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Posts posted by demonfanjezza

  1. Pratt should have served time, ripping of the public to 700 mil, well then he should be fined 700 mil and give that to the childrens hospital, I'm sick of the double standards this society throws up.

    Andrew D said on Sen pratt has given to charity and the likes over the year, well big freakin deal! he has used the money that he ripped off us to do it with! thats nothing to say the man is charitable, hell if i stole 1 million and gave 100k to a charity does that make me a good person? no it still means i'm a thieving scumbag!

    God i hate Pratt, Demitrou and Carltank! The sooner all our out of the AFL the better the world will be.

    that's my little rant over

    Very good rant, i agree with everything c84

  2. To be honest. I'm not really suprised what is happing in the AFL. They are stupid, hate weak clubs like ourselves, but is going to continue to happen.

    Hopefully someone can stand up in the AFL or a new president of the AFL can stand up and sort out the mess Demetriou and his cronnies have made

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