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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. 1 minute ago, BW511 said:

    That kick to Kossie in the last quarter was unforgivable. Max has zero game sense.

    Admittedly he’d just taken a good defensive mark, but had blokes free laterally and also had Steven May screaming at him to let him know. So he kicks long to a contest with the smallest bloke on the park 

    Yep yelling at the TV but it must get back to the coaching group! Max not switching the attack just did my head in. But for some reason we stopped doing that 3 weeks ago, why? Well maybe it is linked to midfield dominance, when we have that we get creative but in the last 3 games our midfield has been towelled up by less talented groups because they are better organised. All goes back to coaching. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    Goodwin at HT said we needed to be brave with the ball, not boring.

    Either he didn't tell the players that, or they just were unwilling or incapable of trying it.

    We didn't appear to even try to move the ball anywhere other than down the wing.

    Just before the second Walters goal, Gawn took consecutive intercept marks. Both times, the only place he properly looked was the wing. Both times, he kicked to Pickett.

    Our ball movement plan tonight has been appalling, absolutely appalling.

    Yes I was screaming at him to switch play although on TV you can only assume there is someone there but this is MFC so no guarantee on that. The wife came in to see why I was yelling by the way! Dumb football, yes we may have 30 dumb footballers but I am looking at the coach! 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Supermercado said:

    Hard to do anything when four defenders go to you the moment the ball comes off the boot. They knew exactly what we were going to do forward and stitched it up perfectly. He had a bad game but could do with some help.

    Agree that is my point both Weid and Brown had no hope with our dumb, predictable entries but at least Brown looked likely at times. He did well the week before putting his body on the line and actually tackling in the forward half, that is a rarity. He looks like a natural forward to me, moves to the right spots, good hands just needs to get his set shot goal kicking right and he has about 20 mates with that problem. Poor selection decision for mine. 

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  4. 59 minutes ago, Elegt said:

    Brown was horrible against the swans

    More horrible than Weideman? At least Brown kicked a goal and laid 2 tackles amongst his 8 possessions. I wouldn’t blame any of the key forwards given the rubbish I50 entries last week. I thought Brown looked good early the few times we put the ball to his advantage. Weid never got near it. I would be running with both this week and one of Fritsch or Melk would be out instead. They must be thinking of rotating Max and Pruess forward. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, rjay said:

    Ok, this is a load of bollocks.

    A lot of games for us this year have been so called line in the sand games.

    We've won more of them, Hawthorn (they were still a threat when we played them), Collingwood, St Kilda, Adelaide (I know, but how many expected we would be the ones to lose this one...well done Hawthorn) for example...than we've lost.

    Sydney is the only gimme we've lost this year.

    The big issue we have is no depth on our list and not enough spread of talent across the ground.

    When we have to run out with the likes of Smith, Spargo, Omac, Melksham, Tommy Mac, Jones, Hannan, ANB, AVB, Lockhart etc.. then we are going to get mixed results.

    It means too much is left to too few and those too few get tired of carrying the load.

    The secondary issue is with the FD and selection of the team.

    I don't think they've used the limited resources very well.

    I think probably a bigger issue is their building of the list.

    Agree with most of what you say Rjay. I still think Lockhart has talent, Melk and Hannan have the skills but can’t be consistent, is that something good coaching should be fixing? 

    but basically it is about too much left to too few but against the Swans why did the too few suddenly revert to the same dumb play we were seeing earlier in the season, the bombing it high to that spot just in front of the goal square repeatedly and from front on so it is just so easy to defend? I noted the Swans do the same but from wide in the pocket which opened the angles for their crumbers. When we play our style, it’s so predictable, no variation on the angles of attack, there was little switching from the back half to open them up just attempts to attack down the middle. I just think we are a poorly drilled and coached team with a suboptimal game plan based on midfield dominance of contested ball and repeated I50’s. Problem is our midfield gets towelled up too often by units that work very well together to extract the ball and move it forward. 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, WERRIDEE said:

    We are a disgrace really. We get silver service from Gawn and we still can't do anything. The midfield besides Trac and Clarry are looking like trade bait.

    I am not sure about the silver service. I don’t know what Max was doing last night, he was not obviously tapping the ball to our advantage and I was scratching my head at times at where our guys were positioning themselves at some of the throw ins, is there a detectable system at stoppages? If there is I am not sure they are using the same playbook. Max wins the hit outs but Nic Nat really stands out for me where he is able to palm the ball straight to his mids advantage, that is silver service. 

  7. Yes there is a good argument that making finals and being bundled out would be counter productive with this playing group who seem too content with the odd win and good performce only to trash the good work and praise a few games later with a cruising, lacklustre performance when the heat is on. Too easily satisfied with their efforts, where is the leadership demanding a higher level of performance? 

    • Like 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, Half forward flank said:

    Under fifteens we played the top side and lost by 30 plus goals. i was full forward. Ball never came down. I got dropped,lol.

    Yes been there in under age. You know your are centre half forward you lead wide all day to get separation and watch your mids kick it to the lumbering backman behind you repeatedly. If you are big enough you just sit in the hole I suppose.  That is footy. But not at AFL level but you wouldn’t have seen that up in Cairns today, that was not AFL, that was under age suburban footy level by MFC. 

  9. Love the guy but I think that is it. He has lost pace but last year I liked that he was always made position to be an option for someone under pressure, he was always outside option, albeit without pace but he could move the ball by foot. It seems this year his decision making is right off the mark, he is struggling fitness wise and he has lost any pace he had and we try to play on the wing? Time to move on I hate to say. 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, Deesprate said:

    Weed can play but seriously who would want to play in our forward line where there is never space and delivery is absolutely woeful. It would be soul destroying.

    There is no way you could lay blame on the key forwards today. The entry was when it wasn’t putrid, it was stupid, either inaccurate or inappropriate! Can’t believe our midfield dished that rubbish up today. Under pressure our midfield failed and the heat was put on our backline big time who battled hard but failed when it counted also. A bad day that makes everyone look bad I suspect. 

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  11. For the first time this season I am passing because I have no idea. In most games no matter the outcome there will be players who stand up in adversity but today? There were contenders of course but really I just think the errors blotted out their good efforts. Max tried all day but could he once tap to our advantage? I will need to watch the replay to understand what he was doing with his dominance. Langdon was the obvious BOG for us but then misses two pot shots and coughs up a kick out that just cancels out all his good work, overall he played well but I can’t give votes for basic errors that cost us 2 missed goals and handed them one. That is almost the difference. Oliver, Tracc and Viney had their moments but were totally outplayed by the Swans unit. Sorry on today’s important must win game I can’t give anybody a vote! First time this season or any season I remember. 

    oh and as an edited addition I should mention our coaching. What was the game plan? The bombing into the forward line destroyed our forwards so I am not blaming Brown who looked good early and Weid but I can’t give them votes or the smalls who can’t function as crumbers as the ball is just lobbed up for the opposition backs to mark. Why the dumb football? 

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  12. Where are the leaders to stand up? Max trying hard but could you please try tapping the ball to one of our guys, you never know, we might get a clearance! Tracc running around but not impacting the game, Oliver and Brayshaw trying I suppose, Jones is having a mare and if we do get possessions we just bomb it in and it comes straight back out. We were doing this early in the season so I thought we had learnt something but no it’s back to dumb play 

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  13. How can we play smart footy for several weeks and then suddenly revert to the dumbest team in the comp? It’s not just playing soft unaccountable footy and poor execution but it’s one dumb decision after another by multiple players! Totally outsmarted by the Swans that quarter. Defence pfft who needs to pick up a man? 

  14. Alarm bells ringing for me we don’t look switched on at all soft tackling, back to just bombing it in and mids hesitating with ball in hand and getting caught or smothered. This quarter against the wind will be a test of how much we want this. 

  15. Just now, Jaded said:

    I don’t know. Why does this happen every week? Because it’s a rinse and repeat pattern. Are our players really too stupid to follow instructions? Are they deaf? Poorly coached? Blind? Dehydrated? Drunk? I mean really I’m an unfit 34 year old who has never played footy in her life and I can see it. Why can’t they? Whoever they are?

    I think it is called coaching. No tactical smarts, you know there is a time and place to attack and a time late in a quarter to be defensive but we don’t have a clue. 

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