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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Agree with you, Vagg. Most unfair, infuriatingly rude, inconsiderate and distracting for poor old Max - who was going about an expertise routine against such odds.
  2. I must agree that Hogan - one of our noted key forwards - utility roving into the midfield earns him some considerable possession of the ball and provides interesting challenges to opponents upfield, including many opportunities for clearances. However, it must be remembered that Hogan cannot kick for distance, certainly not the distances into the Demons forward line that are required to take the opposition by surprise (ie: he is no Greg Wells in that department), and his passing is best achieved over short distances. His short, lateral off-the-foot 'flicks' have been exemplars of this. Occasionally, his short, drop-punt passes have been great. I am not suggesting 'long bombing' in this observation as the option for 'midfield'Hoges, either. I am talking about effective passing for distance into space created or exploited by other forwards (ie: there is the old CHF position and proximity to choose from, and there are two flanks, stretching from the wing itself to the forward pocket from which a choice to pass can also be made). His immediate absence from the proximity of the goalmouth weakens our attack considerably and without one or two other tall/s retained or shifted into that goalsquare proximity when Goodwin sends Hoges on his merry excursions outside the some-35 metres or more from the goal mouth, we are doomed to see the ball rebounded by the opposition into a potential forward thrust of their own. Our ultra-crumbers up there cannot be expected to outmark seasoned defenders either, although the spring and marking skills of Hannan and Fritsch are handy commendables. I'd possibly like to see Hogan kept inside the 35-metres inclusion zone of the goalmouth. Do not send him midfield - if it must be done at all - until TMac and even Viney return for active duty once their war wounds are repatriated. His sustained presence there has several advantages that have already been noted as 'arsenal' characteristics of his game: marking, one-on-one combativeness, bringing the ball to ground for crumbers and physical aggression, par excellence. Our midfield is becoming choked, as it is. We have the personnel to do damage - not raffle decision-making between themselves and thus missing split-second opportunities for which Tyson, Petracca, Clarrie, Jones and others in the central mix ordinarily make. Dropping the wings and the extra centre-bounce defender are also totally unnecessary by actually reducing the spaces for momentum.
  3. It's a goody. Better than that white contraption that was previously endorsed. We are Red and Blue. The rising sun badge looks good.
  4. Part of my psyche says almost repeatedly that Collingwood and Weideman are a good mix - not just because of the family and club histories - and this represents a good opportunity for us to secure a tough, experienced (somewhat, but youngish) forward/s with the skills that we need now, and into the future. He is out there... Another key player/s, by any standards of observation, would be a terrific boost to our side but it must be prepared and prevaricated; this 'pre-readiness' by the MFC can really only occur if Goodwin gets the game plan fixed, gets the players attuned to complete acceptance of the intent of the coaching body at the Club, and immediately establishes the rising self-confidence and worthiness of every player wearing the Red & Blue. This is not about glamour, this is about core footballing interests. ____________________________________________________________________________________ (We all know just what Roos would be doing with the players if he were the coach, now: focusing in on defence mastery, generating a game plan or three that created known pathway variations for forwards and midfielders, establishing a return to essential yet continuous footballing skills and creativity, improving player morale and values, and steering the Club towards a stronger culture of success on merit. ) At present: Defence mastery - in chaos Game plan - confusingly unworkable and unsuccessful Skills and creativity - mediocre and expectant that a mere handful will cover the gaps, and weaknesses moral and values - shot and diminishing Culture of success - flaccid and well overdue Impossible?
  5. Be interesting, more interesting than continued losses with our alleged best team, to put many players out on notice of form, replacing these with whoever is strong in the Casey team - just for one week. For the MFC fans, it would bring closer attention to the capabilities of the up-and-comers and may help confirm that a future is viable. It would cause another lapse and loss most probably, but in this current scenario, why not? Those left in the main team would need to play their best and lead the newbies on a mission impossible. Crazy losses, year by year, have left the fans grabbing at the straws of solutions to problems not fully tackled. This would be no different in that regard but it sends a message.
  6. Brayshaw, with good skills at his disposal, was earlier considered to be very cool under pressure and found a way out of tight corners with good effect. Since returning to the field and this level of competition, this coolness has not reappeared. He has been away for a long time, so hopefully it will return as he settles back into the mix. His pace is not great but it is an avenue for him to do those things in traffic that he used to do. Head injuries are still a prime concern and just maybe, he was tentative for this reason. I'd still reckon that he is one of our best players in terms of determination so let's get behind him as a confidence booster.
  7. Baker has tons of pace, agility and drives long with accuracy. Can he play the gameplan and create? He might be a good second fiddle to Jayden Hunt on the flanks; both are great runners and pacemen. Worth a try, young Baker, surely. The Toigs are a fast side full of runners.
  8. Gotta try something if the coaching panels cannot come up with effective means to be more competitive...
  9. It doesn't seem as if it is a matter of our players being useless across the board. Recognised depth proves that to a certain point of surety. It seems to be a stagnation at the coaching level, combined with a persistence for mediocrity as the learning tool. Well done, Petraccattack, you are correct - someone was gonna do it and you posit the idea so clearly.
  10. Some good ideas in this modification and is a whole field recommendation. More talls in the fwd line might be an advantage yet at this point, I cannot see Weed doing anything creative if he is moved into this area - he may in time but not yet. That leaves Pedo to play his role as a support to the fwd line to help turn the tide when things get tough. Hunt must surely be required to run himself into the play, now. He is a good 2-way runner. Lever may just turn the corner but a week of reflection with Casey may do him some good to figure out his role in the back half. We have many midfielders that have had the ball kicked over them by the opposition/s that we have played - particularly in their attack - and unless we re-focus and achieve 2-way running, it will continue to occur. Just thoughts .
  11. I would hate the think that this was true from Razor and Coy; but I certainly believe it is the umpires' 'secret' attempt at equalisation and have seen this occurring in many forms for many years. Football has become - against the wishes of the general public - a very dirty game of official deceit.
  12. We cannot have weekly changes so that our players are continuously re-orienting to the new set-ups. Our players need to hold down positions, responsibilities and varied roles in our game plan. Uncertainties arise from our alleged depth both at the individual level and as a team performing in some harmony. Having said that, I agree entirely with what you posit, FT, in completion and in sequence but this has to be implemented for change and longevity, with subtle team changes as required by injuries, suspensions and major form losses - plus balanced with only those great performances of those players ready to move to a higher level than the VFL competition. Coaching 'favourites' should no longer apply. As for Goodwin, a Mark II game plan is a must to save us from smarter coaches that can 'read'.
  13. Very true. Within two games and the results from each, all in the same round, we went from 3rd to 11th, then at the finish of the round, settled at 12th. What an achievement. Re-man the team with youngsters capable of learning. Take advantage of the few experienced players that we have. Take a quiet word with Lever and Lewis - amongst others - about form and responsibility. Prepare to change options on game day, during game day, at training each week. Oh, stuff it, start again completely. Is Goodwin up to it?
  14. It is a dichotomy of suitability for the team. He cannot take all of the blame for the result against Whoreform, however. He does need to practice with thousands of kicks at goal week in, week out as he is pathetic at this skill - my grandmother could do better and she passed away over 30 years ago. Bugg adds nasty to the team, Bugg irritates other teams, Bugg gets into interesting positions to receive the ball some of the time, Bugg stuffs up nine out of ten times and fumbles. It just isn't too much to ask. A few weeks, at least, back at Casey and a bit more effort to address these mandatory football skills at training and away from training.
  15. One of a thousand pre-requisites for the whole team. It just must be done.
  16. A good array of descriptors for the performance. I shook at the fumbling and the widespread lack of match readiness. We needed more big personnel with courage, sticky hands and strong necks to see what is ahead. We are too 'readable' in our play and there is no modification of that play coming from the coaching box. There is no real sense of teamwork coming through the clinches - just an errant handball or close-in tap, on a hope and a prayer. There is no protection for our crumbers or systemised feeds. This is going to be a sad year if this performance is any gauge.
  17. Sorry Wiseblood, I like this guy's style, stealing a game a month from any opposition. DeeZone knew what I meant.
  18. Best wishes to all Dees fans today ... geez it would be a great win if it came off. I'd think we have an edge, at this pre-match point; it is possibly going to be a season-defining game for us. Carna Dees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Pedo you little ripper, once again. Going down in history, this bloke.
  20. Sounds like we could have done with a couple of talls in the AFL team against Whorethorn, to me.
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