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A Bit Of Biff

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Everything posted by A Bit Of Biff

  1. You sound like Fredric from Pirates of Penzance ....... if your old enough. LOL
  2. Take a chill pill dude .... FFS
  3. Hi all Deelanders Hope you had a great Christmas and a safe New Year this year will be the best, a 2025 Flag would finish it off in the right way Will try to cover training at Casey .... not happy with slitherings though. Go Dees !!
  4. Got my pack today, nice and early 😃
  5. Yeah had the same issue. Must of done the "replay" a couple of times then just went bye bye. If the membership pack don't come next year will ring up the club to complain.
  6. Interesting artical by Leigh Matthews https://wwos.nine.com.au/afl/news-2024-leigh-matthews-jimmy-bartel-revive-rules-review-committee-to-resolve-umpiring-issues/05cc9f4b-5f53-4a6b-98f8-9e9421593d2c Didn't realise the rules committee was no more
  7. I know why Kev is no longer submitting reports, but we have also lost Sartay ??? sorry don't remember his user name, he was canned becaused he was a positive Deemonds supporter. Now Lost
  8. Thats the problem I see here, we have lost many track watchers and there reports because people here didn't like there reports. Sartay ??? used to love his reports, Kev in the same boat. If the reports are canned why would they continue.
  9. And in the meantime the world is laughing and scared.
  10. WOW Like WOW If you don't like the reports how about you attend training or open your wallet and PAY for someone to report as per your demands. Me I am happy with what ever is reported by the track watchers Pull your head in.
  11. But how good is the ****z food they sell at the G Pies luke warm and chips that as so soggy I would not let my kids eat them Facilities at the G are so bad I no loger go there with my kids Train Stations are so over crowdered you are packed in like sardiens Parking is just junk
  12. Loved Waverely Park, for me it was a 15min drive. Yes the car park was mud but if you knew how to drive it was OK. never got bogged. Same era you would have similar conditions at the G Facilities there where great for the day, food etc were good. Even saw Kiss there, my ears still hurt.
  13. The worst kick IMO was Carl Ditterich. Can still remember him putting it out on the full from the goal line.
  14. It seems only 1 was a deliberate, the rest are dry lighting strikes.
  15. To any Demonlanders caught in these horrific bush fires. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I hope you all come out of it safe and sound. A house can be rebuilt, a life can't
  16. I think F1 should be open to both 2 car and single car entrants. Single car if you don't have the finances but you can still make it if you have a good design team. Also it should be open to as many teams that can put a car on the grid and qualifying becomes just that, the top 20 or so cars get to start the race. If a top team has car troubles they may miss out on the race. The other thing I would like to see are some of the restrictions removed to allow innovation, this used to be used by car companies as an advantage in their manufacturing and sales. One I would like to see is engine size and configuration, instead of specifying the engine and recovery system it would be better to specify the amount of fuel you can use for the race and qualifying and allow the engineers to come up with the best and most economical power unit. This type of technology can then be feed back to the car companies, in turn they can become more involved again.
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