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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. The snot goblins assisted the Hawks for years - and years - and years - and years.
  2. We need JJ every week. He'd walk into a regular position with any other club.
  3. I like this thinking should the weather deteriorate rather poorly.
  4. ...and a very useful one at that ... has all the necessary skills, reads the play well (now)... pacey and does not shirk the issue - rebounds and goes again ... very good kick / passing / handball ... the mobile utility is a necessary feature of our forward line who are so often geographically minimal ... capable of some surprising moves, dodges and outside innovations. Works really well with Fritta, Chandler, Sparrow (coming in), BBB and why not : JVR bringing the ball to ground forward of the defensive pack. JJ has heaps and will produce bucketloads of talent as he develops, just like Rivers and Judd.
  5. Balfours need the cash injection and hope to make a killing through the sale of pies, I suspect.
  6. I'll second that! Match loser is more apt. Repeatedly.
  7. It is good to see ANB working so hard and his ground coverage is tremendous (most opposition sides tend to divert around him, now. as a consequence). His defensive game is really improving; and, it is just great when he is nearing the goals - he has improved his accuracy and kit-bag of kicking skills to score rather frequently and often, has found space in which to deploy.
  8. Got the same problem....too many greats! Many were the best ever across the whole League.
  9. Almost impossible to apply, allocate rankings or competitively indicate this week. Our team has evolved from individual praise on performance to a quality rating based upon linkages and game sustenance between 'groups' (large and small) of players in the process of decapitating an opposition comprehensively. Crowns for best on ground are pluralised in process chains across many increasingly worthy candidates, not just individual beneficiaries.
  10. Evidentiary protocols with umpires and their impacting on games really needs attention.
  11. The linkage and execution of 'team' - particularly forward - is starting to detract from close and rewarding individual performances, reviews and recoveries across the game. The blend, the recruiting and the improved systems are producing dividends we have all awaited. Go Dees!
  12. So, a potentially outstanding and currently realistic talent in JJ is afforded another substitute status or relegation to the VFL level. He has to be the sub at the minimum. Experience is the only way we can maximise and extend his value to the team and his future development; a game played is a 'game invested' in this young man. West Coast is a perfect opportunity for him to play and it is one in which very little 'risk' from his selection is going to present itself. I think many of us can perceive at least two other players (who most probably will play with less form) that could be rested and replaced by JJ for both immediate and longer-term team health. Let's not lose this upcoming gun with so much to offer as we race towards career sunsets for the identifiable few.
  13. And so they should - Petty has the ear-markings of a great swingman - the opportunity may well elevate his confidence.
  14. Yep, Spargs and ANB have to stay. Their workrate is enormous and oppositions know they can cover the ground to compete in many on-field locations before the oppo-kick is delivered. Melk cannot do that. Other smalls can, but Melk doesn't. Just the same, I regard Melk as a good choice for tactical sub - for other reasons - but not this week against the Eagles.
  15. I'd like to see some comments from Yze and Chocko in regard to Sestan - a talent well and truly 'on-the-way' who could be enormous with some addition seasoning.
  16. We really must retain and further develop/encourage JJ to do his thang. He is a rilly goodie.
  17. Really good at the weekend against Sydney. JJ is a second Chandler with an array of alternative skills. He needed to learn to play on rather than to go back and take a kick (after trying to visualise a target from the over-covered static forward lines last year) and has achieved that - and shown that aptitude to very good effect this year. JJ is a dangerous player with perceptive skills execution - and finds targets very well. He's also a bit taller than expected from a distance, capable of good intercepts and spoils on the opposition - and nearly always lands on two feet, ready to take off or scrounge for the team taps. Oh, I forgot: JJ goes vertical for the spoil - he ain't huge or gravitationally challenged - and the 2-feet landing enables him to utilise a great first two/three steps with possession of the ball, and this reminds me closely of one of our great backmen of the past who did the same to win heaps of the ball and its delivery - Brett Bailey.
  18. I think we all are nervous on game day. By thinking positively of success, I can justify optimism to some extent and thus, reduce the stress of those realities I have been attempting to ignore. It also provides a deeper analysis when the game is finally on - soon after the first bounce - making me appreciate what our players are attempting to do under all circumstances and processes. However, each to their own, I guess; we all have mechanisms unique to our own psyche.
  19. Tag with Chandler - the two add dimensions not yet considered from the centre field to the goal mouth.
  20. Chandler was great. At the game, I was impressed with the effort of JJ, as well. He was not phantastique but he did try some things that sparked interest and was solid in some defensive efforts. More experience for him, please! I can imagine both Chandler and JJ being a rather varied, potent and successful tag-team on the forward line.
  21. Percentage gains on the horizon! We could find such boosters very useful on top of the four points and it could last for quite a few weeks.
  22. If there can be a singularity for the turning point, that kick to that guy making space all alone was the moment.
  23. Yes. Melksham is an ideal 'tactical' sub and injected skill set.
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