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Everything posted by Monocology

  1. .....I'm on the wrong end of that statement.
  2. I will not be sleeping until 4-5am.
  3. Shame on 90% Demonland posters tonight. Some solely going Max. Edit: a symptom of years of disappointment but why take it out on these lads?
  4. Oliver must be absolutely livid with his teammates. Just an absolute warrior. Will be robbed of votes for Brownlow when deserved by country mile.
  5. I need to be comforted by Jacqui Felgate, regardless of who she follows......
  6. Can you do scenario 3 but without the mayonnaise??
  7. Will cry like a baby. ....& probably over Gosch's Paddock (permitted exercise?) to qualify as doing 'something for the club'.
  8. This one's relevant also................
  9. I have rigged up my 4yo, Clockwork Orange style, to watch Fittas 7 on repeat - now that's sweet.
  10. Is it just me or are all the Richmond players porky?? (...& yes I'm porky)
  11. I missed memo on exactly how they managed to negotiate this (or were they COVIDED earlier in season?).
  12. Totally with you. Finals taken interstate or held here, with us long-suffering left watching on the tellie, someone's cruel joke. Max needs to lift silverware for us this year on the tellie & again next year - with all of us in attendance. It's friggin time!!
  13. I remember a fateful Sunday mid-season asking that of several Crows.
  14. I heard a ripper caller on SEN today, clearly not yet accepting reality, questioning two non decisions for them by Nichols in dying minutes. Host, obviously not listening to anything he said, responed on a completely different weekend game. Classic talk-back radio. If it didn't contain 50 minutes of advertising per hour I'd listen daily.
  15. Longest 15 minutes of my life but that was a massive win against weather, delay, hostile crowd - take a bow lads - so impressed.
  16. This is NOT good Mav, I repeat NOT GOOD!!!
  17. Entire thread reading like we're 6 goals down. Take a breath. Keep our nerve & our fitness should bring us home
  18. Come on Boomers! Thank you Saints.
  19. Hannan showing us (& Ben Brown) how to kick the friggin thing. Umpires will always hate us but just amazed we've held top spot after the last 5 weeks efforts (Port game an exception).
  20. Continues to do my head in, a target found right on arc & boundary - while opposition fill holes.
  21. We really need to sort out clearances. Gawn roving some of his taps but the rest just easily collected by Dawks.
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