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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Left a great deal to be desired, even in the early, competitive moments life was very shaky. Holes in method, all over the ground.
  2. Thought JKH was ok, just a little underdone but finds space and makes space to keep team possession. His handball is a weakness and at the contest, he can be easily managed physically.
  3. Another error of many from Goodwin, exemplified this year for too long. As I have always stressed, Fritsch is a forward and is not a backman. The guy's career has been hampered alongside the performance of the team.
  4. Reckon he would be a good wingman; reckon he is an asset at CHB. If he didn't have to double-team when OMac is in the team, he'd be a helluva backman across a whole game rather than being exhausted by the third quarter time after covering his own man and that of OMac for the first three quarters. Frosty is developing a style - it is just unconventional; he is going to be even more effective in the future so sign him up now.
  5. About time as members and supporters that we 'tanked' for a new coach.
  6. I wouldn't mind seeing Donald Duck come in at the expense of OMac.
  7. Pray for a game-ending earthquake at quarter time!
  8. My Goodness! OMac in again? Heaven help us. All the Demon backs will have to cover for him against Richmond just to fill the OMac gap (and simultaneously be caught, repeatedly, out of position many, many times - prepare ye the way of the rampant Tiger forwards. Goodwin could not have done better for those opportunistic runners. We know where the attack will be directed: at OMac wherever he may be. He is as good as two men missing for most of the game and into the last quarter, three or four more men missing as our other backs display total exhaustion from the now-required double-teaming for three quarters. Frosty and HIbberd will bear the brunt of it all and Salem will be shagged by half-time.
  9. Just a little worried about Lever - despite the fanfares and costs in accessing him - becoming what might be known as a 'key defender'. I do not really see him as such; he is slight, injury-prone, somewhat hesitant yet remains a very good intercept player. He is not the player he was at the Crows, either. A couple of good games does not a summer make - let alone a strong backline.
  10. Nearly hit the number on the head. I'd be dropping out, too. That would make it 40 001 as 55 years is a long time.
  11. I just wish Ronald Dale could be heard before it is too late. He'd know what to say, do and expect - and could put it appropriately to those ears that have consistently failed the Members and supporters.
  12. Agreed in large part. Football success is about keeping a team (head) above the waterline. It does not have to be a premiership - that would be nice - it is more about being recognised as competitive, reliably so, and being difficult to beat. Three things should occur simultaneously: a ) recruiting players who can develop; b) providing a lattice upon which training and whole team development are sustained and diversified, and c) maintaining a consistent, elite team with interim / longer-term replacements at the ready.
  13. Buzz word, nothing more and twice as meaningless. If I could imagine a 'brand' for the MFC, it would be: 'LOSING'.
  14. Dump him, now! He was paid a wage and a provident fund benefit. We owe him nothing. He owes us heaps.
  15. Exactly! Are we the only ones who see it? The umpires, each game, see more than we ever could. However, they '...decline to comment...' in order for each opposition team to win from unobservable advantage.
  16. Agreed JD, but whilst Clarrie is tagged, he can and does overcome it with his sublime ball-getting skills, positioning, mobility and teamwork. He is just doing - or being asked to do - too much across a game to make up for the weaknesses in others. The one thing he cannot overcome is the illegal holding than he tolerates as a sportsman from all opposition midfielders; it is now endemic - every team does it to excess on him - yet the umpires have no sight for this - there seems to be an AFL directive that with Clarrie, illegal holding is acceptable to nullify the otherwise dominance of Clarrie. It ain't for any other key midfielder in the competition (Cripps comes to mind), just Clarrie. It is also allowable for an opposition team to do this to Brayshaw, as well, these days. That is one 'hellava weekly disadvantage for our team demonstrated by the green snot goblins. Max mus endure continuous fouls (of many descriptions) as well - as we all see at all points of the ground where Max is located across a game. Few opposition rucks challenge him for the ball tap; rather, they opt for body slams, arm entanglement and knees to the ribs. Watch a few replays on this to count the number of times this is done to nullify the best ruck in the League. Open slather on the Dees' best three. NO problems! To increase the level of disgust I hold for the umpires and their AFL directives, this kind of infringement has started to be used against Salem, if not a straight out belting before he gets the ball.
  17. His 'dive' is more artful now than his footballing skills, the [censored].
  18. The perfect, time-tested, guaranteed pathway to opposition goals. OMac is absolutely useless and with confidence but bitter disappointment, it is evident that he has cost us many games across the past two years - tonight's performance was yet another. The backline again scrambled to make up the vacancy he creates on the field (when on the field). A total spud.
  19. Sorry SL, I had forgotten Newman, as well. So easily done. Once gone, easily forgotten. Note: ...absolutely no loss to the game and its commentary status. My only question now is: Why the hell did it take so long?
  20. The Club decision-makers are obviously hell-bent on mediocrity. Something is very stupid about these selections and the circumstances with May on the ground late in the last game. The 'Ins' should be 'Outs' and the gaps in the team are widening. Is Goodwin (and Coy.) the right guy/s?
  21. Agreed, and in addition, Clarrie is asked to do too much week in, week out. May he receive our blessings for the workload and application that he provides for the first three quarters, week in, week out.
  22. What a farce. So what can the AFL do about it? If they do nothing, they are complicit in attempting to pre-determine the outcome of the game. If you watch the footage closely, you can see the the feet and knees of the Footscray player doing the rucking are pointed and moving directly towards Max's ribcage to inflict damage and his own 'blocking' on the tall big fella. What was Max supposed to do? His position of balance for a ruck tap demands that the stabilising arm is elevated above the centre of gravity in order for the vertebrae, shoulder girdle musculature, and scapula, and related muscle actions to fix the opposing shoulder girdle that is doing the movement via a brace against the force of the arm moving proximally towards the ball. Ever seen a ruckman tap a ball with one of his arms held tight against the rest of his body to keep his pants on?
  23. My eyesight is waning at times. In the first quarter, I thought that I had seen OMac on the field and thought: 'Hell, Goodwin has made the same bad mistake again!' Later, at a distance, that same player took a great mark and kicked truly in fairly difficult circumstances; I was truly amazed, it seem to me that OMac had marked the ball and kicked a decent goal, and was competing really well, up-close to opponents and running them down for a tackle. He was also getting the ball and creating breakaway distances before disposals. About then, mouth agape, I saw the jumper number for the first time. It was Harry Petty. Boy, did I feel a fool thinking OMac could do any of that onfield!
  24. It was a good game in particular aspects for Petty. Just needs regular games to balance his contributions.
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