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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. 3 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

    I'm interested in the harmes decision. Clearly playing badly and clearly not playing the way the coach wants. 

    It seems clear to nearly everyone here that he's not a half back and he's a better on baller/tagger But we also don't know exactly the roles/instructions he's been given

    What's the verdict from ppl here. A bad move by the coach or should harmes lift his game and do what the team demands or is he stiff for being played out of position? 



    Harmes played his best as a run with tagger, letting good players take him to the ball and beating them to it and drifting forward to score early in his career. Unfortunately he is like about 3 of our other contested mids who aren’t versatile enough to fill other roles competently and that is costing us. 

    • Like 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, norwood_demon said:

    Can't find a thread on Jack's appearance on Open Mike.

    His decency and leadership sadly far surpassed his luck and speed. Now running an investment company for ex-athletes. Still speaks lovingly of MFC.

    The world is a strange place. Trump is president, Dusty is a dual premiership player (from the same draft), and Jack is out of the league.

    What number was Trump taken in that draft? 

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    • Haha 3
  3. The cats blown away early but fought their way back to take control of the midfield shutdown Bont and Hunter and just lift their work rate across the ground. Gave the dogs no time or space to run and link up. Great coaching by Scott and effort by Danger and co! Wouldn’t hurt our boys and coaches to review how to shutdown a fast running team. Hard to tell on TV but was it as simple as Geelong going man on man after the first quarter to get the game into an arm wrestle? 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Skuit said:

    I like Lockhart but for those questioning his omission it's worth going back and looking closely at the tapes. He made a lot of little errors which cost us dearly and I suspect he still has a lot of work to do on his defensive positioning within our structure. 

    You are probably correct I will need to review the tape again, didn’t notice it first time. But on review I did notice a total lack of defensive effort out of our forward 50 and thru the middle that left our backline exposed repeatedly. I thought our backline held up and wouldn’t have been looking there for scapegoats. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Deeoldfart said:

    I strongly applaud the decision to drop Fritsch.  Without decent culture, we will never have a decent team.  On this score, it seems that Bayley left the Match C'tee with no option.

    Do we know the detail? 

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, drdrake said:

    I dont mind gawn, Rivers  Brown and Jones, but omac, Wagner, we know what they offer, we need speed and forward pressure.  No idea what Bedford has done, 1 half decent game and not sited since.

    I suppose we are within one more loss of experimenting with the likes of Bedford, Baker, Smith I suppose. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, jumbo returns said:

    I’m glad Fritsch got dropped...the amount of (gettable) clutch goals he misses is ridiculous

    The midfield work their arze off to get the ball down there and he misses!

    Play him back or not at all

    Yeah he is getting in the way of TMac, Melk, Hannan, Spargo who would be kicking bags every week. Add Weid who has had a few yips. At least Fritsch marks the ball to give himself a chance. Would love him to be straighter and put more pressure on but what are the others doing? Very surprised Spargo and/or Hannan both kept a place. And Lockhart, what is that about? I thought Lockhart could be swung forward to put some pressure on as we were smashed there last week but no he is out omitted! Usually if he is being rested they say managed don’t they? 

  8. 38 minutes ago, 58er said:

    Not even a contest We are talking about a small defenders spot not an interceptor like Jake which Hore is mainly like for like.

    JAy is progressing nicely and live his Never Say Die attack on the ball and pace and aggression and line breaks We need that in our defence.

    Winder if he could play as a winger also go give us versatility?

    Hore not quick enough fir smalls and heavy enough for big talls Maybe a third or intercepting defender (when Jake out injured) but think Rivers will covet that spot by seasons end.

    I am wondering if we could use him as a defensive forward this week! The backline is working but the lack of forward line pressure was appalling last week and opened us up as the dogs streamed out of our F50 in numbers time after time especially in the 3rd. 

  9. 3 hours ago, DeeZee said:

    TMacs been out of form for the best part of two years now.

    Its just not good enough and we can’t afford to keep gifting him games until he is absolutely banging down the door with consecutive great performances in the twos.

    We have to try guys like M. Brown and Joel Smith in his position until Jackson is ready to return.

    Think we are stuck with TMac for the moment as we need a backup ruck and we don’t want Weid playing that role now that he has clicked as a KPF. Can Brown ruck? Don’t know. Interestingly seeing the Dogs use Dunkley for boundary throw-ins to some effect I wonder if we couldn’t think outside the square on the backup ruck issue. Wonder if we are going to keep playing AVB, he could play the Dunkley roll in the forward part of the ground? 

  10. 51 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    No. St. Kilda left Muir out to dry. Other indigenous players were treated like Royalty compared to Robert. I used to go to The Saints Disco on friday nights quite often, back in the day. It was a crazy place

    Reading the article this morning and then reflecting on it there are numerous players who attacked, taunted and villified Robbie and numerous officials who looked the other way but you know who failed him most, his own Saints team mates! No lack of enforcers in those days to protect him from physical abuse, spitting, hair grabbing and plain racial abuse on the field. Yet he got no protection from the senior players on his own side. Wasn’t that the basic mantra in 70’s footy folk law, we stick up for each other against the opposition, it’s us against them? They let him down big time but I don’t think he was ever accepted into the side despite his enormous talent. He was left to fight his own battles. 

    • Like 4
  11. For the Saints who will replicate the Dogs match play, run and switch play we need to add some pace and defensive forward pressure. Lockhart goes to a forward pocket with instructions to chase & tackle. Jetta comes in down back. Viney plays defensive forward and Harmes takes an on ball tagging role. Jones and Gawn  come in for some leadership and passion.  Brown in for TMac if he can pinch hit in the ruck. Need to look at Rivers, Bedford and Hunt on the bench. As to who comes out, take your pick after last week, likely Pruess, TMacc, Kossie, Spargo and/or Hannan! Sparrow injured. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, Vagg said:

    Really?  Your memory probably better than mine, but I seem to remember he used to nail pretty much every shot he had on goal in his first year.  No?

    I don’t think Fritsch is our first order problem. 10 marks, 3 contested, 1 goal 2 and 1 out of bounds! Should have kicked 2 to 3 but he is not our real problem. Where were the other forwards? Weid tried hard and took some strong marks for 2 goals but the rest? Melk kicking from 20m has the ball touched FFS. AVB? Spargo, Hannan? Pickett needs a rest. TMac is struggling but with no Jackson we need him for the ruck work and bringing the ball to the ground up forward. We have too many passengers each week. Not sure there is much in the reserves to bring in that makes a difference. Jones in, maybe Bennell. Maybe more so we need the engine room to fire up next week, Tracc, Oliver, Brayshaw, Viney, need to do better guys! 

    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    I've just gone onto the AFL website and  looked for the Rules. Apparently they are not there anymore, and the person i messaged said the Umpires were told to "throw them out the window".

    Certainly the holding the ball, incorrect disposal law doesn’t exist anymore after watching today’s game. 

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  14. 8 minutes ago, adonski said:

    Very accepting of mediocrity it seems....!

    Yes he struggled today yes but guess what he gets points for struggling, getting to contests, getting gang tackled, forcing secondary ball ups, taking it up to the Bulldogs midfield for 4 quarters. It wasn’t pretty but what were the others doing in the midfield? Unfortunately Tracc, Oliver, Brayshaw also struggled and not for 4 quarters, they went missing for long periods and when they did get it, they didn’t capitalise. 

    • Like 2
  15. 31 minutes ago, My name is legion said:

    They had 20 scoring shots we had 17. We missed a lot of easy shots, some were carried off by the wind, others the wind died as we kicked, allowing for the wind. All the BS and hand wringing is nonsense. We could have won if we’d have kicked straight. All the rest is rubbish. And have a look at the Doggies last few games where they missed multiple goals. But why o why didn’t we tag Bontempelli?

    Oddly what you say is correct yet you know if you watched the game we were outplayed for 3 of 4 quarters. And that is the worry, we were lucky not to be blown away, thanks to May, Lever and Tomlinson perhaps. We do have strengths and the ability to string together some great play but if we don’t totally dominate the midfield we are vulnerable to a good running side. 

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  16. 24 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

    Yes my wife has said it was Dimma holding Green when he was assaulted from something she heard on radio. She is not Melbourne. If this is true I hope our Melbourne media people go to town on this despicable act. Imagine throwing barbs about the 2000 final knowing you held a first year player so he could be punched by a fellow thug. Yes I suppose after saying that maybe that is why Dimma is upset I mean compared to the weak, sniping [censored] he and his fellow players did under Sheedy, Lynch is an alter boy! 

    Now my wife has shown me a picture that shows the bad Dimma holding Green with Wallis in front before the punch that could have killed him, let’s be honest. Looks pretty damning to me. The MFC media people should pile on big time on this. 

    However I suspect we will see the good Dimma reappear tomorrow to apologise for his comments and talk about great human beings and all the love etc....

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