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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. Beast mode,well that's just prime.
  2. Etihad fly to Cairo,the 14 hours to Abu Dhabi then the 4 hours to Cairo are still more tolerable than watching a game at the stadium with the same name.
  3. They need to get guys without the beer gut who can actually get off the ground to take the specky.
  4. Thanks for the recommendations Ernest,I have read the Bhagavad Gita before and will get around to the complete Mahabharata after I have read that other epic literary masterpiece called The No T$ no B$ Thread.
  5. My bananas are celebrating the 20,000 posts. Never thought I'd hear the Kali Yuga mentioned on this thread;Hemingway,you are a legend.
  6. Haha,last week at the Saints game I had my ipod in my pocket,on it is a recording of 'om chanting' so I put it on during the last quarter which kept me calm while the blood pressure of everyone else around me was peaking so it can be used for winning and losing.
  7. Tick off a few more records now.
  8. I have my contacts in Cairo,I can hook any Demonlanders up with what you want,drugs,hookers,you can even climb a small pyramid for the right price,USD prefered.
  9. I hope this thread will be entertaining tonight because today's game wasn't.
  10. Probably worth a look on youtube.
  11. Depends on your taste of movies.
  12. and now I have The Village People song milkshake stuck in my head.
  13. This is starting to remind me of the milkshake scene in Pulp Fiction.
  14. Medicinal cannabis? I didn't realise that glazed bloodshot eyes with dark circles underneath was a sign of good health.
  15. I tell people this before most Melbourne games.
  16. Relax Mable,I took care of it.
  17. You better get Earl's expert comments on that one.
  18. Due to our players being subjected to such a southern latitude at this time of year,they suffered a decrease of the full light spectrum required by the hypothalamus to regulate the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
  19. You talking about The Expendables?
  20. I took up your challenge and looked up Stallone's filmography hoping to unearth a couple of hidden gems and ... I got nothing.
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