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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. I could talk myself into that scenario being the way to go, as well. We have plenty of rotatable smalls/mediums; we have few mobile and marking big guys - suits my psyche for several tandemed zone attack forwards rather than key position forwards.
  2. The joke is as old as the hills. What you want to see about the Cats is not in their books, that are sterile and clean. What occurs under the table will never be found and disappears like clockwork, keeping all faces smiling.
  3. The evidence is before us. We have recruited well in the past two years (in particular) and player frustrations with our meagre but corresponding results have only stimulated some players to 'lift their game' (Tracca is a prime example of this). Our player development, in particular, is generally disappointing across the board; given improved coaching focus and capabilities, our player development could be further enhanced for 2020 and beyond. After all, this is the premier state of the game (the AFL seniors competition) so as members, fans, spectators and idol worshippers, we have somewhat of a right to expect improvements across the football department and to so comment if these expectations are not achieved, despite a great longevity in our loyalty and support to/of the Club. As we sit competing in such a premier league level, we appear to have not appointed a coaching panel and its diversification, its breadth, and its inspirational strategies and leadership to warrant or extend such a series of responsibilities. Resolute patience with the coaching mantras have not produced the results anticipated or achieved.
  4. Improved coaching ranks, as you have suggested, are vital to our success. IMO, we have the talent detonators, not the inspiration and the determined courage to win every ball on our terms. Fitness first, then skills, skills, skills to build something creative on all lines of the footy field. The coming year means our good recruiting for 2020 is one year more experienced and deeper, and there must be widespread realisations in team thinking that our performances this year were not enough.
  5. Sure was taken to the cleaners by Smith.
  6. Congratulations Tracca on a great season - closing strongly with more to come, no doubt.
  7. Would like to know what Yze thinks about the MFC and Smith across the next 2 years, or maybe 3.
  8. This is a good point, as if Brown would not suit our game style (?); the Kangas played the same opposition as we played across the past two years, yet we did not produce a 60+ goal scoring forward in that time. I'd take him if we could be moderately confident we could deliver the ball to him into the spaces in front of goal and kicking range as he is a great, straight kick in anyone's language. Just imagine, we might get it to him 40-50 times a season - it may not be 60+ goals a season but who would not be happy with 35-40 six--pointers from one player? Might teach the Weed what to do if we are retentive enough to keep him. Then again, we might just concentrate on Brown's existing skillset and develop his body for improved strength.
  9. Startling to realise, Vagg, that we have been supporting the Dees for so long - and Hassa was a fantastic player, he held a special place in so many of our teams - the good teams and the weaker teams. It does not seem like he retired as a player so long ago - such was his contribution to the MFC, eternally stamped in our minds.
  10. Formidable, such a combination. Now for the coach to bring out their teamwork, and delivery. It is not that big a step. Inner congestion is the one thing that prevents a premiership performance.
  11. A common, and big, ponderous realisation. We did little to improve him - or was that even possible? We will do better without such a freeway through the backline.
  12. Some of us remember his highly reliable skills and onfield leadership - provided in an unusual abundance in a rather 'wanting' time for the MFC. We who acknowledge were so interested in the Ooze that we followed his progress and rapid rise at Whoreform, providing a talented list great tutelage and thoughtfulness that he became Clarkson's right hand man, if not, a little bit of the leftie, as well. Yze is the bloke to solve the Goodwin shortcomings. I'd like Jordan Lewis in there, as well. I think the two of these blokes could be a partnership made in Heaven for the Club. The subsequent release of Goodwin from the Club would be a very good thing and I, for one, hope that the Board consider this scenario. We have the talents to go far ... to not recruit too heavily or with desperation. Onfield development and skills development is everything ... leadership and respected recognition from the players is a 'must achieve maxim' for the Club in this disappointing time. Carna far king Dees!
  13. I'd suggest that Jackson will be develop as a KPF, with chop-out ruck activities on occasion, only. That is why I referred to No.2 on current inclinations in Bradtke. As for 'best', forget it. The longer that Goodwin remains even with the moderation and talents of Yze onboard, it will be the wrong choice at the wrong time in the wrong positional deployment for the wrong outcome. C'est la vie!
  14. Bradtke is a raw talent at the moment, nothing more. Placing our ruck back-up hopes on an unproven youngster who lacks match and intense training time (for quite some time now) would be foolish and the concept of ridding the MFC of Preuss for longer-term hopes of a Bradtke talent surge in an unidentifiable future timeframe is absurd. Preuss is not there yet, either but is a long way towards the craftsmanship that the MFC will be requiring, and we have him NOW. He has several ruck back-up qualifications already and particularly, has proven himself in being 'difficult' to handle; plus, he is already under Gawny's talented influence (as experienced by Goldstein) and capable of improving even more in several important 'big bloke' roles. These are the things that interest other clubs at the moment. Our coaching team must make the effort - it must stop skirting the development of our talented list and its requirements.
  15. I'd reckon that Preuss has a fair bit to give - perhaps, quite a good deal to give the MFC. By the time Gawny plays his sunset year with a walking stick and medical assistance - Preuss has the basic profile now (with close development and well-structured performance targets ongoing) to be hot-to-trot as number one ruck, with the young 'uns so aspiring to play in the ruck under very intense development processes, as well. Game time is what the Beast requires, albeit in cameo to Gawn for a few more seasons. He's a big obstacle to any opposition side when going for the tap, leaning well on opponent rucks and thus negating their experience at the task and reducing their skill exhibition. Plus, he can kick 'em when resting from immediate rucking duties and screen anyone for the little blokes to clean up towards or near goal. Keep him!
  16. We could do with a fresh start that concentrates on both a football skilling and onfield development emphasis, obviously through a revamped FD ably led by a new Head Coach with advisors / roles of choice.
  17. That may well be the answer - even if it is an amusing one.
  18. Exactly, the Coq is way off the mark with that comment. The list is enormous. This commentator stuff is all about self-promotion without admitting that their presence in a premiership team is more an outcome of good luck combined with good teammates with exacting coaching and an individual role that they might have played personally was controlled by that scenario.
  19. ... and those disposals were at the elite level - these always were, except the occasional 'rushed' clearance - then, as for scoring shots, he was a marksman class exponent.... just played short of the half-forward line to give his deeper teammates a good chance under the percentage requirements to score effectively. Highly, uniquely valuable and wise.
  20. Nicely posited. A case of all roads leading to Rome. Coaching abilities.
  21. Amusing thing is that the more Sam says to feel relevant, the further he steps back in the realm of reality of which, relevance is an essential. As a journalist in sport, he must be encouraged to quote on the occurrences, the post-game reviews because he is way off the mark when it comes to cause and effect. Speculation is no reliable ally when credibility is at stake. All the rest is pillow-talk.
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