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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. Yep it's really our time to collect a few cups. It's the perfect alignment of the planets, players ages, recruits, fitness and staff. Despite our mini slump ( which was fueled in part by our forward line tinkering) we were head and shoulders above the rest. Next year I see more improvement as our forward line gets even stronger hopefully also with more accuracy. Maybe our win loss ratio won't improve that much as it was already very good ( I'll tip one more win) but I expect us to really pants a few teams. Maybe gws and the swans to emerge as bigger threats but it won't make any difference. It seems the lads are already hungry and focused to go back to back. Winning on the hallowed Mcg in front of fans, families and friends seems to be a big motivational factor.
  2. I think this is a really fair point. It's great the Afl is doing something like this given so many supporters couldn't go to Perth. But if the Afl is serious about creating some kind of reboot of the gf then it would have it put it on a Fri, sat or Sunday so families could attend. I like the idea but I think they could have put a little more thought into it. I'll just focus on the four points we will get.
  3. Was fitting and deserving he kicked a goal in the Granny.
  4. We are such fanatics. Just like at times many of us have vented our frustration of losing, I guess the need for expressing joy and praise is just as necessary. As Ive said many times now, I can't wait for the next season. I really do believe we are going to be even better which will be interesting because in terms of losses we hardly had many. I guess we will have even less but some really BIg the things to be delivered. I hope Hawks, Cats and Eagles are amongst the recipients. Also looking forward to seeing more fans and bigger crowds ( ones b4 covid)....If the enthusiasm from this site is any gauge, then yep our games will have more supporters and be great attending.
  5. I really cant say who the better player is between Clayton and Trac but I'm glad they are ours. I guess they both bring different levels of brilliance. I wonder which one will win a Brownlow first. Or do they cancel each other out vying for votes? They certainly have some sort of symbiotic relationship going on and always seem to find one another. I guess to define them in a few word would be Tracs sheer strength and Oliver's persistence.
  6. Good analysis of the dogs Jaded. They do have a strong midfield and I think their defence isn't too bad either. But our forward line really came together and at the end of the day we have too many good forwards to cover. Shut down our big man in Tmac ok....then bbb steps up. Close our small in kozzie then Spargo or Nibbler chip in. Fritta is simply a wildcard and hard to match up on. Add all our mids kicking goals and Max or Jackson to spend time there and your thin backline is really stretched. As you say missing Bruce cost them especially against the best backline in the comp.
  7. Yea, I thought Luke J would kinda sneak in under the doggies radar. And given that Max had kicked five in the prelim I think they could be excused. I've heard a few commentators state that the Dogs top ten were better than ours I dont agree, the real issue was that our team bats strongly all the way through. From the Norm smith medalist to our youngest in Bowey we are a club that is simply too talented. If they had paid attention they would have realised that Jackson was going from strength to strength . But I guess there wasn't much the doggies could do to really nullify our ruck duo and it showed.
  8. Face masks might be a good earner. but I'm definitely in for a couple of T shirts. Thanks a lot. All I have is a worn out demonland baseball cap. Need to upgrade my wardrobe. Looking forward to them being available.
  9. This ones the best. Any chance of one with pic of Tom Hawkins face when Max marked in front of goal in round 23?
  10. Chf your the same as me at the moment watching games from the year. Really cant wait for the next season. I even wish there were some kind of Nab cup.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Its carried them for a long time. They have also relied on a handful of players ( who are getting long in the tooth) The no crowd at kardinia I think helped nullify their home advantage but it has been a huge factor in them winning about ten games each year every year. It's a small ground with the crowd up in the umps face. Sick of playing there but round 23 was so sweet. I remember ticking that for a loss trying to ascertain our finish.😁
  12. I think the 3aw comments were after Sparrows was ...."whose to say they cant get another one". He he. I know I'm bias but its interesting that after such a long drought for what was a super prestigious and successful club. It came to an end in the way it did. The most memorable gf for a long time. Not just for Dees fans.
  13. I've sometimes thought Goody is slow to make changes but it turns out he just has faith in the lads. As for putting Jackson in the middle it was an inspired change. Love the way this bloke manages the ball at ground level.( actually Max ain't to bad crumbling this year either). Another high draft pick who has shown why he was rated. Moves so fast for a 200cm plus 100 kg player. His celebration of other teammates success says a lot about him too.
  14. Hand on heart I promised myself after our after the siren win in Geelong that I would never lose faith in our team again. If I had a dollar for every time I made that promise....$$$$$
  15. Not taking anything away from other players but Trac simply played an incredible game. He has really stepped up to the level everyone was hoping for. We have certainly had a mixed bag of results from high draft picks. I for one was wondering when we would have our own Ablett. Martin or Dangerfield. Well we certainly have a true legend of the game in Trac. It's like a switch has been flicked. The way he plays is full of confidence. Hes never afraid of being tackled because he knows he can just push a player off or simply use his strength to break free and handball. Hardly ever gets pinged. His goal kicking has gone leaps and bounds. I thought this game might be a kinda Bont v Trac but the dogs premier player seemed to have fizzled out after his third goal and Trac really went to work. I know we had great efforts from Fritta, Salem, Gus and Oliver but the third quarter was owned by Trac and the Norm Smith went where it was supposed to. I'm pretty sure that he is going to win a Brownlow very soon.
  16. One of the glaring differences between this years team and previous seasons has been our ability to finish strong. We have emerged victorious from being behind in quite a few games. It started early with the Saints game and was epitomised in round 23 against the cats. Our fitness staff need to be commended as do the players and coach for their belief in themselves and teammates. I should have probably called this thread "Ours in forty seconds" because it was no fluke. The doggies didn't lose it ....we just stepped up a few gears and took this game by the scruff of its neck.
  17. We are at 4.50 for flag faves at sports bet. Probably worth a couple of Bob.
  18. Good old Mfcss. I'm pretty sure there's not too many gfs were lost with a five six goal lead in the last. But I know where your coming from. The 3aw commentator was the same and would call it either.
  19. I'm sure it will go down in club history and probably AFL legend as the best minute of footy ever.
  20. Yep it obliterates the number of goals past the number of minutes win rule.
  21. Yeah if I'm honest, I probably felt the same. But still blown away from that spree.
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