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Everything posted by Deestar9

  1. It’s bad enough when the media at large don’t listen to Goody but surely our supporters should. He has said ad nauseum “WE ARE NOT TRYING TO TURN HIM INTO A FOWARD…JUST LEARN SOME FORWARD CRAFT”. We will see how that’s gone if or when he comes back in. And he will ….
  2. Surely you're not talking about Collingwood. Have a look yourself or listen to First Crack on where they are in game indicators … nowhere near the 2nd best performing team. Diff if you’re talking about Carlton ..,
  3. 🥱 Ridiculous comment. We don’t have a team full of A graders & the above players have filled a role & been serviceable at certain times. As have our B grade midfielders who have covered Clarry. We are not a team of individuals we are a system driven team.
  4. It was either the after match report (Richmond) or the coaches interview before the North match. Like you I was quite shocked ..maybe a slip of the tongue by Goody ?
  5. The only negative & it’s a big one is the loss of Petty. However we do have amazing depth …so lots of magnets can be spun. So I’d much rather be a “ happy clapper “ and enjoy the fact that for 3 years we will finish top 4 & we are in this season up to our necks. But wallow away …
  6. Goodwin did say in an earlier press conference that Petty suffered a Lisfranc which kept him out earlier in the season. Always shudder when I hear that word. Hopefully it’s not a repeat …looked similar to Fritch’s injury …
  7. So 1 backhanded positive…take the points …& then 6 negatives. I almost look forward to how you can spin the narrative to negativity even when we win .
  8. True & I was expressing my opinion . BTW very happy following the rainbow🌈
  9. If you read my post correctly..I said we miss Brayshaw when he drops back defensively to help our backline …no mention of taking anyone out ?
  10. All valid points but with Clarry missing & Brayshaw playing more midfield time ..I def think we’ve missed Gus’s defensive pressure in our backline . He often drops back (as in GF) & helps our backs. I think we’ll realise how much we’ve missed Clarry when he is finally back in our team.
  11. Geelong has to play at optimal level from now until wherever they end up …finals as well if they make it. With their age demographic..can’t see it. Def haven’t had the luxury of resting players his season ..,
  12. & we’ve beaten them …fact & true
  13. He was playing …in a practice VFL match with St Kilda …so technically was playing in the VFL
  14. To say a win is disgusting is quite frankly a disgusting thing to say. Sometimes you have to wonder why you bother supporting this team .
  15. I disagree with just about all your arguments & I find it interesting that you obviously spend a lot of time analysing Collingwood. I find it time consuming watching/analysing my own team. We aren’t playing our best footy right now but & I agree it’s a but …if & when we click there will be no one who can beat us. I think the majority of Demonlander’s acknowledge that Collingwood are a very good team but I absolutely believe if we bring our best & they bring theirs ..we get it done. So how about giving a bit of your “Pies love” to the team you support (or do you). The way you describe us you would think we’re in the bottom 4. At this stage both teams have been on a similar trajectory but only one team has won a premiership. Not in the slightest bit interested in how close they’ve come …
  16. Factor in their incredible MCG advantage…less travel ..even playing a team off the bye when they were off the bye..their obnoxious but loud crowd who influence umpiring decisions..I.e. against Adelaide. I can only dream what we could achieve with their fixture .. Apart from all that …totally disagree with your summation of their list vs ours .
  17. Screen mirroring ?
  18. It’s interesting..the people I was with (who are not Melb supporters) but are avid football followers made the comment…”it’s obvious Melb are in a heavy training load as they have nothing left in the last qrt “. The match against the Pies reflected that as well by both teams . If you look at our last 2 or 3 seasons this time of the year is where we always struggle. There are 9 games left so let’s temper our dire expectations slightly …
  19. Glad you’re not on the coaching committee…with the luxury of a pretty full squad there is no way or need to play someone who is not “match fit. “.
  20. I find that interesting re the noise. I was Level 3 & the crowd absolutely drowned out the “booing” of Grundy & I thought were very vocal. However overall I don’t think we are particularly “loud” supporters. Quite possibly because we watch the game unlike Collingwood who just turn up with the objective of making as much noise as possible. There was also the odd seat free on that level which I’ve never seen at most games let alone a big game so agree with crowd size .
  21. If we had lots of “needs” in our team …I’d agree. But we don’t…so I’d absolutely go for him
  22. When questioned about he break ..Maxy said “we don’t get a typical break but they make it up by 10 day breaks either side …after Geelong …we don’t play till the following Sunday ( paraphrasing) I may be wrong but feel we didn’t get a genuine bye last year either
  23. What about the JJ tackle on Nathan Murphy. Both arms free but he bangs his head on ground & gets free. Both Goodwin & Longmuir said on 360 that this is becoming more prevalent
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