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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. This won't happen. The party will not let this be revisited. Read the quote from the Lib MP who has called the spill motion. "My office has been inundated with emails about Abbotts leadership. I haven't had this much negative feedback since we were planning to back Labor on the ETS". (I've paraphrased).

    Another article a couple days ago suggested that he has "promised" the Lib heavyweights that if he was to get the top gig he would not revisit a carbon tax or an ETS.

    NB you are right if Turnbull gets the gong there will not be an ETS but I believe he will give Greg Hunt the green light to actually do something with direct action. Their enviro policy will be beefed up overtime. The issue for a Turnbull government will be managing the troglodyte IPA element, the economic ideologues and flat earthers on his backbench that he will need to placate but somehow retain credible policies for middle ground voters and being seen as environmentally responsible.

  2. No one seems to get over to the music thread in the General forums much, so I thought I would do a little self promotion here... I just want some critiques so that I can feel warranted in my self deprecation... if you like, say so, if you hate it or think its shite, say so.

    As advised on the page, put in headphones and crank up the volume to cover hide the weaknesses and close your eyes because we never got to put a real clip together and just cobbled a bit of home made footage instead.


    HT I have been there and voted. The music is great, I like the lyrics, the guitarist is a knockout. Now the lead singer shows promise but needs to work on his stage presence, energy levels. As they used to say on New Faces you need to look as if you are enjoying yourself and you could cut the hair but maybe I am just jealous I am bald.

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  3. In his time here he eventually struck me as a player who looks fit, like he does the exercises and works hard in the ways where he can physically look good. But that same application couldn't be harnessed to train for things that will make him a better player. The fit physique and his natural ability, it was enough to consistently get games here.

    Going to Fremantle and what has occurred basically confirms my theory. It'd be interesting to see him bounce back from this but it doesn't look likely.

    I think you are on to it Carlos. I think Col has just done what he has done every year with MFC. Happy to work in the gym on his physique but less likely to do the endurance work. He was always carrying something in preseason and that is when the real endurance work is done. This was tolerated at MFC as well as his habit of showing up occasionally under the weather. We should have called it earlier but then I remember the bloke we did act on many years ago for being [censored] at training, Martin Pike! Big mistake there by Balmy.

    Col reminds me of Jackovitch. The Ox often relates the story of Jacko saying he was injured preseason and couldn't train but would then do some unbelievable things while playing cricket. The biggest difference between Jacko and Col is that Jackovitch had genuine X factor, mega talent. Col I have never been convinced of. Physically yes if he worked hard but mentally he can often be a dumb footballer.

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  4. Where are you Jizz? Not sneaking a puff behind the milking shed I hope!!

    I've changed my beverage of choice to Bickfords diet lime and soda - still appalling.

    A further sad irony is that two of my usual wine suppliers rang last night with special deals. The gasp at the other end of the line when I told them I was participating in Febfast did at least give me a laugh

    Again BBO I stand in awe of your self control and salute you as I drink to the honorable Cardinal Puff for the third time!

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  5. Had not heard that he was unfit. Thought he was wanting to concentrate on his footy, which could be club code for "we have some better options". He may want to go but I hope we and he have a season that makes him want to stay.

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  6. Thank you Earl Hood, you are a true sport. You mention toasts. Given that I am currently an abstainer, might I seek your advice as to the proper libation when toasting Her Majesty at the club?

    BBO my understanding is that royal protocol says that one can toast Her Majesty with any alcoholic or non alcoholic libation except a cocktail drink and it is not good form to smoke either. So you will be free to make a royal toast with say ginger ale if you like this month!

    As for me I will again celebrate your continued abstinence with a hearty Heathcote Shiraz, all of them I will dedicate to your honour this very night.

  7. I keep explaining that as well. We have warmed since the little ice age. Warming peaked at 1998, the plateau since is called I hiatus. The IPCC acknowledges the hiatus do you?

    I think That your plateau has an upward tilt on it. Wrecker. Make sure you put the handbrake on, or you might roll off your own hiatus. Seriously you are asking us to take a huge risk that your mini ice age theory explains all and that we are heading for Maurice Newman's Global Cooling dilemma where we may need to burn massive amounts of coal just to survive. If you are wrong we are stuffed. If we heed the IPCC and 97% of scientific opinion and evidence and do something, the only losers will be fossil fuel investors. Why take the chance?

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  8. As I sit here slurping on a Bickfords Cloudy Apple cordial and soda water I ask myself what moment of temporary insanity allowed me to sign up (And pay money!!) to join this "Febfast foolishness". A month without the tender caress of a fruity Shizaz! FMD what an imbecile I am.

    No competition either. I reckon Jizz will go up in a puff of smoke within a day or two.

    Dairy farmers have (read appendage disadvantage) and are unable to match with the real heroes of the land.

    BBO let me toast your success so far! You are an inspiration to us all!

    • Like 1
  9. It's a very hard match to predict.

    Maybe whoever wins this set wins the match ... but who knows?

    Murray is Gawn! Mostly in the head, unforced errors everywhere in the last 6 or so games. It's the Joka from here on.

  10. Serena Williams the greatest female tennis player of all time?

    I think so. The only other contender would be Navratilova, similar power, athletic, big serve, focused mind. That would be a great contest.

  11. Very lucky to be leading though... S Korea have had a few very near misses and most of the play. Perfect timing though, going into half time with the lead.

    Yes as I said to the wife at half time that sums up soccer, totally outplayed but one lucky strike and we are in front. In AFL we would be 6 goals down easy.

  12. I just went to my cousins 30t birthday. 10 of the last 10 years have been his tallest but I can assure you he has stopped growing. Same thing applies I have been very clear that the world has warmed since the Little Ice Age but there has been a hiatus since 1998.

    You say you put your faith in the IPCC I just demonstrated above where the IPCC acknowledge the hiatus. I'd love it if you could point to me where they predicted any hiatus? If they didn't before it happened why would you believe there current predictions?

    Sorry Wrecker we are working on different wavelengths. So how tall is your cousin now if he has been growing for the last 10 years between the ages of 20 and 30 years, albeit more slowly than in his teen years! Pushing seven foot is he? 1998 was a hot year, in an El Niño year but from then the world has continued to get hotter but at a slower rate recently. 9 of the 10 hottest years have occurred this century, it is getting hotter over time but not always in a simple linear progression that the likes of Andrew Bolt expects. But maybe that is all the complexity he can comprehend? Oh if it is getting hotter, it must get drier everywhere, if it rains somewhere the modellers are wrong. I better ring Rupert for further instructions.
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  13. Rumour has it that there's a huge garage sale in Toorak on Sunday and punters might be able to pick up a Brownlow Medal on the cheap.

    Next stop could be the High Court to meet James' need for closure. Thank God the Privy Council isn't still an option!

  14. Hey chap, that's cool, that's when I was wearing the flat cap I bought in Launceston, with the wig and beared attached, as I am still unemployed, it is starting to reach biblical proportions again, no issue with hair growing me

    TDI I am sure I saw you riding a penny farthing at Evansdale back then? The cap would fit in really well there and the beard for that matter.

  15. I notice you didn't address the key point that there is a hiatus, now acknowledged by the IPCC, that was not predicted by the IPCC, that makes a mockery of all their rapid warming predictions. When your predictions don't materialise it is a fair indication your theory is sick.

    I am happy, however, to address your points. First of all none of them are catastrophe scenarios which is the point I was making about the IPCC's latest stance.

    • I’m guessing and correct me if I am wrong that the report is referring to unequivocal warming of the atmosphere and ocean system from the beginning of the Instrumental Records period? If so this is the period since we came out of the Little Ice Age. Should we be alarmed?
    • Absolutely humans have an impact on the climate it is just that the CO2 we emit is not the driver that the alarmists believe it is.
    • What science or statistics is the confidence level increase based on?
    • Are the IPCC a scientific organisation or economists? (Or just plain political)

    Hiatus? Nine of the ten hottest years have occurred this century! Some interruption in the warming trend I don't think! Yes it is rising more slowly but it is still getting hotter. Anyway Wrecker I hope you and the likes of Bolt are right but I doubt it. I will put my faith with the IPCC rather than media commentators like Bolt who are paid to promote doubt in the science by the likes of Rupert Murdoch.

  16. So you believe the pink batts were a raging success?

    I'll give you a few examples but given your support of the pink batts fiasco that cost people their lives I'm guessing you aren't a rational thinker and unlikely to change your opinion based on facts.

    There will be no carbon Tax under a Government I lead

    pink batts

    the "humanitarian" approach to boat people that cost people their lives and saw record numbers of people including children in detention

    That "free" money Rudd gave us to stimulate the economy where everyone bought a flat screen tv from china. Now we're in debt

    pink batts

    The mining tax that raised no income

    In the election campaign claiming the Carbon Tax could not be removed

    In the election campaign saying the boats could not be stopped

    pink batts

    Insisting on an NBS with no cost benefit analysis

    Craig Thompson and Gillard's unwavering support

    Recruitment of Peter Slipper

    pink batts

    Corruption of the Australian Television network tender

    Green loans debacle

    Cash for clunkers

    pink batts

    Live cattle export ban - knee jerk reaction

    Citizens council - what happened to all the ideas?

    Fuel watch

    pink batts

    Damaged foreign relations - particularly China which was supposed to be Rudd's strong point

    poker machine commitment to Wilkie

    pink batts

    And that is all I can think of off the top of my head.

    Wrecker you obviously have an issue with the pink batts saga. Sorry that people died but gee how many die monthly in construction across the nation, where is the outcry, the Royal Commissions on those? Yes the pink batts program could have been better managed, that is a no brainer but the primary responsibility for safety is with the supervisor of the workplace, not Peter Garrett, the then minister. One or two of the victims died of heat exhaustion for heavens sake, that is an issue for the supervisor of the job. The facts are that the death rate before Rudd was higher per 1000 installations than during and after the Pink Batts program, largely because the program brought in some regulations to control the Cowboys in the industry.

    Actually the pink batt Royal Commission could be pivotal. If it finds against the minister then I wonder what government will implement a works program in the future. Tony's so called Green Army comes to mind, but why wouldn't you extend this concept to the deployment of troops to combat areas such as Afganistan? I know If I had been sent off to Iraq on one of Howard's follies and got injured I would be looking for revenge big time.

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