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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Mongrel is a quaint term but a good label for a footy side determined for success. A few quieter mongrels exist in Viney, AVB, Trac, Hibberd, Maynard, the Jet and to a lesser degree these days, Chunk. Nice, 'aint it?
  2. Very great attraction for this young bloke, fwd KP or taller outside mid. Given a senior list training regimen, I see a breakout player in the making. Needs aerobics but who doesn't at that young age in order to compete with other players at that level and it will do him no harm at all.
  3. We - and the AFL - just have to develop absolute contempt for Maguire and his rantings that are akin to a spoilt little brat. Cop the draft as it falls, Eddie and whilst you are at it, play a fair amount of 'away' games interstate.
  4. Great start to an argument for his return to 'the flock', the MFC. Just imagine the two of those Brayshaw boys onfield - it would be just like the Febeys...
  5. Interesting, John. Trac also seems to have lost a little 'courage' in close - a big pre-season is definitely a necessity to work back into lethality.
  6. This amazes me at times; the number of DL posters who exercise free will to criticise Frost and his alleged '...lack of skills...' when all he might need is some split second to steady in delivery - and that is a coaching issue. That split second, by the way, will have an ever-reducing timeframe as he adjusts to its impact in games. Usually, Frost is up there, any opponent, ready to pounce and run, just like Sean. I can clearly remember Sean having delivery problems for a couple of seasons, as his kicking was erratic most of the time but, by hell, he won the ball and again, usually affected a clearance. Then some FD coach took him aside over a pre-season for some extra work on foot passing, longer passing, handball and eyes up option finding. Instant transformation it was, and Sean became another legend of the MFC for superb contributions across the field, for uncompromising reliability and toughness, and for heightened skills execution through an enormous confidence build in his game. Frosty needs 'some' of this coaching attention - I am convinced that this is all he needs. He could be a terrible weapon in our arsenal of elite players and is worth the effort. You know what? Rodney Grinter is the man to teach him how....
  7. Bound to be controversial and offensive to some but I thought the question was being asked. It is, after all, only my opinion and perspective which does not account for much. I don't know any of my many friends, male or female, who like the sheilas' game, either - they say that they just '...do not bother...' ; '...no thanks, can't stand it ...', and these types of comments. Surprisingly, other than this impression, I have lived and worked for years in considerable support of women's rights and its progression in many forms of cultural enlightenment - I just don't feel that footy is one of these.
  8. The sheilas' games really do bore me, too. 'Daisy' something, is all I know and I have never watched more than 10 mins of any game - let alone do it twice. Netball is a good spectator sport, however. Having watched years of junior footy with the kids, my first impression is that footy at that low level is far superior to the sheilas' game.
  9. Take a look, folks, at Bailey Williams - he'd be my first pick - an all-round taller player with mobility and poise. Speed is good. Very good boot and pass. Potential wingman/outside mid or forward. Young, needs some coaching attention but impressive.
  10. Bailey Williams has it all - almost. Agile, great mark, does the pack in the air and on the ground, feeds the ball well - and can only get better, has 2-way running, interceptive and challenging, mobile and quick. He'd be a great get.
  11. Shame is it not? We seem to entrap one another these days as a direct and wilful function of what we now know as 'the media', just like the USA as if it is the representation of sociological and cultural progress as we hide en masse in our little boxes; whereas in a liberal and democratic society, the practices applied are anything but just, honest and non-intruding - and decidedly non-sensationalist. The law, as understood in its broad structural-philosophical terms, no longer has the right to meter its own intent against benchmarks and paradigms such as '...innocent until proven guilty...' where this 'stone casting' is aided and abetted by often inaccurate, media-based shallow wisdom and perspective. The AFL Tribunal including an array of player sanctions and onfield umpiring decisions all seem to operate the same way in an instant of immediate gratification of the inherent lust for watching the subsequent suffering of one in torment. The fellow in the Demon cap is to be pitied; he may well be just another Demon supporter caught for a bollocking by a photo-journalist who most obviously (and allow me to be hypocritical) is a supporter of The Filth.
  12. That is good to hear - new club, new teammates, new game plan; why wouldn't he blossom in 2019? Max will show him the way.
  13. The luxury position is that both Johnstone and Lockhart are kept, developed, exposed. Immense value for Casey, potential value for the big league team in the near future. Several roles may well exist for both, in both teams - both tough at the football.
  14. There is plenty of time to adjust his delivery, as needed. What we do know is that he has a fair hoof and he needs to just slow a fraction in the last stride to make it a good one if it is to be a pass up to 40 metres. His handball, too, needs to be a little further from his body - front and lateral delivery - rather than swinging with that great pace that he has (as a whole of body movement). The guy is a gun in the making and pre-season will assist, not doubt. Steadying is a split second in duration - he has the time.
  15. Does Mahoney fish? Maybe we should send him to the Torres Straight Islands for a little football clinic - just to see if he can get one of those magical 'under 6 foot schnappers'? Take The Wizz with you, Josh.
  16. We must be in the raffle to play more Friday nights this year - we just must be a Victorian pace-setter in that regard alongside the Toiges. We must also be relieved of interstate travel in which we are subject to continuous, incestuous abuse across the fence. Tiredness from travelling is also a concern.
  17. He has some experience now, had some downers, too. Getting back up at present and it is with the Dees! He will get up, he'll be a great flanker and ball deliverer. Like his height - deceptive for opponents and very capable of marking May's big kick-ins - probably done it many times already. Good mover, two-way runner; ideal! Welcome, Kade.
  18. This is relatively overdue, now. He must begin to make a sustained contribution across a game and week to week, month by month. Let's hope his pre-season boosts his aerobic capacity and endurance, assisting him to reach another level; Big Max has given the whole team the inspiration and set the benchmark in terms of team contribution - we have several key drivers in the team that could likewise contribute to a flag in 2019.
  19. That would be very handy, as well; and yet, the expertly allocated moment of 'biff' has a lingering effect on that player for the whole game. Not that I am encouraging violence, it's just that hard players may well see moments of terribly unfortunate physical distress in opponents and can share another moment or two of wise counsel and interpretative understanding soon after.
  20. Sure loved that way big Carl took anyone on, making them tremor in fear, losing possession, getting somewhat out of the way or running away from their coaches' instructions for that game. There was no bluff. If you were caught, you were done and never came back. Biffen did this too, and I place him higher than just a mayhem agent. He settled things. As for Rod Grinter - he was as good as anyone at setting and settling a score of benchmarks on aggressive and effective play. It was a shame that he was penalised so heavily although in interviews, he admitted he deserved it from time to time. (I also thought that Grinter was the best foot-passer across any distance that we ever had - such a beautiful, powerful and quickly directed kick to a teammate. Stunning!)
  21. May is a tough character with purpose. I reckon 'Far Cough' sounds appropriate.
  22. Didn't hate Melksham or many other transferees. Didn't like pretty-boy Moore, though.
  23. Terrific becoming more 'accepting', felt that way about Peter Moore from the Filth.
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