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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. To be fair, I rarely have a discussion like this with Stu. Plus we're not getting personal, it's just part of the discussion about the game. If we lost it at selection, which he says we did, I'm only asking him what we should have done differently.
  2. I'm not missing the point at all. If we lost it at selection, which is what you started off saying - "We lost it on Thursday night." What would you have done differently?
  3. You're evading the question superbly. You do that well, mate. If we lost it on Thursday night, what would you have done differently? Asking you to name selections is not a trap, it's fact. If we lost it there, which players did we not bring in to fix it? What 2-3-4 players would have helped us run out that game, and in turn, helped us to win it? Team dynamic means you SELECT the best team possible. So what did we do wrong? Who should have played and who shouldn't have?
  4. When you consider the OP, are you surprised?
  5. Spot on Akum. In the last quarter they stopped us getting it into the corridor, and what happened? We went long to a contest and they just picked it off, got it forward and scored. Right now we have no plan B when this happens. Will be a tough finish to the season if we play like this more often, but I'm keen for Goodwin to take the reins for 2017 and see what he's made of.
  6. I just reckon it's a shallow excuse and, believe it or not, I think Stuie should know better. If we don't go out there with the right mindset and we haven't planned for a side correctly then it doesn't matter what cattle you have on the park - you'll lose. Why he keeps running with this narrative is beyond me.
  7. Seconded. Has a bad game and he has to hand over the captaincy? Please. Hogan had a mare today. Time to move him on perhaps?
  8. That's not an answer. Who would you have selected that would have won us the game. No going around in circles Stuie, no sarcastic and over the top responses. If you want to go with that narrative I'd love to know exactly who from Casey would have helped us win that game of football today.
  9. I did mention him big fella - "the captain was quiet" - but yes, it was his worst game in sometime. People on here are now quick to pot him and it's grossly unfair. How many times has he given his heart and soul to a game and been our only standout? He had a shocker, but he can be forgiven for one from time to time.
  10. Was that because they stayed out too late? I'd like to know how it was lost at selection though. Please name the players at Casey that would have changed that result and had us win the game.
  11. Who goes? It could be quiet the culling this week. Any of White, Grimes, Vandenberg and Kennedy could get the flick. Does Hogan get suspended? You would think that Stretch, Bugg, Oliver and possibly ANB would all be in line for a call up as well. Plus Frost will possibly come straight back in after missing with illness. Going to be a tough game next week.
  12. Not angry, just disappointed. I've yelled, gotten angry and been frustrated at our decisions today, but in the end I'm more disappointed than anything. But we lost the game up in the box with our gameplan. St. Kilda beat us EXACTLY how they beat us last time and we didn't seem to plan for it. No change at all. We started well, but the moment they put us under pressure we faltered. They made us look slow and we played some dumb footy which allowed them to get it down there end without trouble and score. I don't buy us being tired or whatever. Not enough players rose to the occasion. They stopped Hunt's run, Kennedy was poor, White and Grimes were WELL down on last week, Hogan had a mare, the captain was quiet, Vandenberg didn't do a whole lot... and the list goes on. So, what do we do? We reboot and look to next week. What else can we do? A few will get dropped and I think we know that guys like Grimes aren't the way forward. When the pressure lifted some of our guys were found wanting. Chin up fellas.
  13. I think what's most disappointing about today is that the same thing happened as it did earlier in the year - they hounded us, got the turnover and then ran hard the other way and made us pay. It's almost as if they sit back and wait for it to happen. Why didn't we plan for this? Only they coaching panel and the players can tell us that. Even that last pass to Acres is a case on point - they picked off the kick and then got it over the back without an pressure. We didn't work back hard enough the other way and they made us look silly. Forget being tired, forget the players on the park - this coaching effort is what has hurt us today. We didn't plan well enough, nor did we execute what we set out to do.
  14. We've been outcoached today. Simple as that. After quarter time they shut down our half back line and stopped our half forwards from being damaging as well. Plus it doesn't help when you kick long to the wing so they can pick it off easily.
  15. For a supposed 'leader' that was a horrible decision from Tom McDonald. Should have held on to the ball or just switched to the free player. Instead he handpasses to Brayshaw who had no one around him to tell him he was hot and it almost cost us a goal. Absolutely terrible decision. We are still in it though. I don't know how, but we are. If not for Riewoldt's finger it would be under a goal. Can we do it?
  16. How good is Petracca above his head? Unreal.
  17. Nah, we were better in the first. Nowhere near it in the second.
  18. Yep, very similar to last time. All the bounces, knocks etc going there was right now. We haven't been past half forward in a while. Hogan being off with a sore back doesn't help either.
  19. Ordinary start to the quarter from both teams.
  20. How good can his kicking be? He is still prone to the odd brain fart but gee, his kicking over 40-50m is sublime. His kick to Hogan was perfect and allowed him to body Dempster away from the contest and mark the footy.
  21. We are making it hard for ourselves at times, but we are the better side right now. We look great going forward and we have been excellent at the contest. Just need to tighten up a little. Viney doing a stellar job on Jack Steven as well.
  22. I agree Clint. The one thing in our favour is that we are taking our chances at the minute. We look great going forward.
  23. There was an article in the HUN about him today, and I was pleased to see that he still has genuinely good feelings about his time at the club and that he still keeps in contact with some of our former players. It was very much all about personal reasons that he went home. I do recall us getting that trade done very quickly so we could get Brent Moloney as well.
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