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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. My worry is where is BBO he seemed somewhat distraught last night. He seemed to be confused about spitting and swallowing in wine tasting and how you could work through an entire wine district and still play a round of golf. These are complex scenarios I know and I believe Clint has worked his way through this. As for me last time I toured Rutherglen I forgot to spit and was at one point what the lads used to say in my day as well and truly "fly blown" the next day!

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  2. If we didn't tank or list manage as some prefer to call it, we would never have had the opportunity to pick Scully, Trengove, Morton, Watts et al. That's our karma. We may have chosen more pragmatically.

    Gee we didn't tank that much we were just Shyte! You get early picks when you are absolute Shyte. That is the system.

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  3. How did he go in their time trial today?

    He said he didn't run. He just ran some laps to make an appearance for the occasion. Says he is fit and ready and his mind is in a better place, soft tissue problems gone and his foot is good. All I know is if I see him playing forward and turning it on like he did for 10 games in 2012 for the freaking cats I may be physically ill!!

    • Like 7
  4. Ha Ha Ha! FFS . By the the time you get to the third winery the gob has gone. There is no discernment just guzzling. Don't be pretentious twats.

    BBO it is about whether you spit or swallow, and I am talking exclusively about wine tasting here. A true sommelier such as myself or as I am sure Demoneyes is can get through any number of wineries yet still enjoy the marvellous grape varieties and vintages of the wine district one is visiting at the time. A wine tasting tour is not to be confused with sculling beers in the back blocks in places like Blackwood!

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah MWC ticked all the comedic boxes for mine?

    There is one other show that I would like comments from the wiseheads on - South Park.

    I'll give mine.

    Pretensions to some sort of notion that the humour was only suitable for intellectuals of the highest order. This meant that people could refer to it over coffee and pretend to be complicit without anyone having the slightest clue as to what they were talking about. Total tripe.

    Yes BBO I have never got South Park, poor animation and violence. If you want poor animation we can go way back to Clutch Cargo where the animated figures stayed the still but their mouths moved but for adult content I prefer Rodger Ramjet or Rocky and Bullwinkle and I could throw in King Leonardo from the Bongo Congo! Gee that is going back in time, the pinnacle of cartoon entertainment.

  6. I have no idea about thim but there is no point having a big guy with the skills of a midfielder unless he possesses the skills and persona of a big guy as well.

    From what I understand this is the question mark over the bloke. He might develop into a strong big man with other skills, or he might be a mobile tall with little hurt factor.

    Are you thinking Paul Johnson, 200cm, good below the knees, reasonably agile for a big bloke but......

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  7. you should know better earl than to compare miidfielders with key position forwards

    you need to be more nuanced

    as for on the buses........jeebus......may as well toss in that other dross like are you being served and the whole st trinians and carry on epics

    Are you being served, Dads Army, yes the pinnacle of British humour, I don't think. Are you free Mr Humphries and all that and they don't like it up em sir! No the pinnacle of British humour was Not Only But Also with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore but they are all dead and the early tapes have long gone but for some snippets. But sheer genius on the little that is left. Then you have some gems from Monty Python and later on Fawlty Towers

  8. Apparently Tony did well today with the 20 top leaders in the world he was boasting about stopping the boats ( Indonesia not happy) dismantling the carbon tax ( US and China not happy) then he went on to lament his inability to charge the poor $7 to see a doctor ( most leaders dumbfounded) and that he was for building more roads (wtf). Thank heavens we have a leader who can so effortlessly strut the world stage.

  9. And another Pommy classic of that era was the "The Rag Trade" (OD may remember this one) where If memory serves me Reg Varney started.

    Seinfeld is a crude pie chucker compared to that lot!

    BBO some say On the Buses was the high point of Brittish TV comedy (not me of course). Who can forget old Blakey and jack the conductor and the assorted clippies with blond hair and big you know whats. Those were the days. But In this debate I do put agent 86 above all others. A genius in a TV sitcom but I have nominated in general topic area of DLand that Jonathan Winters is the stand up genius of all time.

    However that is by the by, my real concern is where this so called lunch appointment took place with Biffen! As you know I have estates to the north of Melbourne where I occasionally tour and I make a point of dropping in to see how my serfs er I mean employees are travelling. I don't think I want to unexpectedly stumble into that abode. I mean one has to maintain standards in these trying times.

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  10. I'd be somewhat bemused if we hadn't made a call by now. All the games should have been processed for months now. The combine info and medicals sorted. Then I'd hope the interviews are largely just procedural for top picks. It's pretty hard to make it to the top without being all the things you look for in an interview and if you aren't it's pretty well known (see Dustin Martin). We only have to come up with an order for 1st, 2nd and 3rd on our list of the best players. It should be all ordered by now it's really just checking that those 3 names are all on track.

    That said up until the combine and end of trade week I would've tried to keep an open mind as recruiting staff so that you don't bias your information on all the players. I fear we did that with Toumpas and Wines. We thought Toumpas would be unavailable, so we heavily looked over Wines, then late in the play GWS went a different way and we had a decision all of a sudden. We took Toumpas as we just liked what we saw and he was the new, fresh, highly rated kid. That might be complete BS, but I fear there is a bias you can create there. A bit of grass is always greener style.

    Yes I agree there is only one variable at this stage and that is the saint's pick. The rest we already know, the games have been played, the draft combine is concluded so what would be still debating? I am assuming MFC has about three options for picks 2 and 3.

  11. I've got to post up some more Jonathan Winters stuff - he truly was a genius.

    You may have seen the following clip but for the benefit of others ... features both Winters and the late Robin Williams

    Great stuff. I had watched that clip when Jonathan died but still gets me going. The one that got me in fits yesterday was from the Jack Paar tonight shows from the 60's. I had never heard of him but he was before Johny Carson. The skit was Jonathan doing a take on your typical scary movie, so he does a great impressionist voice of Boris Karloff as the mad scientist in the haunted house with a demented housekeeper etc.

    I am a techno ignoramus so have no idea how to load up the Utube link but it is a gem!

  12. Yep, Gv, some comedy just never dates.

    I make sure I watch a lot of new comedy shows such as Broad City, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Saturday Night Live & Silicon Valley but reruns of Frasier, Lead Balloon, Curb your Enthusiasm and a number of other US & UK productions just can't be beaten.


    I started viewing some of these Youtubes yesterday and had a great time and your comment that some comedy never dates is so true. I somehow ended up watching some Jonathon Winters' (Mork's son if I remember correctly) standup routines from 1964 no less? Just about [censored] myself laughing!

  13. I remember Cale's highlight tape and thought to myself "wow, we have a champion here coming through"

    Deeko I remember Cale's as well during his draft year and then going back to it again a few years later and watching his highlights. You could see why he was highly fancied at the time, a tall running utility type. He displayed every skill requirement, long kicking to position, intercept marking, breaking the lines, marking on the lead etc etc. Oddly enough he replicated a lot of this in first season and some in the next then it all went downhill from there.

  14. Brayshaw, McCartin, for me. Just Me playing the odds, I worry about Lever who has no 2014 form guide. Gee it is lottery when they are 18, picking a kid on his 17 year old form is fraught with danger. The other point for me is his acl has mended but I think he did it just landing awkwardly, it wasn't a collision injury so you wonder could it happen again, a la Menzl etc. Sorry I am just a gun shy, worst scenario sort of MFC supporter. I am assuming Petracca will be gone at one.

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  15. If you would like to view a scientific review on athletes returning from ACL injuries from 2010 check this link out.

    It basically says that from evaluating 5770 athletes, keeping in mind that these aren't specific to AFL, around 90% returned to normal (or close to). Seems to think that the recovery rate (high) and return rates (lower) seem to suggest that there is a psychological link to those that make it back compared to those that don't.

    In other articles - much high risk in young female athletes and some risk factors are muscular imbalance at the knee joint (hamstring/quadriceps).

    Another study states a significantly higher rate of return for athletes younger than 30.

    Overall the scientific community still have a ways to go to understand ACL injuries.

    From everything I have read and from the recent medical statement on Jake Lever, it looks like he will make 100% recovery if he hasn't already and given the quality of training staff in the AFL, should reduce risk of recurrence even further.

    After doing the research, I am all for taking Jake Lever in the draft. And word inside the club says they rate him very highly.

    You are dealing in facts we have had to to deal with the curse for the last 50 years! I am a bit twitchy on choosing Lever.

  16. Collingwood supporter who has good connection to dees says 100% Melbourne will get Mccartin under the assumption that Saints will take Petracca...so don't worry Mccartin fans!

    Was the source wearing a gold lame jacket at the time?

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