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Everything posted by Moneider96

  1. Shattered Viney isn't playing. My expectations for this game have gone down a whole heap now...
  2. I'm sure it will be a tight game. For anyone interested, here is Vince talking about it: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2015-04-15/vince-on-sa-return
  3. Oh no, i think Scott Thompson is coming back for this week after dominating in the VFL
  4. I've got a really good feeling this will be a close one. Not sure why.
  5. I don't really understand why not. When i played school footy, during the break, I would watch the best teams to know what i'm going up against.
  6. Is there anyone else expecting a really close game? I reckont the game should be a ripper, because we should bounce back this week.
  7. With regard to the GWS game, apparently everyone who played at the MCG in round one lost the following week (cause of hard surface after cricket maybe?). Maybe that's one of the reasons why we lost anyways i'm expecting a nail-biter this week. We play good at Adelaide oval.
  8. I reckon Perderson and Hogan is a really dangerous forward line. Remember Pederson's game against Port? Boy...I hope he comes in...
  9. Strange. I have a weird feeling we're going to lose...
  10. Ahh it's been a while since I've been this nervous/excited for a game.
  11. It's funny cause GWS supporters think they should win; and we think we should win. It'll be an interesting game today...
  12. My God, I did not know this would get it's own thread, let alone be such a contentious issue.
  13. I love Sam Newman. Just sprayed Mitch Clark on the footy show, and Damien Barrett got really angry. Anyways, I didn't know wch thread to put this in.
  14. I think you need to calm down...
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