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Who should be Captain of the Mfc?  

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You ADMIT to not knowing what goes on but you SAY players have shortcomings.

Like most posters , Know little but have BIG MOUTHTHS.

Quite Pathetic really!!!

Certainly do have a point realist. JimmyC is wrong to question the likes of Miller, Bruce, McDonald & Green on how they portray themselves and the club and as onfield leaders . They each do it just as well as McLean in there own onfield role. I can't see how JimmyC can question them when he has identified not seeing the inner workings of leadership within the club himself. Astounding.

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Firstly, thankyou for all the votes. This poll offers a clear indication that firstly, Brock McLean is the preferred Captain by far, and that a Co-captain policy is not wanted. Brad Green also received some little support for the Captaincy.

When asked for a preferred Co-Captain option despite a Yes or No answer, the three leading options all involved Brock McLean. Further indication that Brock McLean is the preferred next Captain of Melbourne for 2009 from members of Demonland with over 134 votes registered. Those selected were McLean/McDonald, McLean/Miller, McLean/Green.

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Firstly, thankyou for all the votes. This poll offers a clear indication that firstly, Brock McLean is the preferred Captain by far, and that a Co-captain policy is not wanted. Brad Green also received some little support for the Captaincy.

When asked for a preferred Co-Captain option despite a Yes or No answer, the three leading options all involved Brock McLean. Further indication that Brock McLean is the preferred next Captain of Melbourne for 2009 from members of Demonland with over 134 votes registered. Those selected were McLean/McDonald, McLean/Miller, McLean/Green.

Also a clear indication that, of the supporters that are not in favour of Brock for captain, the majority would prefer Green, as opposed to McDonald or Bruce.


I just hope a bunch of idiot supporters don't get their backs up if (when) the club appoints Bruce / McDonald / Green.

To assume that you know more or better than the football dept in this matter is beyond arrogance.

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Brad Green is by far the standout of the lot. Yes Mcdonald and Bruce have leadership qualities but they are to old and getting past it, On the other hand Green had a terrific season and led by example week in week out crashing back into packs and putting his body on the line!

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My guess for the Leadership group!

Macca, Brucey followed by Miller, Green, Moloney and Brock!!


How close will it be?

HAS THIS POLL BEEN SENT TO THE CLUB....before they decide . !!!!!! Let us, the members/supporters have a say :angry:

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You ADMIT to not knowing what goes on but you SAY players have shortcomings.

Your comprehension must be [censored] poor to interpret that out of my post. I said "from what I see".

I did not say shortcomings. I said "from what I see" Brock covered all three aspects better than anybody else mentioned. For example the other four are relatively mute in the media, I know for example McDonald and Green are pretty shy but Bruce and Miller don't say much either. When Brock speaks he is engaging to listen to, he's confident and I want him to be the face of our club.

I did not say "Brock is da best alda othas r shyte !!!111" Although that may be more on your intellectual level.

I simply felt Brock covered areas that I see and I consider important better than the others - it doesn't mean I think the others mentioned are [censored] and have no leadership ability or prospects whatsoever.

Like most posters , Know little but have BIG MOUTHTHS.

Quite Pathetic really!!!

Glass houses and other apt cliches.

Certainly do have a point realist. JimmyC is wrong to question the likes of Miller, Bruce, McDonald & Green on how they portray themselves and the club and as onfield leaders . They each do it just as well as McLean in there own onfield role. I can't see how JimmyC can question them when he has identified not seeing the inner workings of leadership within the club himself. Astounding.

You're asking for an opinion, I base it on what I see and give it. Yet because I admit I'm not Dean Bailey and know all workings of leadership within the club I'm canned for not being up to date?

As above I have not said they are useless I just favour McLean over them that's all. What's so astounding? That I don't have splinters in my arse, like you from sitting on that fence?

My guess for the Leadership group!

Macca, Brucey followed by Miller, Green, Moloney and Brock!!

How close will it be?

But you can't have a guess unless you know. :rolleyes:


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As above I have not said they are useless I just favour McLean over them that's all. What's so astounding? That I don't have splinters in my arse, like you from sitting on that fence?

No. You didn't say they are useless but you did say you have serious question marks over those players in comparison to McLean, without identifying these traits in your post. That is whats 'astounding'.

You accuse me of fence sitting? Even more astounding. Had you read my first post at the start of this thread I created you would identify with EASE at to who I believe should be named Captain. Get your facts right before you attack with your own SLANDER to fellow posters. How ironic since your signature is 'wtf is slander'.

Look who's the twerp now.

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who - could be anyone but the interesting thing that I read into this is:

Would you want co-captains in 2009?

YES [ 10 ] ** [7.87%]

NO [ 117 ] ** [92.13%]

Is there a date in the calender that the leadership group has to be named?

Re some of the prev posts.... I would have thought a captancy debate should be about why someone should be not why they shouldn't. Come on guys there all great leaders of our club anyway and we should not be dragging any of their names through the mud.

For mine Brock © with Green or Bruce (VC)

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Re some of the prev posts.... I would have thought a captancy debate should be about why someone should be not why they shouldn't. Come on guys there all great leaders of our club anyway and we should not be dragging any of their names through the mud.

For mine Brock © with Green or Bruce (VC)

Damn good point. Its nice to see someone with a bit of perspective.

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If I must go through my in depth philosophies on why player x is inferior to Brock I will at your request.

But I made my summation based on what I see - on field leadership and media profile. How is that not identifying traits? If you think they are beyond criticism at all in these areas without going into specifics I'd say you're in a minority.

But for your benefit...

Bruce to my mind often goes missing when things get tough and we need him to stand up, Green and Macca are very quiet in the media. Quite frankly I don't think Brad Miller is a good enough player and we don't have the depth of leadership and experience at our club at this point in time to have a Vandenberg style captaincy. All are in the tail end of their career and if they are still around they will be merely icing on the cake during our next premiership tilt. Brock fits Bailey's core of 23 and under group.

Whoever is chosen as captain will have my support regardless of my views now.

You asked for an opinion by starting a poll and attacked me for my critical yet not unfair views based on what I see. That's why I was worked up.

I don't really see how my sig is relevant - I used to be named Slander on this forum, wtf = who the f. If you want to take out some sort of legal action based on what I've said - be my guest. Until then it's not Slander.

I'm sure our next captain will do a good job.

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If I must go through my in depth philosophies on why player x is inferior to Brock I will at your request.

But I made my summation based on what I see - on field leadership and media profile. How is that not identifying traits? If you think they are beyond criticism at all in these areas without going into specifics I'd say you're in a minority.

But for your benefit...

Bruce to my mind often goes missing when things get tough and we need him to stand up, Green and Macca are very quiet in the media. Quite frankly I don't think Brad Miller is a good enough player and we don't have the depth of leadership and experience at our club at this point in time to have a Vandenberg style captaincy. All are in the tail end of their career and if they are still around they will be merely icing on the cake during our next premiership tilt. Brock fits Bailey's core of 23 and under group.

Whoever is chosen as captain will have my support regardless of my views now.

You asked for an opinion by starting a poll and attacked me for my critical yet not unfair views based on what I see. That's why I was worked up.

I don't really see how my sig is relevant - I used to be named Slander on this forum, wtf = who the f. If you want to take out some sort of legal action based on what I've said - be my guest. Until then it's not Slander.

I'm sure our next captain will do a good job.

That's much better. :) Yes I did ask for an opinion. Now you have quite rightly identified in detail the traits. TBH I agree with them. Now I know where you sit in terms of MFC's leadership issue. Fwiw I don't think they are beyond criticism in the areas you mention specifically.

I think it is important that you should express the specifics initially when you post, so you won't be taken the wrong way when you make a summation as in this case. Ie. "serious question marks"

With regards to your sig, its irrelevant in this discussion really, regardless of me bringing it up. I brought this up when you accused me of fence sitting. Which is clearly incorrect for you will find I prefer McLean as Captain. Because I think he is the right fit for our current list.

At least we agree on what we think is best for the team in terms of captaincy.

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That's much better. :)

I think it is important that you should express the specifics initially when you post, so you won't be taken the wrong way when you make a summation as in this case. Ie. "serious question marks"

Well Put HT, as i said before this is a debate as to Why they should, not why others shouldn't.

Brock - Young, Oozzes leadership onfield, support of the masses, marketable, courage, our best midfielder moving forward therefore will lead by example.

Green - Leads by example, media experiance

Bruce - Champion of our club, 2yrs ago brownlow favorite after early rds,

Macca - Champion of our club,

Therefore, I see Brock as the next captain for the most positive attributes but any of those 4 could have it. I don't like young forwards being captain as they are away from the action therefore rules Miller out as © at this stage.

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Well Put HT, as i said before this is a debate as to Why they should, not why others shouldn't.

Brock - Young, Oozzes leadership onfield, support of the masses, marketable, courage, our best midfielder moving forward therefore will lead by example.

Green - Leads by example, media experiance

Bruce - Champion of our club, 2yrs ago brownlow favorite after early rds,

Macca - Champion of our club,

Therefore, I see Brock as the next captain for the most positive attributes but any of those 4 could have it. I don't like young forwards being captain as they are away from the action therefore rules Miller out as © at this stage.

That's what I like to see too. I did take note of your earlier post stating "why they should, not why they shouldn't", as I feel the same way. WHilst we can highlight deficiencies some players have in terms of leadership, we can all be a little more positive towards our players.

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Announcement expected tomorrow.

Reading the article you posted Nugget, it seems that McDonald and/or Bruce are the front runners...... :angry:

Brock not mentioned, hopefully the clean Mansfield air can clears their minds to make the best decision for the club.

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I know it will be Bruce and McDonald and I only can pray that it's not.

Chooka or Green it has to be!

I was thinking about this last night. Co-Captains may not be a bad idea in the short term......

Maybe the next sole MFC captain will be the #4? He certainly oozes everything you would expect from a captain so far and he's only 17. Brock may miss out altogether?

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I was thinking about this last night. Co-Captains may not be a bad idea in the short term......

Maybe the next sole MFC captain will be the #4? He certainly oozes everything you would expect from a captain so far and he's only 17. Brock may miss out altogether?

I thought this too for a nanosecond. But if Jack is going to be the next Captain I would of thought that would not happen until he's at least 21yo. (Which would make him one of if not the youngest captains of all time). Therefore the next 3-4 years we need a captain or dare I say it co-captains in the interim. Would J.McDonald and/or Cameron Bruce last this long? Definitely not J.Mac and doubtful (whilst possible) Bruce would last another 4 years.

The heirarchy either decide on a new Captain with the vision of this person being Captain for a significant period of time, or they bite the bullet and continue with Co-captains or one Captain (ie McDonald or Bruce) in 2009, to be revised at the end of 2009.

Let's remember for the last 17 years the Melbourne Football club has had 3 well served Captains in Garry Lyon, Todd Viney and David Neitz.

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I thought this too for a nanosecond. But if Jack is going to be the next Captain I would of thought that would not happen until he's at least 21yo. (Which would make him one of if not the youngest captains of all time). Therefore the next 3-4 years we need a captain or dare I say it co-captains in the interim. Would J.McDonald and/or Cameron Bruce last this long? Definitely not J.Mac and doubtful (whilst possible) Bruce would last another 4 years.

The heirarchy either decide on a new Captain with the vision of this person being Captain for a significant period of time, or they bite the bullet and continue with Co-captains or one Captain (ie McDonald or Bruce) in 2009, to be revised at the end of 2009.

Let's remember for the last 17 years the Melbourne Football club has had 3 well served Captains in Garry Lyon, Todd Viney and David Neitz.

You are right In what you say re 4yrs being too long for Jnr or Bruce. But in 2011 there could be another "interim" captain or co-captains for 2-3 years as well, thus leaving the door open for watts to become the next long term captain. (I know I'm drawing a long bow but how knows?)

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The Age article clearly suggests Bruce or JMac. To me, JMac is past his best - and would be a one year appointment only - which suggests Bruce. Bruce makes too many errors for mine

I think Bruce will get the job - but I'd give it to Green. He has grown since missing out on the keadership group at the atart of last year- he's terrific under pressure and he makes good decisions


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