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Spit Demon

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Everything posted by Spit Demon

  1. I didn't say Petty wasn't happy at Melbourne. Please read my comment again, but read the entire thing this time.
  2. If Adelaide are looking to re-mortgage the house to get Petty it might be worth a look. Petty might start to lose interest (and form) if he stays and is earning significantly less cash (the what if factor). Hawthorn won two premierships after buddy left, I don't think too many saw that coming. As per Roosy's stance back in his day at the Dees, if they want out we are not gonna force them to stay. That is if he actually decides he wants out, which he may not... Gonna be an interesting turn of events...
  3. Just did a Google search to see who he is... F****n Pin Head!!!
  4. Pushes the defender in the back in almost every marking contest and gets away with it, has done for years. He is the reason May did his hamstring in 2021 and almost missed the GF. Makes me cringe every time I see him playing. Geelong, please sign him up ASAP!
  5. Haven't they also had half the picks in the last 10 drafts 🤣
  6. Yeah I get what you are saying, but it just cuts extra deep doing enough to easily kick a winning score and not getting the job done. Worse when it happens on several occasions, champion teams just don't do that...
  7. True, which unfortunately means they should have won comfortably...
  8. Imagine if it actually happened Hahaha.
  9. We were still good enough, unfortunately (as we all know) inaccuracy killed us.
  10. Would you mind proof reading before you post in future, not making a great deal of sense there... Too busy thinking about men in lycra perhaps.
  11. If it happened to one of his Lions mids the rest of the team would have bashed Maynard there and then. Apart form Viney, our boys didn't really do much...
  12. Perhaps I was wrong... Nah!
  13. If we had given him more senior games he would have stayed 😢
  14. I saw a bunch of middle aged men in lycra riding their bikes this morning. Makes me cringe every single time, especially when they take up half the lane and I am stuck behind them. Please cover up gents, I really don't want to see your bits 🤣
  15. Notice how not one (none that I noticed anyway, and if there were, apologies in advance) of the fake media were calling for Maynard to be rubbed out, all seemed to be supporting him when usually in a situation like that you see arguments for both sides... It's almost like the whole thing is run by a secret society, and if you speak out against their narrative there will be hell to pay...
  16. You just reminded me of the Mark Neeld days 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  17. Gold 🤣🤣🤣
  18. I completely agree, and no disrespect to Stewie Dew (seems like a nice enough bloke) but in my opinion a fit strong coach who can practice what he preaches will get more respect than a fat unfit coach. Look at Leigh Matthews in his coaching days, looked tougher than most of the players, even as an older coach at Brisbane.
  19. Don't care who gets the nod as long as they get results. Send them your resume champ .
  20. The first thing they should do is try to lure Darren Burgess back, sorely missed in my opinion. Then go after a gun fwd line coach and perhaps a part time goal kicking coach. That would be a good start.
  21. Totally get what you are saying, but personally I can't accept being so dominant in so many areas and still coming up short. If we were clearly beaten by the better team then I have no problem whatsoever with losing the game, but I firmly believe that at their best the Dees are the best in the comp, above 50% (70%+ would be outstanding, apparently Dees are going at 48.1% in 2023) goal kicking accuracy would have done the job in the last 2 weeks, hence the frustration...
  22. And 7.11 last week...
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