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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. The Daily Telegraph did not lift the quality of journalism with its IS attack on Sydney headline yesterday. Applauded via twitter by Sir Rupert of course. This was the work of a deranged individual looking for publicity using his religious links to gain some legitimacy.

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  2. Changing the subject just a little, just received a nice case of Barossa reds. Gonna have a good time tonight!

    Clint, still with us? Do you have any Greenock Creek wines in that case? Stumbled on that at Greenock Creek winery some time ago and their wines were available in the Carlton Wine Cellars for a few years. But haven't had any for years, I remember the Grenache was like nectar.

  3. I have to say I never thought Frawley would leave the club.

    It's an indictment on the way this club was run for so long that he did.

    It's also an indictment on him that he left when it's clear the club has finally got its act together.

    I don't get this whole search for a premiership medallion for one's CV - surely it's the journey with a club and a group of mates that's more meaningful in the end.

    That said, everyone's got different priorities and perspectives in life (I say that before rpfc or nutbean come back at me with the obligatory 'there's no loyalty, it's a business' post).

    I don't blame Frawley. How many years do you have to be the totally overwhelmed key backman? Smashed week after week? Chip has endured 4 or 5 shocking seasons and 2 or 3 average ones. I played a lot of footy as a backman and had one or two seasons where you got smashed regularly and it was no fun. But then you would have an up year where th team was on top and winning, then back line play is fun. Too many years played down back under immense pressure can be debilitating, I am not surprised he took off to an easier gig.
  4. Two things I've noticed about this year's training by comparison with previous years:

    1/- there is no jogging between exercises. It's all done at high pace and an apparent sense of urgency. HL is a big exponent of this.

    2/- Hogan is not only big, strong & capable, he also has attitude - even with team mates. I am keen to see how this transfers to match day and particularly how he responds when mongrel defenders get at him. I suspect he'll sort them out.

    Roll on 2015.

    Jimcor your observation number 1 is good to hear. I used to work nearby and was able to get to training in the Bailey and Neeld years and the haphazard approach to training used to drive me nuts at times because I had ducked out of work for a limited period. The players would amble over in dribs and drabs and then stand around or kick a ball around waiting for the coaches to arrive and work out what they were doing. It just didnt look professional to me at all at the time. I think I may have been right.

  5. A good mate of mine, known as The Professor, has just racked up his 50th year in a row as a member of the Melbourne Football Club. He is also a member of the MCC and pays for a FULL MFC membership

    The 50 years in a row has been acknowledged by the Club with a small cardboard certificate.

    Are they kidding????

    Am I wrong to think The Professor should have received something a little more than a pizzy little cardboard certificate.

    How many punters would get to 50 years in a row as a member of any Football Club. Very very few.

    Surely the Club could do a wee bit better.

    Rant Over


    He joined in 64 or 65? The worst 50 year run in our 156 year history, is he part of the curse?

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  6. Rod Owen

    Kevin Dyson

    Anyone from 87 to 94.

    Jakovich could have done with some training ,any really.

    I wonder how Allen J would have travelled in the modern era. If we take as a given that he would have done the training, I wonder how he would go.

    I say if he was modern day fit he would have still kicked goals galore, he just had that gift. Coaches would have double team him but that would open up others to kick the goals. That may have tested him, but he had immense talent to make it in any era.

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  7. The drill would be rather stupid without footballs. Imagine Lumumba kicking this imaginary ball to Toumpas who marks this imaginary ball then handballs this imaginary ball to Bail then takes off to......think before you write

    But wasn't this a central part of Neeld's training regime? We were training at elite levels just prior to us being absolutely belted by the Bummers in a round 2 match by 146 if I remember correctly. Obviously our guys were running around witches hats at training and were then stunned on match day when they had to use a real ball and the opposition witches hats actually moved and tackled!!

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  8. Have wanted to go to Bruge for sometime.

    Movie was fun while being a bit fuc led up at the end.

    Ps Calvery with the tall older guy from In Bruge is an interesting watch which I've mentioned before.

    It is Bruges isn't it? As in the Belgium town. Not Bruge.

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  9. Well, just like the definition of a mythical creature living under a bridge was hijacked to define an internet troll, so it has been again...

    Language is interesting like that - the same word completely different meanings in different scenarios. Take 'hijacked' for example; "The training thread was hijacked by emotion and self-righteousness" is troublesome, but if I was on a plane and said "the plane was hijacked by Ishmael and Queequeg," then that would be cause for more alarm (and surprise)...

    If you are on a forum and you are trying to get a rise out of people purely for your Ss and Gs - you are a troll.

    This isn't something to continue to argue about - it's just a fact.

    Ishmael and Queequeg? Characters from Moby Dick on a plane yes I would be very alarmed! Don't tell me Captain Ahab is up the front end and in charge.

  10. I think it's just his trampoline hands.

    My faded memory of Darren Bennett was a forward who didn't have great hands overhead but rather was great on the lead out of the square taking the ball on his chest. He managed 80 odd goals in 1990 then faded away when Jackovitch came along and demanded the central leading forward role. DB at CHF didn't work because he couldn't take an overhead mark. Dawes needs to play the same way as the lead up forward but we need a game plan and midfield that can move the ball quickly to the leading forward.

  11. Just sat through 2.5 hours of Exodus, the new film. Not sure you should bother. If like me you had the story rammed down your throat as a child, you will know the key story points so you spend the second part of the film ticking off the events. The first hour drags a bit as they try to build the Moses vs Ramases rivalry but if you like violence it maybe your go.

    The settings are done digitally but look at times very authentic. I have been to Mount Sinai where theb10 Commandments were first marketed and it looks very similar. I have seen the burning bush which when I was there was in good health, very green! It has recovered well and lives in Saint Catherine's Monastry in the Sinai. Long film, not sure you should bother.

  12. Rumors that the profit was garnered from the proceeds of the sale of CS's desk remain unproven yet contentious.

    Yes I wonder if there were not some one off sales to get this result. Are we really financially sustainable? If we are I am waiting for the Dorks and The Pies, the big earners to announce a profit dividend payments to their members or to announce plans to take on the world.

  13. To Dear BBO and Mates,

    Leave this Footy Forum for those that want to discuss the MFC and Footy. Trying to sound more intelligent than you actually are makes you look like even more of a LOSER. Yeah, I know, my intellect is low bla bla.

    Kind Regards,

    Sambo (and every other genuine MFC Supporter).

    Sambo it is the off season. I mean every footy related post from now to late March is absolute conjecture, fantasy thinking, hope, whatever you want it to be. Until we actually play a few games next year we are guessing about Hogan and co. So do you now understand why topics might go off course at this time?

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  14. Everyone forgets how recent this is.(in old person terms). Hawthorn were a shambles in 2005 and we were the highest finishing Victorian club. ADMINISTRATION is what they got right and what we now enjoy with PJ at the helm.

    Hawthorn supporters are the most arrogant wankers in the competition. They are the worst losers (what do I care) and the worst winners (we were always the best so stuff you).

    The true spirit of Kennet. Only domination will do and if we don't manage that it is everyone else's fault.

    When our success comes, and I am clearly an eternal optimist, I very much hope our years of longing lead to humility.

    They also got the 2001, 2004, 05 and 07 drafts right. They tanked within the rules to get early picks in 04 and 05 and they had Freemantle chumps in 2001 that has paid big time. No doubt they have made great management decisions but they also had some luck to have extraordinary talent available in those drafts and to keep those top picks on the track and playing career best footy for so long.

    Who knows maybe we will pick or have picked some elite talent and will develop them and actually be able to keep them at the club and they will be able to put together 10 to 15 years of great football. Gee what are the odds? For an MFC supporter that would be about a 100 to one bet to happen in any year. For clubs like the Hawks it is business as usual. Why is that?

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  15. I reckon he was a steal. His coach also said he's a really hard trainer, and you can see that although he's struggling a bit with the long runs right now, he's already added definition to his shoulders and arms in a short period of time. He showed great development this year in the SAFL, and his run and agility will break games open in a few years time. If he develops properly under the new coaching staff, he'll be an Isaac Smith/Brad Hill for us. Really excited by Billy!

    Some other avid draft expert who I can't remember nominated him as the most professionally minded of this years draftees. That is very encouraging to me as he will drive the coaches crazy, driving his own steep development curve.

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