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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. Can't find it reported anywhere but I heard last night that Peter Jackson is very unimpressed with Geelong, apparently Frawley has met Geelongs leadership group, Chris scott and several others from the cats personally already, which is not supposed to happen until either his contract is up or the free agency period begins, apparently something similar has happened with Jarrod Rivers.

    heard this on the radio but can't remember the exact station, if true it would be interesting to see what would potentially come of it, not that it would stop Chip going there or anything but I think next year Geelong should be excluded from Free agency if they actually haven't followed the rules.

    Interesting comment from PJ given that in his interview with Hutchy on Sunday he said that he had been talking to potential assistant coaches (who are with other clubs) but emphasised they were informal chats, "as long as there are coffees on the table it's all informal"! I assume Chip and the Cats had a chat over their lattes, all informal of course. You can't prevent people from talking to each other.

  2. No deecisive the offer should be removed full stop.

    Hold on we need to make sure the offer from other clubs is maximised to get the best compo in the draft so I would make him a fair offer based on his real value to our club. If he decides to stay great, if he goes we get the max compo.

  3. Daisy, that's exactly right. & IMO if you need to find safety urgently, you get to the first safe port ; not travel across oceans to get to greener grasses.

    these people of means, paying fares to get here on deliberately unsafe one way boats, Via trying to manipulate us thru International embarrassment, are taking genuine refugees places in our intake.

    there are people in gaols O/S, who have tried to escape persecution, ending up in prisons, who we could be taking in.... or exchanging for paid-up boat people who arrive after their fellow country-men here, urge them to come here & push in.

    We, cannot solve all the worlds ills, & if we did open the floodgates, we would have thousands upon thousands arriving monthly.

    DL they are coming through the airports you know. The numbers coming by boat will always be relatively small, there won't be thousands upon thousands jumping on rickety boats any time soon I would have thought. The risk is too high and the opportunity limited for such a long journey.

  4. Frawley delayed the meeting for another month

    If true that is his right. He can't negotiate in theory, with clubs before the free agent trade period in October so why would you want any conjecture before that time. That is the official line, who knows he may have confidentially given Roosey the nod but the fact he has delayed until the official negotiating period says he is on his bike. I think Roosey would know where he stands and I think he knew some time ago. Frawley has been playing forward for a reason.

  5. Got to hand it to the Lions they lost 5 young players at the end of last season but seem to have drafted in or further developed young replacements in one season. They are probably only short a couple of KPP from being highly competitive again next year. If only we could do the something similar in the next 12 months.

    • Like 1
  6. God, so many stupid posts. What more does the guy have to do!!??

    Use your eyes and watch they guy play, he's a champion. He's not in the AA squad because the media doesn't blow every time he goes near it.

    Ranked 1st in Total Effective Disposals

    Ranked 2nd in Total Disposals

    Ranked 3rd in Total Clearances

    Ranked 14th in Total Kicks

    Ranked 8th in Total Handballs

    Ranked 15th in Total Tackles

    Ranked 9th in Total Supercoach Score

    Ranked 10th in Total AFL Fantasy Score

    Ranked 14th in Total Contested Possessions

    Ranked 14th in Total Uncontested Possessions

    But not in the top 40 players in the league!!?? Get #$%&

    Mac you are relying too much on stats. Your top 40 is more about the vibe thing!

  7. Mark (no need to consult others) Evans has already told us that nothing short of the Black Death running through the club will get us a pick.

    Well we can tell Mark ( I make it up as I go so who needs rules) Evans that the "black dog" has decimated our forward line. So we need special assistance espeially with no one in the top 40 and no rising stars to boot!!

  8. Those who believe that we'll get a fairer fixture in terms of revenue if we become successful on the field are ignoring history.

    Right through the Daniher years when we played finals in 6 different years, we continued to get rubbish fixtures, year in, year out. For proof, go back and have a look at our homes games in those years.

    We've constantly been locked in as a team to play our home games against the "interstate" teams whilst the bigger drawing clubs like Collingwood, Carlton, Richmond, Geelong, Hawthorn and Essendon have been constantly "drawn" to play each other "home & away", year in, year out. The advantages that these teams have had over a prolonged period of time is enormous.

    2007 was a classic example (remembering that we'd played in the finals in the 3 preceding years and had played finals in 6 of the 9 preceding years)

    1) Our home games in 2007 were against 5 interstate teams as well as home games against North, the Dogs and St.Kilda. That's 8 home games where it's hard to turn a dollar.

    2) This season, on the back of 7 fruitless years, we received 7 home games against interstate teams as well as home games against North & the Dogs. That's 9 home games where it's hard to turn a dollar.

    Not much difference hey?

    Macca good post and I am sure someone should develop an equation to measure the $ loss we are actually taking each year in the interests of maximising the TV income from the compromised FIXture for the AFL family. And we should be demanding that sort of compo for the Shyte scheduling we get instead of the few dollars of equalisation we get at the moment.

  9. Off we go back to Iraq hopefully to finally do some good. Operation "unscramble the egg?" can I suggest? In that what we did in 2004 is to unleash forces we can hardly now put back in their box. Sadam Hussein was no ones favourite uncle and basically a nasty piece of work but that was why he was there, to be a ruthless overlord over these differing ethnic and religious groupings.

    I am expecting to see Tony front the cameras wearing a leather military jacket some time soon. It will suit him!

  10. The draft is not a lottery, we need to get over this woe is me [censored] and take responsibility for where we are. We have money in our salary cap let's test the loyalty of some of these other clubs players. We under resourced our recruiting and FD we had a poor head recruiter in place for too long and failed to develop the talent we did get through the doors. We are in no worse position than North yet they seem to do OK and actually got a decent FA (Dal Santo) across last year.

    If we can't compete in a fully professional national comp then we may as well shut up shop.

    Doctor I agree with your argument in general but I still say the draft is a lottery because the fact is there is no one who can predict that pick 1 will be a 10% better player than pick 2 who will be a measurable better player than pick 3 and 3 will be better than 4 etc, etc. It does not work that way at all yet the industry acts as if they can predict the order of talent. That is understandable as the recruiters earn big bucks based on this belief. No different by the way than financial investment fund managers charging us excessive fees on the myth that they can consistently beat the market. All that we do know is that on average there is likely to be more talent in the first round than the second round but you don't really know exactly for sure where the real gun players are, just that will likely be earlier rather than later. So being a lottery there is a chance a top side can still pick the best draftee at say pick 17 or 18. It has happened before.

  11. he sucked a55 at the MFC and nobody gave a rats when he was moved on

    something tells me if he was still with us he would still be rubbish

    if you want to moan about list mgmt why don't you look at Vince for Sylvia

    oh no we can't look levelheadedly at the issue can we

    Sorry I don't see the link between Sylvia walking out last year and us off loading Martin for pick 53 which we used for Matt Jones in 2012 And I didn't like the decision at the time as everytime he got fit and had a crack as the No 1 ruck he played well.

  12. We are clearly at a disadvantage, but we can come through this if we draft successfully. We would be in a much different position now if we drafted Dangerfield, Naitanui, Shuey, Beams, Sloane, Martin, Cunnington, Fyfe, Carlisle, Darling, Wines etc. We will get opportunities again but we can't fritter away our draft picks year after year.

    True, if we got lucky and pulled 3 or 4 A graders out the lottery it would turn us around but that is the problem. The draft is a lottery, FA isn't, you know well and truly what you are buying by the time they have played 8 to 10 seasons.

    I don't know about cycles but I get the feeling we have gone full circle back to the 70's and 80's where the top clubs just bought themselves premierships by raiding the SANFL and WAFL. I remember watching the state games vs SA or WA and everytime you saw some young gun playing out of his skin the commentators would mention that he had already signed with the Hawks or Carlton to come across the following year. Right through the 70's and 80's the finals were played out by the Tiges, Blues, Hawks, Bombers with the 10 year rule giving North a crack. I read somewhere that Norm Smith predicted our demise in the mid 1960's for just that reason that MCC would not allow the MFC to pay the money to bring in the talent from interstate. Norm as usual was spot on!

    I believe we have recreated the same environment through FA, the state based AFL academies and the increased abilityof any player out of contract to take a better offer. The tools supposed to equalise things, the draft order and salary caps just won't do the job.

  13. Interesting PJ emphasised that we did not ask for a priority pick but for special consideration for compensation given our circumstances. Hutchy wanted to make the usual dig that we as tankers had called for a priority pick, just like every other media outlet and that we had stuffed every other pick up so why do we deserve any more help etc, etc, and so on and so on.

    We may be seeking second round picks. We have heard it all before, absolute incoherent, illogical argument as usual. You don't deserve help because you are stuffed, you made mistakes and the early draft picks didn't work like we thought they might. That is why the hawks were rewarded for failure in 2004, 2005 and so on, that led to their current success.

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  14. I know he isn't experienced but could Peter Wright come into fruition in the draft then? Not only can ruck but can find the footy, play forward and is a great kick. Might be a versatile player that could be highly beneficial in the long term.

    If Roos has any say we won't be taking Wright early, it will be a mid unless we trade for experienced mids early and look to pick some talls later in the draft or thru a trade.

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