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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. I hope they treat sponsors better than members. I Renewed 2 weeks ago and have received nothing and when I enquired was told it takes 4 - 6 weeks for the pack to be sent. FMD. Combined with the poor communication about Casey it is nowhere nearly good enough. The club take their membership for granted and once they’ve got your money no more communication until they want more.
  2. It’s about time he retired, isn’t it?
  3. Really surprised and not that happy. Gus’ omission must be fang related - no way could he have got up after that and Tyson must be not quite ready, fitness wise. Can’t say Maynard inspired confidence in the pre-season games - must be because he is a big unit that he was selected. I really hope to be proven wrong - which is not unusual.
  4. So much for this crap about the playing group being divided.
  5. And I bet he’s not playing
  6. Jeelong. Also good coffee in Pakington St
  7. Or eat at Igni or Bistro St Jean.
  8. Should have pictures of Viney and Tom Mac with caption - ‘ Putting our best foot forward ‘
  9. We will have seriously under performed if they beat us to it.
  10. Seems odd that it has been done now and not earlier - it usually isn’t an emergency procedure. It can really knock you around. Wouldn’t be surprised if he misses this week.
  11. Not to mentioned much smarter
  12. Another ACL injury. There is obviously a big bio mechanical issue that needs to be addressed in this competition.
  13. The problem, pure and simple, was inaccuracy In front of goal. Not just last night but all season. Conversion rate has been terrible and cost dearly.
  14. We seem to be the name on everyone’s lips. Don’t like it.
  15. What about Keilty and his ribs?
  16. He was a full forward.
  17. Glad you mentioned Ross Dillon, a great favourite of mine, unfortunately cruelled by injury but a fantastic talent.
  18. Gary Hardeman, Laurie Fowler and Sean White for me. i am old enough to remember Tassie Johnston as a great full back - Peter Hudson said he was his hardest opponent.
  19. Maxxy is a great leader and clubman - always shows up to offer support
  20. One real strength compared to last year was the number of goals kicked by the midfield. Great spread.
  21. Disgraceful attitude this quarter
  22. Add Viney to this midfield - wow. Not convinced re Bugg and Maynard.
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