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Everything posted by HEMLOCK

  1. Newton for mine...sorry, for me. mine sounds bloody stupid
  2. Frawley you are a terrible terrible person how dare you do....what r we getting angry about again?
  3. enough sarcasm, now all we need is ET to send us his captain obvious pic
  4. I knew you were a scholar of sorts BBO
  5. Curry and beer, our resident stats man
  6. breaking down at training, pulling out due to soreness, let's not split hairs hardhead
  7. curry and beer is possibly a math teacher
  8. breaking down in training is a concern given that match day will place even greater stress on the body
  9. some moderators are overly sensitive, their is nothing wrong with some verbal flagellation"" from time to time (quote, unquote)
  10. Ok here it is, toumpas aint gonna be great. Move on
  11. you want to attract more nuff nuffs to this site? Why? Think you might learn something?
  12. not very far in reality most of the leading teams will continue to make strides, we r hanging our hat on young guns, we r doomed for another ordinary year....
  13. looking at his arse or his footy prowess, not a key player really at gws and big boots to fill to replace frawley
  14. We r not very good, we have castoffs in vince, cross, newton et al and some young talent which will take 2 to 3 years to show value, viney is gutsy but undersized imo, Hogan too young to dominate yet, jury still out on that little Italian, can't remember name too many grandma's slippers, frost no replacement for frawley as yet, all in all we will struggle in 2015 my friends
  15. Seriously cb haven't u learnt anything from playing kids too early
  16. truck and brayshaw will be lambs to the slaughter
  17. need to fit newton in as well so maybe omit brayshaw or truck
  18. good choice, nice that u left out frost I agree also, is unproven as yet, like howe up forward, maybe swap jones for cross and truck for brayshaw
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