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Everything posted by Moneider96

  1. Honestly contemplating giving up on this club. Not only are we shocking, but we're really boring to watch. Just a waste of my time really.
  2. The umpires are killing us lol. This game is such a joke.
  3. Omg Motlop is such a gun. Worth our first pick and then some.
  4. The solution to high draft picks leaving is not to go and get more high draft picks. Fix your fookin culture first Brisbane.
  5. I'm glad you enjoyed it hardtack. Unfortunately the thought of killing two threads in one day seems a bit too much for me, so I'm staying out of this!
  6. Riewoldt apparently pulled up well. Subject to a fitness test on Thursday, he should play (according to their doctor).
  7. Look at all my posts. They are all responses to peoples criticisms. Would you prefer to block your ears, or have those who disagree with you to keep quiet?
  8. If this is correct, you could never be rational in believing a report on the morning news that the winning pick in last night’s lottery was a certain number. This is because it is an extraordinarily improbable event and therefore you should never believe a report of such a thing. But clearly that’s ridiculous. In establishing the probability of an event, you must consider more than simply the inherent probability of that event. You also have to take into account the probability of the evidence be just as it is, had that event not taken place. So, with respect to the miracles in the resurrection of Jesus, the question would be what is the probability that we should have things like the empty tomb, post-mortem appearances of Jesus, the sudden origin of the disciple’s faith (facts which are widely accepted by New Testament scholars), if in fact the resurrection had not occurred. Also I think there are some very strong arguments for God existence, in addition to the inner witness of the Holy Spirit. This would take way too much time to cover though. Type ‘reasonable faith’ (for beginners) on google if you’re interested. Mods please ban me. I love arguing about these thing way too much, and have horrible self-control . (Written in word. Hence the different font).
  9. Hey Adam. Sorry I feel the need to respond to this. I won't be visiting this thread any longer, in the hope that this derailment discontinues (I typed this in word, hence the different font. No plagiarism I promise!). You cannot invalidate a worldview based upon the failure of adherence of that worldview –- to live consistently with the teachings of that worldview. Jesus would not be implicated in the kinds of acts you’re probably thinking (i.e. 9/11) – he would not have led crusades, or the inquisition. He wouldn’t conduct jihad. The fact that religious zealots of all different stripes engage in these sort of activities does absolutely nothing to impugn the truth of the teachings of Jesus – he himself could not be indicted for these sorts of acts. The abuses of religion does nothing to undercut the existence of God. In fact, on the Christian view of the fallenness of man, we ought rather to expect such abuses of religion because it is so symptomatic of a fallen humanity – that they would take the best and most beautiful things, and twist them in to ugly and misshapen forms.
  10. Yep the only practising Christians I know are Gary Ablett, the Swallow brothers, and Alex Rance.
  11. Well HH, I was hoping you could put your money where your mouth is. The second part I agree with. I'm sorry.
  12. Nice arguments mate. Pm me any further objections so we can stop derailing this thread. Thanks Rjay. Wish more people were like you!
  13. Honestly, I thought he was being serious. If it was meant as a joke -- I'm sorry!
  14. I assume your using the invisible pink unicorn to parody the inference to an intelligent designer of the universe. This argument is flawed. Unicorns would be pink if they reflected pink electromagnetic radiation. However, in order to be invisible, the unicorns would reflect no electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, the term invisible pink unicorn is self contradictory. Thus, we know absolutely that they could not exist. Before using intellectually lazy rhetoric, I suggest you read some of the works of Anselm, Plantinga, Aquinas, Leibnez, Sorely; and a host of other philosophers. Also you could type 'reasonable faith' on google (for beginners), and read some of the material there. If anyone wants to talk further, for the sake of this thread, PM me.
  15. I'm pretty confident Dangerfield won't be leaving Adelaide. The passion and emotion he is playing with for the crows, to me, looks like a guy who loves his club.
  16. I sense a lot of people here think of Christians as smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behaviour of others. Please understand that this is not true Christianity. True Christianity is where we recognise that we are fundamentally unable to get to Heaven, to connect with God. Therefore, we must humbly ask Him to come to us. We must ask Him to do what He wants to do, which is to bridge the gap between humanity and the divine. There is no pecking order where some of us are morally superior to others. I understand that some of you guys don't believe in a God, or a Heaven -- I'm just hoping that you recognise that there are Christians who aren't self righteous [censored] lol. Anyhow, back to the footy.
  17. Yep bugger Garry Ablett, the Swallow brothers and Alex Rance. Darn Christians!
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