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Everything posted by mo64

  1. Just booked my ticket to see their first gig in 19 years. Can't wait.
  2. Tyson Stengle has been a raging success despite far more serious transgressions. People can change under the right guidance, though I'm not sure that De Goey wants to change.
  3. We have 3 KPFs playing at Casey and Tomlinson hasn't played up forward since arriving at the club. If the coaches had any inkling that Tomlinson could play the T Mac role, surely they'd have tried it at Casey. At least Petty did play that role in 2019. If BBB is doubtful, I've got no idea what we'll do. The obvious move is to play JVR, but I've given up predicting.
  4. Watched one of saddest football stories on the recent "On the Couch". Patrick Bines who played as a West Coast rookie in 2019 suffered a neck injury whilst playing for the Eagles. Didn't seem too bad at the time, just like a stiff neck when you sleep badly. Was delisted at years end, but subsequently the pain from the injury became so horrific, and despite trying everything, he resorted to calling a euthanasia clinic. He received no financial assistance from the AFLPA, because unless you are restricted to a wheelchair or had a limb amputated, you weren't covered. His story was covered by Jon Ralph, and an Insurance Claims expert saw the story and was so moved that she assisted him in receiving a payout from the insurer AMP. Peter Jess also assisted him. He still hasn't received any calls from the AFL or AFLPA since Jon Ralph broke the story.
  5. I didn't get the email, but went into the club's website, and clicked on the New Balance 20% off offer. I just placed an order and the 40% discount included. There were only certain products that had "Melbourne FC 20% off" under the item. When I ordered them, a 40% discount was calculated. I didn't have to include a discount code or membership number.
  6. Pies clear up cap space and get better chasing GWS talent. Grundy's $700k x 5 years for a player we don't need is a burden regardless of what picks we give up.
  7. Clurey didn't run the ball out of bounds. He was in play but the ball was over the line when he kicked it.
  8. Rendell is an [censored] around draft and trade time. That's an awful deal for Melbourne and the Pies make out like bandits. As if Max as captain would be happy to play 2nd fiddle to Grundy. Plus Max is an unproven forward. Rather than wasting $700 for 5 years on Grundy, how about targeting a young key forward either this year or next, and acquire a developing young ruckman. Weid is steak knives to any deal. He might improve our draft position in the later rounds like 3rd or 4th.
  9. Freo needs to free up cap space to fit in Jackson next year. Lobb is still contracted next year on app. $700k. I doubt that we want to take Lobb or his contract. If people think we'll get 2 top 10 picks plus Meek as steak knives, they are kidding themselves. We got pick 6 for Hogan and Freo got pick 5 for Cerra. Our best case scenario is 1 top 10 pick + another 2022 late 1st rd or Freo future 1st + steak knives Meek.
  10. I don't judge De Goey but whatever allegations that have been made against him whilst overseas, but I do question his judgment in going overseas in the first place. The timing of those trips screams of lack of professionalism, as it seems that football is a means to his lifestyle. Personally, I think the "No DH Policy", is a load of rubbish. Martin Pike was seen as the ultimate DH when at Melbourne, and ended up a 4-time premiership player. Roos admitted that we had the chance to get Toby Greene, but he was seen as a DH. As long as players abide by whatever the club require of them, I couldn't care less what they're like off the field. Although I might draw the line if they love Rap music. (A reference to all the TISM fans).
  11. Firstly, if there is an opposition player between you and your teammate, then the player with the ball still has to weight their kick or handball perfectly. In the Langdon instance, it was more difficult for Fritsch to pass the ball to Langdon than to take the shot. It would require a 10 metre lob across his body and over Menegola. He just miskicked his dribble kick. In the Spargo instance, he just backed himself to kick the goal, which is his role. The Trac one was the only instance where he should be criticised, as Trac was clearly in his vision with no opposition player in between. It wouldn't be hard to dig up instances of player X having a running shot from 50m with teammates open in front of him. Guys like Dangerfield and Trac do it all the time, but I'm sure their coaches encourage them to back their abilities and instincts, even though it may be the lower percentage option. Personally, I'm glad we have a player with the hunger and confidence to kick goals. Fritsch is invaluable to the team.
  12. Zurhaar would add some X factor to our forward line which it's lacking. He's gettable because he's out of contract. A big yes from me.
  13. I just watched a replay and 100% agree. Aside from Kozzie, one of things that got us switched on was the physicality at the contest by Viney, Sparrow, Harmes and ANB. And the calls for Fritsch to be dropped are absurd. He was involved in 3 of Kozzie's goals. Without him, our forward line looks impotent.
  14. Laurie didn't train prior to the team leaving for NT, so he may well have been out with Covid. I'm still in the camp where JVR has to be given a chance asap. If our rucks were fit and firing up forward, we could get away without another KPF. They're not, and BBB needs help.
  15. I'll confess that I have high standards of Trac, but there is something seriously wrong with his kicking. Included in your stat line of 9 score involvements and 83% disposal efficiency was a shank in the 2 qtr that barely went 25 metres but still ended up in a 2 on 1 our way, but only a point resulted. Offhand, Trac seemed to get a lot of possessions in the last qtr once the game was sealed.
  16. Just having a post round chin wag with mates on Whatsapp, and I said that Jackson will take over the mantle from Brodie Grundy as the most overpaid player in the AFL next year. One of my mates who is a real estate agent in Perth posted a picture of a house that sold for $1.74m, and the own is Luke Stephen Jackson. He said that Jacko bought the house for his mum. Now that doesn't confirm that Jacko will leave, but my mate also added that Jacko's mum had mentioned to a guy in his office that Jacko will return to Perth. Again, no guarantee that he'll return next year, but will at some time. I won't upload the pic because it's too intrusive on the Jackson family.
  17. Shhh!!! Don't mention training loads.
  18. It's the only time I haven't cringed with the "Oi, Oi, Oi" chant. "Kozzie, Kozzie, Kozzie, Oi, Oi, Oi" was music to my ears.
  19. It's not hard. 13 kicks - 39 pts 1 handball - 2 pts 6 goals - 36 pts 1 point - 1 pt 2 marks - 6 pts 1 free for - 1 pt 1 free again - -3 pts 82 pts
  20. History doesn't always repeat. The fact is we are playing at 70% of our best, with a tough run leading into the finals. Our injury record is far worse than last year, and Gawn and Jackson have been bog ordinary since returning. People are just calling it as they see it, and their assessment is basically correct. Will you come out of the woodwork and admit you were wrong, should we not make top 4, or crumble in the finals?
  21. In: Oliver, Petty, JVR Out: Melksham, Tomlinson, Bedford The Bedford experiment is over. We are killing BBB by asking him to play a lone hand in the air, especially with Gawn and Jackson being non-contributors up forward. JVR has to come in. Oliver for Melksham, who can hold his head high for his effort. Petty for Tomlinson, who I need to offer an apology to. I thought he'd become immobile post ACL, but he was very good today.
  22. I'm staggered that everyone is rating Trac so high. Sometimes that clanger stat can be misleading, but not in this case. He had 10 and the rest of the team combined for 14. 6. Kossie 5. Viney 4. Jordon 3. BBB 2. Hibberd 1. Langdon Apologies to Tomlinson.
  23. You mean you weren't concerned about our top 4 credentials regardless of this game?
  24. Yeah, Weid would make all the difference. How about Van Rooyen who actually has a crack.
  25. Have you listened to Gus and Gawn lately? Gus flat out said that Andy has no interest in returning to Melbourne (city). And yet he didn't categorically rule out joining Freo.
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