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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. I don't understand why supporters are so hung up on how much we are paying him. If he left, it would have been to an even bigger pay packet from another club and you would be whinging about him leaving even more...
  2. So what are the likely/suggested changes for this week? Any word on how T Mac has pulled up?
  3. http://www.australianuniversities.com.au/directory/student-numbers/ I suggest you read the above link re your 55% It seems you plucked this out of thin air. It's closer to 20%
  4. Are all international students Chinese?It has nothing to do with being "dirty on that population." That's just a stupid comment. And I've simply been replying to questions asked of me or people who have quoted my posts, it goes both ways. But above all, don't turn this into a race thing, you're better than that.
  5. You fail to see the bigger picture, international uni students will all get on board!! *jokes
  6. And out of those 10s of thousands you want to appeal to melb uni international students. They do not account for "a large chunk" of Melbourne's population.
  7. It's not going to pan out at all because it's not going anywhere, it was about facilities. I would hope the management of the MFC are smarter than thinking the way forward is to tap into international uni students. It's laughable.
  8. Absolutely spot on, it's all about winning and not international uni students, please.....
  9. No we are looking at it realistically. What's with thinking just because we transfer facilities to Melbourne Uni all of the international students are going to sign up and become supporters? You are kidding yourself, they couldn't give a flying [censored] about AFL. International uni students are not the answer, honestly, it's almost laughable.
  10. I'm sure the major part comes from Freo too. The main reason why I brought it up some because I was unsure of the legalities of it, considering it's not just Pav but a number of players.
  11. Not sure how it works but he is definately an employee of a major sponsor. I assumed secondary employment would be ok but not with a major sponsor.He's been payed by them for years.
  12. I didn't realise Mundy has resigned, only just read the article. Fair call. Pav and a few players are on the books at a sponsor of there's so might off set some salary cap expense.
  13. To Fremantle to replace McPharlin.
  14. Actually it's quite a funny point. A few years ago when travelling to the states we left the JFK airport and not long after leaving sighted a billboard advertising the New York Yankees, I remember it looked like a movie poster. Anyway at the time I thought it looked cool as [censored] and couldn't wait to go see a Yankees game, I did and I purchased a ball cap and guernsey.
  15. I was going to comment but couldn't be bothered. People are football nuts over here.
  16. What study are you basing your comment of "..bring us 1000's of supporters overnight"? I realise your probably being facetious with the overnight comment however it's just a silly call. Going to a uni won't change a thing. Success on field will.
  17. No need to be rude because people have a difference of opinion. I go to uni (albeit in WA) and we have a close affiliation with Fremantle FC. The overseas students could not care less about AFL. That won't change regardless of building facilities at a Uni or not.
  18. Absolutely spot on. People are getting far too ahead of themselves.
  19. Who? The international students who come here for a degree? You're kidding yourself. Sorry but I'm a realist.
  20. Kids who can't afford memberships or care less about football.
  21. He's contracted until the end of 2015. Apparently pick 3-5 could secure him though. Unfortunately I have seen nearly 0 GWS games so I couldn't comment on whether he is worth it or not.
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