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Earl Hood

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Everything posted by Earl Hood

  1. Scott Thompson but unfortunately he got away to Adelaide, an absolute gun in my opinion but maybe never quite recognised as such by the footy public.
  2. But he was training at high intensity two weeks ago albeit on his own and with 3 assistant coaches for large parts of training and then joining in for group exercises at times, as I witnessed. But has been absent lately at training? Has there been a set back in the last 2 weeks?
  3. Seen the tops practiced at training but always from the goal square. Interesting to see it used from the centre.
  4. Beautiful morning today, dropped the car off for service in Docklands and walked along the Yarra heading for Gosch’s paddock. Watched a bit of the Moomba water skiiing, the tricks had started, then on to Gosch’s and watched the Rebels training until the JLT squad appeared. Routine session that went for about an hour, emphasis on ball skills, kicking etc. They broke up into groups and I watched the mids exercise, Gawn and Pedo in the ruck ball ups but taking it in turns to tap to the nominated mid who would call which side to tap the ball. The mids were Jones, Oliver, Tyson, Salem, Angus and Maynard. Watched Fritsch, he doesn’t do much wrong, clean hands and hits most targets. They did a few of the torpedo bombs out of the goal square and boy can some of them roost it, Pedo, Hunt, Vince all kicking it past the centre it seemed. Not sure of the length of Gosch’s but I hope to see a bit of this from our kick outs. Jetta training well. No TMac, Viney, AVB or McKenna. Lewis and ANB doing laps. Non JLT players came out later and trained on their own, including Harmes, a probable omission.
  5. Sorry, to clarify T Mac did not train today that I saw anyway. And pretty sure Harmes will be an omission.
  6. JLT squad trained first this morning, no TMac and Harmes trained with the reserve players who came out later. Lewis, ANB running laps and 400m semi sprints. ANB looks to be moving ok. No Viney either.
  7. How many 100 gamers did the Hawks have in 2008? Crawford, Croad, Dew....
  8. As to your questions the answer is no to all the above. I work off an individual management contract. However Do I detect a sneering attitude to those who work to support our community and may belong to a union to negotiate their employment conditions? And the recent history is that collective bargaining is not gaining unionised workers much above the average. But then those not in a union are being screwed over the last 10years. Let me guess you are from the self employed small business sector that believes in the Margaret Thatcher view of the world, there is no such thing as a society, there is just an economy? Lets talk conspirancies: While I am at it just think of the logistics of conspiring to falsefy the data coming into the B of Meterology that is full of professional scientists, who mostly take pride in their professional integrity and the intercity in the work they do versus the ease of throwing up doubts about climate change by wealthy vested interests via donations to the LNP and to existing lobby groups such as the Minerals Council of Australia which admits openly that it lobbies parliamentarians to promote coal. Take the example of Morrison taking a lump of coal into question time. These guys have been bought by the coal lobby, hook, line and sinker. It is a disgrace, and they cannot be trusted to make sensible economical decisions. Coal fired power stations are dead, solar power with battery storage is now a more economic alternative, but don’t expect Matt (coal firedCanavan) to recognise that anytime soon
  9. Is My Kitchen Rules a film? If not it seems like it.
  10. Interesting how you measure environmental issues in political terms. Fyck the data it’s all about the politics isn’t it? Your real issue is with your hatred of lefty, greenie types, and of course darstardly unionists. To fight that battle, you will ignore facts in pursuit of victory over these deluded individuals. Your goal is to berate greenies, not to pursue the scientific truth. You would of course rejoice in Andrew Bolt’s article today in the Hun. citing so called data that the world has not warmed, based on last months world temperature average! Can I query whether last month was unusually cool? I mean our denialists claim we need to look at the longer climate history, like thousands of years! But if last month looks good let’s jump at that one; Andrew Bolt of no known qualification, but an opinion on everyone else’s area of expertise, usually to tell them they are wrong!
  11. Sorry Doctor, I was talking about S Smith
  12. Interesting that 98 was his last year with MFC. I always thought ND unloaded him too early. Here he is kicking 5 and I am also sure that he played a few blinders down back that year due to our injury list. I am sure I remember him playing full back on Gary Ablett and giving him a bath? I do remember watching him playing down back and noting that he was a natural, could read the plY, clean hands, great athleticism when required. Think J Howe, S Wight. For some reason Daniher couldn’t see his real value.
  13. So Exxon Mobil would not want to do anything to protect the billions they have invested in their oil rigs on land and at sea, petroleum refineries? How much have they invested in solar or wind? And even if they have invested in renewables, you don’t think their Board of Directors would insist that all divisions pay their way? You obviously haven’t worked for a large business organisation and had to manage and account for your annual income/expenditure budget. To justify your annual bonus.
  14. Wrecker ever heard of context? I was replying to Ethan’s statements that it has been very cool in Perth of late, lowest average temperatures in decades. I provided BoM data showing that in 2017 Perth’s average maximum temperature was still above the long term average. So it may seem cool by recent experience but it is actually still warmer than average. Thus the frog analogy. Sorry if my wording was unclear. Here is an explanation of the beast, polar vortex, stratospheric warming. It’s happened before, so we can’t say it is evidence of global warming or global “not warming” as far as I can see. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbmPfBJlaUzoAjDVAvolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNDZ0aWFxBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1520006495/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.itv.com%2fnews%2ftyne-tees%2f2018-02-27%2fwhat-is-causing-the-beast-from-the-east-and-what-is-storm-emma-weather-questions-answered%2f/RK=2/RS=j8exN.beJoY.cq67u6YTBA1dPuU-
  15. Barry lives in Carlton these days I think, I see him occasionally going to a seafood restaurant in Lyon Street near Brunetti’s. He is always dressed in a suit a throw back to a by gone era. God knows what he makes of the current anti rationalist/science mob running the country now!
  16. No Ethan be alarmed, 2017 was our third hottest year on record nationally with El Niño in neutral. It may have seemed cool in Perth but it was still just above the long term average! At least according to the BoM’s measured data, no predictive modelling errors involved here. The old story of the frog in the saucepan of slowly warming water comes to mind. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbmKYn5daHO8A3hxAvolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1519915032/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.abc.net.au%2fnews%2f2018-01-10%2fannual-climate-statement-2017-third-hottest-year-on-record%2f9314364/RK=2/RS=DSm2CqDNJ8x81MDrDv9ynSHDcw8-
  17. Holly Shyte 111 https://www.theage.com.au/environment/climate-change/really-extreme-global-weather-event-leaves-scientists-aghast-20180226-p4z1q4.html
  18. I reckon the place is a nightmare, poor viewing unless you can get in the stand, congested parking, and usually a howling gale blowing to one end. I don’t bother anymore after several visits 5 or so years ago.
  19. So what happens in round 1 when we watch the pre-game routine of players bouncing off each other in the usual show of strength and aggression just before the bounce? Will they all be pinged $1500? The AFL will make a fortune, clawing back thousands from their employees, maybe no different than Caltex or 711 fleecing their own employees I suppose. But we know it won’t happen come round 1 and does anyone have any idea on the medical report from Norf that seems to have been a factor in this rediculous decision? Not sure what injury you sustain from an open handed slap to the stomach.
  20. I hope Dr D is right because Hogan will kick a bag every game if he is regarded as not a threat to the opposition.
  21. Have you lost the lid?
  22. How has Maynard been going?
  23. Holy Shyte 11 ocean acidification caused by human induced C02 emissions and the subsequent absorption by our oceans. You know the emissions that some believe don’t cause any problems above the surface of the seas, that is all about sunspots apparently. Rising acidity means any organism that depends on forming a protective calcium carbonate shell is in trouble and also krill populations when Rising acidity levels affect their embryos detrimentally. And now we can add destabilisation to coral reef structures https://www.theage.com.au/environment/climate-change/world-s-coral-reefs-face-new-peril-from-beneath-within-decades-20180223-p4z1ev.html
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