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Everything posted by FireInTheBennelly

  1. Not sure I've got this right. JVR suspension was originally upheld because he was entering the contest too quickly. Hunter's upheld because he should've known his opponent was entering the contest too quickly. Is that about it?
  2. Has anyone read the actual charge? Christian hasn't by some miraculous stroke of luck, charged Hunter with contact with the incorrect hip has he?
  3. Right you are, doesn't that blow. Not sure the formula stacks up if you replace Petty with Tommo. Back to the drawing board
  4. Brayshaw to Hunter's wing, Turner in for the Brayshaw role. Petty for Bowza and plays back. Sparrow in for Clarrie if he doesn't get up. Jordon as the sub to go to that wing if Brayshaw isn't working or blows up. Depending on how the game's panning out, Petty can go forward and give TMac a shot at rotating through that wing as well.
  5. What if they threw in some jousting sticks?
  6. I hope they have video of the locker room when he told the rest of the team about the fine
  7. Are they suggesting it was worse than Darcy Fogerty last week?
  8. Fingers crossed Smith can get his fitness going and string games together. Would add another option/ dimension for us.
  9. Thanks SONS, I completely missed that.
  10. Anyone know when and how Petty was concussed?
  11. Sounds like Morgan Stanley's another Jason Taylor special to me
  12. Was just wondering if anyone received one of these mythical PMs? I have serious FOMO issues, so please help a brother out.
  13. I can run with that, only as long as the flood was caused by a burst sewerage line. Cat Stadium becomes Scat Stadium
  14. Wow. As a former croupier, I think that's disgusting. Shows how stupid a lot of punters are if they're playing it.
  15. Really? Is that a thing?
  16. He'll be catching flies with chopsticks next
  17. Yep, I thought the exact same thing as I read it. Drives me crazy too
  18. The groin bone's connected to the... foot bone
  19. Needs a metal plate inserted at the back of his skull. Disgusting how the umps seem to miss the constant punches to the back of his head.
  20. I opened up and saw a training report, and then this thread raising its head. Instantly thought 'Oh god no, who's he broken?!?'🤣🤣🤣
  21. Goldrick was just tackled without a holding the ball free kick. Yep, it's true
  22. Can we get another replay of the injury please. I want to see what an unpaid throw looks like. Thank goodness we goaled from it anyway.
  23. That umpire actually told the girls to calm down. They're getting absolutely stiffed and are right to be complaining. Looks to me like they're losing control. And did I see Wardlaw throw a punch in that last play?
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