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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Absolutely, but we still need some experience in there to help them develop. If we lose Chip we don't have a ready made replacement. Someone like Merrett fills the gap and helps with that development (if he is someone we were looking at anyway).
  2. As with all of these guys who come on the market it's a question of how much we have to give up for him and if he is going to contribute for at least a few years while others develop. If Brisbane want to basically give him away for a very low pick to get him off their books, then why not? If Chip goes we can stick him down back and we know we are going to get a contest and a bit of mongrel from him each week. Reckon there will be a few interested though.
  3. And Dusty has gone on to have a very, very good season. Doesn't mean Robinson does the same but we can't just ignore him if he is available!
  4. I'm 50/50 on Robinson. He is a clearly a DH and his off field problems are a worry... but he is a very good player when fit and firing and he would add something a little different to our list. Worth a look but if Roos is worried about his off field stuff then I'm certain we won't take him. No to Garlett. Not what we need at all.
  5. Could well be it. Some will say they have no currency, but if we can off load Morton for a pick then anyone can be traded...
  6. You'll need to throw up more info than that - disposal counts do little for me. Libba has had a very, very good year. Some might say it's a line ball, but ask any supporter outside of us and the Dogs and Libba would get pick 8 times out of 10.
  7. Which midfielder would you drop out of the squad of 40 for him? Hasn't had a good enough year to sneak in. Surprised Dunn didn't get a look in, although his last 6 weeks weren't that great either.
  8. Exactly. I'll take his word over some source who is probably dribbling information.
  9. I am assuming he is still on our list yeah? Feel like it's a dumb question but any clarification is welcome!
  10. If Dangerfield is even thinking of leaving then we need to call Adelaide immediately and put big picks on the table. We have the coin as well. He still may not want to come but it's the best deal the Crows will get (outside of the Saints offering Pick #1). Don't want to derail the Frawley thread though - bit annoyed he wants to put it off till the end of the month. Disrespectful to the club as we want to move on and look to planning for 2015 and we have to wait yet another month for him to make up his mind. Not good enough IMO.
  11. What's the point of that comment Frosty? Have a crack at his abilities on the field if you like, no need to throw up 11 year old stuff. Nasher - You could argue that 5 of those players mentioned were out most important this year in a variety of ways, while I also share your view that Watts is one of our best ball users and in a team crying out for them that can't be overlooked. My money is on Dom Tyson to take out the Bluey, although Jones and Dunn won't be far off it either.
  12. Jake Stringer just cost the Bullies the game. Dropped a simple mark, turnover, Devon Smith goals from 55. Unbelievable finish and pretty poor from Stringer too.
  13. Yep, great to see them in full voice... when the season is well and truly over. Didn't see that from them in the earlier rounds. Sounds a bit negative I know but it actually annoyed me last night.
  14. Thanks for the recap, much appreciated! Obviously Chip is gone - we knew he would walk but to hear there has been an offer on the table for some time and it has basically been ignored means he won't be coming back. Good riddance. I also liked to hear that no player is going to be untouchable (although you have to think there are some who won't get traded) and that they are fully committed to purging the list, which is fantastic. Agree with the sentiments that PJ is absolutely brilliant for our club. I can say with confidence that we are in great hands for the first time in a long time.
  15. Also need to add, if it hasn't been already, that I loved the reaction from Tom McDonald when he was pinged for holding the ball in the last quarter. Jumped up like a petulant kid who was just denied a bag of lollies from the shop by his mum.
  16. Matt Jones sums this club up at the moment. The bloke runs hard to position, has a good turn of pace and can find the football. And then he either drops it, kicks it to the opposition or misses a handball from 2 metres away. The sooner we get rid of those types, and there are many, only then will we begin to turn the corner.
  17. Which North dud will bob up and kick 5 goals in a Kent Kingsley special? I'm going tonight. Still don't know why, but I'm going. I may not make it back out alive...
  18. Sure. Go ahead and tell us more about why Jones is off to Hawthorn in a few years time. We're all waiting in anticipation...
  19. We can only trump their offer in money. If that's what he is after then, if we make a play for him, we are a chance. Otherwise we really have nothing else to offer right now as a club that would trump anything Port have to offer.
  20. Not sure why you bother with him BBO, he's made 398 posts and not one of them has been worth reading. Highly doubt that will change anytime soon either.
  21. Good point. For example, if you used the 5 grades, you might say Ablett is an A+ while Jones would be an A-. A bit overly technical but might make an A grade a little more accurate for Jones.
  22. This is a good chance of being worst post of the year right here. Congratulations.
  23. Time for a break? Have a Kit-Kat.
  24. Gary Ablett Jr. wouldn't get more than 1-2 touches a quarter with the way we take the ball forward. Plus your reasoning stinks - he has spent half of his games as the sub which impacts his disposal count in a rather large manner.
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