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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Good post 2 sheds. Food for thought for some.
  2. You'll wet your pants if we actually develop a star in this club
  3. We did. No takers. Is Carroll still actually on the 2009 list?
  4. There was no interest offered in trade week. The club said in a statement: "Chris Johnson was offered a playing contract with the Melbourne Football Club for 2009. He and his management have since requested for Chris to be delisted, so that he could pursue other playing opportunities for the future."
  5. Zomer is lucky. Wona on and Valenti to remain a rookie.....as expected.
  6. For the record, I have deleted 10 spams. Busier day than most. I hope Nasher can arrange the "fix" to get rid of the problem completely.
  7. Not necessarily although no doubt you would like it be. Or either young players take consistent reinforcement and practice to develop the skill sets necessary to play competitive football. In the longer term Bailey will be judged on his success or failure. However if you join a Club and what you are trying to teach the players is beyond the players capabiilties then it is a good indication that the some or many of the players need to go. And this process has started.
  8. Nasher is the expert on this. However there will also be the requirement for a moderator to be available to vet within a 24 hour period. Mods are are around but may be all missing on occassions!
  9. He will then finish his contract in 2 years!
  10. Given the squad they had to choose from and given how tough the year that had been on the team the result was neither surprising nor unusual. How would he have been able to correctly nullify the situation given the state of the year and with the tools he had? You dont like big thrashing but you dont like throwing an extra man in defence is designed to limit the downside? Gotcha. In most of the games this year we got carved up in the midfield from centre bounce early. So the spare man in defence was one play to stem the tide. And you have undone your evidence about number of possessions by realising the quality (or lack of) quality in them. Possessions in today's football are cheap. Its what you do with the ball when you get it.
  11. And what are we to make of that? <_<
  12. The software does not currently allow such functionality at present. Personally I prefer that not happen as there may be bona fide members (ie those who wont use bigpenis) in their tag name who get denied access. Also some of the names seem quite normal that carry the porn spam and I would normally pass such a name (in absence of content). I understand the Web server administrators are looking at a fix which we hope will be implemented shortly. Thanks for the interest in the issues
  13. I could not care about how many years we have invested in a player as a criteria for keep him. On that critieria we could still have Chris Lamb on our list for ever waiting for him to come good. If he is not cutting the mustard and no matter how you floss it CJ is a fringe player. Furthermore the only relevance of being the son of a former great is where you get him under the F/S rule. After that he is in the same position as any other player. And if you missed the trade week and by your comments you did, only six trades were down amongst 16 clubs. That tells you that you cant trade these players as there was no interest in him during trade week. And he was hocked around. No takers And who said about delisting him? He apparently has been offered a 1 year contract. Retaining players who have known limitations (a well worn practice at this club) is proven bad business. Heaven knows what posters will rave on about when we actually get a star at the Club! Were you inferring that they would be "stars" later in theri if not immediate? Otherwise the reference raised by you about "stars"was irrelevant because no one has said CJ has to be a star. However many posters do recognise where he is at. As for a premiership, CJ is not a critical keep towards a flag. At this point, he still has to prove he is criticial to the future. I dont think he has but has been thrown a lifeline. His value in the team is as a fringe player whose role could be covered by a number of other players. He has been offered a year to consolidate his career at MFC or he can chase the bucks at Carlton.
  14. Redleg is right. It is a 3 year contract. Dont get dissappointed when he is still training with us on 1 Nov next year.
  15. My understanding is that the Bubbledome tenancy deal is not finalised and there are concerns about its appropriateness as a football and administration base for MFC. I understand that the proposed administrative office space is not big enough nor easily expandable to accommodate MFC admin requirements. There is still alot of water to go under the bridge for both the Casey and Bubbledome. We also need to get a more viable ground usage tenancy arrangement with the AFL.
  16. While the fixturing and the MCG deals are difficult ones for MFC, you are gilding the lily to suggest our attendances are not too bad. We are presently financially rooted due to a number of issues including the matters you raise. Geelong has indeed been squeezed by Kardinia Park and where they rank on the list above will alter the accuracy of the analysis. What KP does is that it compels Geelong supporters to buy a membership and reserve a seat otherwise they may get a look in at a Cattery game. Its also tailor made for their corporate entertainment.
  17. Absolutely. In many cases they froth at the mouth at ordinary MFC players that can barely scratch a game in one of the most deserving bottom sides in years. N Buckley was an elite footballer/star for a decade or more and if he had an MFC guernsey we would be holding him in the same ranking as Flower.
  18. A smarter post would have recognised that its 5 names out about 160 names over the past 10 years. And Simon Buckley???? ATM, a fringe player in a bottom side. Nothing to crow about at this stage. Category 3 "depth" players are a dime a dozen and I dont know why supporters are so keen to retain them. And while not all players are born to be immediate stars, most players will never be stars at all over their career.
  19. Let him train with us so MFC can assess him before giving away a PSD or rookie list spot. Unless the Club know his form and decide to steer clear.
  20. Good on you Goose, a typically thoughtful and sensible solution from you that has the Clubs interest at heart. That'll show'em legend. Kick'em where it counts. They cant be spelt either. Its 3 years...unfortunately
  21. Contracts typically lag performance and market conditions by up to 2 years. And its the wonderful skill of hindsight that you employ to make your case. Your suggestion would be laughed at by player managers who realise their client could do better through negotiation with a sensible employer. Hell, its hard enough to get players to come to MFC and then to retain them without burying our head in the sands. Hypothetically whats the difference between a little and nothing. Is a little a 4th or 5th round? You should fret the big things not the little. Lets get the blinkers off and think through the "he's under 23 therefore must be part of the Bailey's future plans". He's C grader who has limited upside. MFC's offer reflects that assessment Whatever Newton and CJ would be on its small $$$$. The difference is that the FD probably reckon in the absence of better options, Newton should be persevered with over two years. As another poster said we have Grimes and Pettard potentially playing for CJ's role. FWIW, I think we should have shoved Newton on this year. And if he stars I was wrong. But.... However I dont think one wrong decision necessarily justifies making another.
  22. As previously advised on this site, an upgrade to the server is coming to eliminate this soon. Just ignore the spam. We are the ones that have to endlessly delete the stuff.
  23. Would it? A long shot rumour? Careful CJ is a C grader with question marks about his capacity to stand up to AFL pressure. MFC sought to trade a number of players including CJ but there was no interest during trade week. Its a measure of Carlton's esteem for CJ that they would not have parted with a 4th round pick for him.
  24. How do you know that Carlton actually showed interest in him during trade week? The whole trade week was defined by a lack of Club(s) interest in other Club's players and the ridiculous salary expectations of player managers. A fourth round pick is 49 to 64. Hardly worth your hissy fit is it? Its almost akin to a PSD pick in so far as what we could do with it. (ie recruit a Stefan Martin type) And in regard to CJ, neither Carlton or MFC would be talking sheep stations for the player who is at best a ftinge player with question marks over his capacity for AFL pressure
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