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Everything posted by deanox

  1. pressure was off because the game was already lost, nothing to do with selwood who beat him pants down in the early stages of the game, which coincidently was when the game was there to be won or lost. davey could have had 100 touches in junk time but we got belted, it didnt matter. i want him to get the ball and kick goals when we need him too, not when the stats are meaningless. i know i use stats on this site to support arguments regularly but what you say regarding stats is ridiculous. of course stats lie. they are not always accurate, and are only an indicator. in this case the stats don't reflect the fact that davey got smashed when the our team needed his spark to get a lift. once again, and apparently every poster other than you agrees, punching someone off the ball unprovoked is not tough. maybe he was pushed and scragged. to me thats not justification to punch someone. he did the wrong think, looked like a goose, and i guarantee you for the next couple of years at least opposition players will get stuck into him at every opportunity trying to provoke a reaction. he stuffed up and has to spend 2 weeks out. even you cant disagree with that.
  2. im not sure i agree with this either. handling a tag too me means not letting the tagger get under your skin and still performing. the tagger got to davey, davey got dragged, and came back on and kicked goals when the game was over and the pressure was off. and regarding the comment about 'letting it off' i would much see him let it off by throwing the ball at the fence ala brock, or mouthing off at an opposition player (not the umpire) than punching a bloke and missing two weeks. punch the ground, kick the fence, yell a bit to fire ourself up, but punch some one in the guts???
  3. syliva plays for the mfc. i assume you are already a member. at night on the queens birthday public holiday the mfc players were allowed to go out drinking. they were effectively on holiday. do you drink? i assume that if you are responsible you won't go getting smashed the on a week night when you have work the next day, but on the weekend, or when you are on holidays you might occasionally have a few too many. football players dont have a choice to drink normally because their job requires them not too. it was probably the first drink sylvia had had since pre season, or even last year. sylvias drinking did not effect his performance on the field, and it did not effect his teammates. davey punched a bloke. do you punch people from work? i assume not. i'm not saying you said aaron was smart, im saying that sylvias decision wasn't illegal and it didnt affect anyone but himself... i don't know why you think you're right, cos clearly you're wrong. again.
  4. do we have a list of how many players are actually available? that was fun last week lol
  5. the thing i will remember most about robbos career is his ability to play above his height. for a little fella he has been asked to do some big jobs at CHF, FF and as our only 'tall' forward at times. while he doesnt always pull it off he always tries his hardest. 363 goals in 199 games. imagine if he had the benefit of playing as a flanker for his whole career on the number 2 or 3 defender? he will be remembered as the heart and soul fo the club at times. well done robbo on your 200.
  6. i understand your post hannabal but too me godders is in a group with holland, ward, brown, bizzell, pickett, ferg, jamar, and a couple of others that are in the firing line for one reason or another. while godders disposal is poor he performs better, imo, than many listed above. while he will always be one of the group to be culled, when he performs like he has this year he saves himself. you can't delist 1/4 of the list.
  7. i know its suggested by CB in the other thread but for those of us who have slower downlaod speeds or limits on our downloads for the month you sure you couldnt make a one off smaller compressed version for us? lol
  8. demerit points still means he did something wrong meaning bad record... regarding small forwards, you're right, we struggle in that dept. id like to see buckley or even CJ tried in that role this week. im afraid that it might get byron back in the side to play in the forward line...
  9. i think there a couple of definitive issues that need to be covered in this topic. our devliery into the forward 50 is a problem. we have lacked foot skills all season. watching the ball kicked above davey or robbos head continuously made me cringe. those two presented all day (robbo was beaten by patfull who punched well but i think thats because of his insistence to jump at the ball and mark on his chest, rather than take it out front) but the kicking to them was generally poor. especially when compared to the lace out ball brown got early. davey is a short man (coincidently so is robbo, just not as short). they are not going to win overhead marking contests, especially not against taller opponents. davey, if on the lead needs the ball out in front so he can mark it in front of him, not above his head. we are better off grubbing it in front of davey and letting him run onto it imo. we need to work on the skill of our passes by foot, giving our forwards the best chance to win the ball. a further point i wish to add on foot skills is the penetration of the kicks. not necessarily distance, but the ability to spear a pass to a player rather than kick a floater. a flatter pass hits the target better. thats why CJ did some nice things on the weekend, he has good foot skills. secondly i think it is worth noting the number of opposition players around the contest when the ball is delivered into our forward line. this can again be contrasted with the numbers around brown at the other end. there could be a number of reason for this. early in the brisbane game the brisbane mids hung back in the centre rather than pushing forward with the thrust. this works twofold. firstly it keeps our mids away from the backline as we can't afford to let them roam free and by the time we attempt to zone off the kick and mark had taken place, our players were there too late. secondly the brisbane mids are in position to defend our forward thrust, are already in positions to cut us off across the half forward and wing, and are close enough to zone back to provide an extra man in the contest, if we turn the ball over and gain possession. thirdly our movement of the ball is simply too slow. although i believe this can be a symptom of the above point i think we take too long in general. we have a number of players who dont take the first option. we also have a number of players who take the first option and stuff it around, so the solution to this is not clear cut. our decision making in this area is poor. do we take the quick option and risk turning it over? do we look for the safe option? i think if there is a quick safe option that gains ground it should always be taken immediately. long or short, as long as it is safe. if there are no options slowing it down a little is acceptable. unfortunately we have a habbit (and i'll use doggy brown as an example) of playing on quickly and having no one to give it to. is this again a symptom of the opposition mids hanging back? there is another point id like to make on this topic and that is the game plan. i saw a number of times on saturday night brisbane players (simon black in particular) switching the ball as he delivered it inside the 50 to brown. was this a set play or was it simple smart footy between two great players? was brown instructed to run there or did he do it because he knew it opened up space? if he just knew that is amazing football. if it was instruction, great coaching performed and by well drilled players. either way, our players need to be taught. our "hot spots" are either obvious or not planned. leading in towards a pack of midfielders won't generate space, but if the players know certain spots where to lead too the midfielder delivering the footy knows exactly where to kick too. the problem with this is that the forwards need to be smart enough to learn where to lead and the mids need to know where to kick it too, whether the player has led yet or not...i suppose this becomes a lot easier when you have one main forward target and a group of skilled mids, as opposed to 3 or 4 different targets every week. thoughts?
  10. seems like a contradiction in terms to me. if he offended in the last 12 months i assume he has a bad record in that period?
  11. is robbo even in the leadership group?
  12. its amazing how you two just love to try and dig up another fight. do you sit at home and talk about how you can provoke another argument over the family dinner? this thread has nothing to do with brock mclean BB, and the incident i am assuming you are referring too (brock throwing the ball away) was completely different to the davey issue. davey punched someone in the guts. in front of the umpire. you could probably compare brock to mcenroe if you want, but not davey's example. and bandwagon, again there is a difference between punching a player on the field and drinking on your night off. sylvias drinking affected only himself. and he had made a choice to go out drinking hard. maybe not a great choice, but the circumstances are completely different to davey reacting to a tagger by punching him and then hitting another player because he cant control his temper.
  13. you obviously didnt watch the australia versus jamaica netball tests recently, you would realise that at the proffessional level this sport is pretty hard at it also. and ive watched womens rugby. i believe thats a girl sport. but its pretty hard at it. i think you meant to say we play afl, a contact sport, not a non-contact sport. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. and for the record, mcenroe never hit his opponent to fire himself up. davey can do all the yelling he wants.
  14. there is no room for emotion in footy lol
  15. regarding robbo, he was beaten by a better player on the day. patfull stuck close on the leads, and he checked him closely. but i thought robbo worked hard to make a number of good leads. perhaps we needed to try and get patfull away from robbo for a while?
  16. not necessarily. he got a taste this week. it might be good for him to now drop back to sandy where he can work for 3-4 weeks, knowing the areas he needs to improve...if he improves bring him back against for another taste and so that he can see the improvement. there is not always good in having someone run around above their level, and it is sometimes just good to have a learning experience. that being said often another week or two could see him adjust to this level... this only applies if there are fit replacements however...
  17. i'd be happy with geelong. i want it to stay in vic priority 1. out of tehm i want collingwood least, and essendon second least. otherwise i'll cope. geelong, north, hawthorn, bulldogs in that order...
  18. i thought CJ did pretty well today...17 disposal, 8 marks, not heaps of game time...his disposal was among our best. bate got a bit of it but i was dissapointed, he didnt do much that was damaging. and he struggles for pace those first 2-3 metres. brock and bate both need to work hard over summer on their first 3-4 steps. in fact it wouldnt hurt anyone in our team to work on early acceleration. we dont need to be fast, just need a bit of power to break the tag occasionally. patfull played a fantastic spoiling game for brisbane, and apart from jon brown possibly was their most influencial imo. robbo was our main target, if he was allowed a bit more space he could have had 6-7 today and patfull kept him to 1.3.
  19. lucky you backed that up. him and the other mfc player were getting jabs and elbows, sylvia pushes him away and it gets paid against him??? the free kick count was listed as 16-22. i think it was more like 10-22...
  20. daveys punch was too the stomach not the balls. clearly from the replay. and while i wont say he is allowed to punch a player the bloke he punched was pushing and pulling him by the shirt while they were off the ball, and had been doing it since the first bounce. i don't understand why the free wasnt reversed however when the player came through and cleaned him up. also why didnt godfrey get a free when struck to the head behind play? dunstall is an idiot. i cant remember his commentating from another time but saying things like 'godfrey deserved it, taggers are scum' doesnt warm my heart, or prove that he has any brains. we got 1 free kick in the first, and 1 or 2 in the second. we are getting smashed, and this compounds it. the commentators are ridiculously one sided brisbane. mcdonald is captain, and playing alright, getting a bit of the pill. chook is our best atm closely followed by white dunn, and chunky. unfortunately none of those three are in the best 10 on ground. dunn is impressing me more and more. good kick on him and he is going in hard. ward as usual is going in hard but his disposal is pathetic. that isnt helped by our midfield which is getting spanked. we are not making space, we are not presenting, this makes choosing options very hard indeed. we are falling down across the HF/wing line with no one presenting. when we do get it there the forward structure is killed by brisbane players dropping back. we're not moving the ball on quick enough to use free space. brisbane are doing a great job of keeping their midfielders out of the way. they are obviously using their half forwards as the target across half forward leaving the forward line open for brown and co. the mids are then setting up outside the 50 to keep it in. similarly when we go forward, their mids drift back to block that space. is it because our mids are going in there too? once again (like the richmond game), brisbane have numbers on the opposite wing allowing a quick change of ends (and once again more space for the forwards). is this due to loose men? i don't think so, i think it is due to our unaccountability, but more for after the game.
  21. and in all honesty, richo has kicked over 700 career goals. his marking is phenomenal at times, and he has been known to kick it 60+ metres. if he was a more consistant kick he would have kicked 1000...
  22. i think sandy asked for those sunday games for some reason, but i cant quite remember why. could be wrong. it could be related to the mfc having a pile of sunday games, allowing the teams to play at the same time...
  23. i think the point is that you need to get em young to teach em the game. you need to draft them at 17-18 so they can spend 2 years learning about afl before they are ready. at that age they are still hopeful of professional sport in america. say they don't get drafted and we snare em at 20-21, its 2 years before they are good enough and then they are 22-23. and there is still no guarantee. we can pick up an aussie at 17 and have a fair idea within 3 years...
  24. i was making the point that you cannot argue that it happens often as an excuse for his behaviour. i was also arguing that just because you dont read about it doesnt make it serious. claiming that it was just a typical saturday night is fine. but if thats a typical saturday night for voss i don't think he'd make a very good coach. most people dont go out and get in a fight on a typical saturday night. and most people who have been punched outside a nightclub would probably argue that it caused them some serious angst.
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