences would most likely be to state from the example: '..the legs of the table...' highlighting in one fell swoop the emphasis of the subject and the whence of the subject matter and perhaps its purpose.
  6. All forms of possession require the use of an apostrophe, whether singular or plural. However, if the word ends in the letter "s", whether singular or plural, just use the apostrophe. Only living things can have possession. For example, the legs of a table ... the table's legs WRONG! Not a living thing. For another example, leaves on a tree ... the tree's leaves CORRECT! It is a living thing. It is easier with people. For example: John's footy is muddy. (Good). Amos' hot meat pie. (Good) Amos's hot meat pie. (Wrong) Collective nouns trick many people: (Good) The Firemen's Ball. Collective nouns, when titular (part of an official title) always end with an apostrophe (The Officers' Mess bar). Just yesterday, I walked into the greengrocer's shop and spied a sign that read: Orange's $4 per 3kg bag. Not one person had complained before, he added. I still purchased the bag of oranges - my favourite fruit - and he set about improving his sign.
  7. Agreed, almost too late to give him a taste. Conservatism means waste, in my book (particularly when a lesser player is drummed into the team repeatedly to 'gain experience' and 'match readiness'. Look at the photo of JVR - it's yelling at us: '...give me a go! I can manage this!) Hope he gets to play (not as a med sub only) to send a few messages to us all on his potential, and to send the apparent lame ducks a message on their performances. It's a hard message or two but a series of alternative selections have disappointed so many Dees' fans.
  8. YES, thinking Salem as the sweeper & distributor, enabling more straight-line running and attacking from Hibbo against the opposition forwards. Hibbo is seldom beaten across a whole game - and this role is so natural to his game style.
  9. JSmith - recover quickly and get back into the team; additionally, Petty must play forward. These two, experienced defenders and pressure applicators are both potent players who could shine as deep forwards, propping Max at CHF for impact and ruck duties supported in defensive roles and backline duties for Jackson plus an occasional one. The number of times we call for pressure forwards far outweighs in importance the now stubborn 'loyalty' decisions of Goodwin to play BBB and particularly, the Weed. Our fleet of smalls will then feel physically supported in their roles as pressure agents and goal sneaks - in addition to being great feeders of the football.
  10. I'd rest a little more comfortably if I knew that Yze and Jordan, and Chocko, got together and sorted our team in the next few weeks.
  11. I suspect that the lack of forward pressure acts is the result of umpiring - our players in general are hesitant to tackle - often too late in the decision-making processes to effect a good tackle. Why? Against the Doggies, nearly every time you tackle a red, white and blue opportunist you get a free paid against you - just check the statistics. Fanciful? Possibly so but it makes sense in some quarters.
  12. Agreed. The losses mount, there has been no significant 'blooding' of a series of potential prospects across the season except for those who have withered on the vine a little due to inexperienced exhaustion - such as Bowey and a few others. Even our stars have been under some turmoil to play the same/same to extremely high standards without true support.
  13. I was waiting for our plan B all match - to give the umpires nothing to penalise us for - and to generate some wider-field attack lines where midfielders and flankers would be close enough to distribute and take open shots for goal. We are stuck in the deep forwards mentality and they have proven all season to be inadequate for the number of entries we make. Pathetic, mindless, predictable and half-hearted.
  14. It would be dee-lightful, but with Sam, it just sadly ain't gonna happen. Wasted jumper. Put Petty forward until JSmith is ready to play after injuries.
  15. Interestingly, Barassi - like so many Demon supporters - was seldom incorrect. Possessions - and the retention thereof of the football for plans C, D, E & F in a chain of continuous possession - are everything. Too many Demons think they are Tracca-clones, going goalward but in most cases, too far out. Bedford needs teamwork to get support for his little cameos and when he is lining up close to goal, it is almost a certainty. It is up to the team to provide that support through not bombing the pill in panic from too far out. I love his pace, his grip-snatch on the ball, his ability to lead to space. That is what needs to be recognised by midfielders and roaming half-forwards; Bedford, like Kozzie, is available. It will only take a bit of training practice and one or two 'game-time' experiences to settle this play, Petal. This is offensive work, not defensive pressure .
  16. That combination of Kozzie and Bedford could be legendary.
  17. Variation at the kick-ins is needed and rather urgently. Like our selection procedures and decisions, it appears 'stuck in drying mud' - out to the left-of-centre - rarely valuable and highly predictable. Can we not have a few tricks up our sleeve?
  18. What a loss it would be to lose Yze. He is ready for a senior coaching role and would sit nicely in charge of what he is already working with - making the Dees great again.
  19. Must agree, Tomlinson was quite serviceable and handy. I have also noticed that he is getting back to his space-making habits to come into and out of the area play, thus avoiding some congestion at the ball - as he used to do when he was on one wing and Langdon on the other. He is certainly, on today's performance, getting much better in the air knocking on or clearing, and many of his kicks were commendable, to targets/zones.
  20. Agreed, Harmes put stoppers on Port, early enough in plays to have to wait for a fellow-Demon to help out or even take the tap-on.
  21. May went leftie, again. Time and again. Two teams with two-thirds of the onfield roster lined up waiting for May to deliver the ball - and how few marks, clearances and/or forward progressions were made.
  22. I thought May's game was rather pedestrian - thank heavens for other backmen.
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