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Posts posted by demonfanjezza

  1. The following article is encouraging the channels to get moving on negotiations on broadcasting the games


    Main points in the article are:

    1. Community stations broadcasting games

    2. 7 & 10 Uneasy relationship

    3. If not resolved major embarrasment for AFL

    4. AFL to communicate with 7, 10 & Fox

    5. AFL blinded by $$ and hurt by demise of Fox Footy

    At the end it provides an excellent conclusion: "How can so many high-profile, high-powered, highly paid people be so obstinate, so bloody-minded?"

  2. Edited highlights shown at 1am

    Crappy commentators and production

    Back to the dark ages!

    Hurray :rolleyes:


    Read somewhere (cant remeber where) about the crap commentary of the 90s 7 had and where happy 7 lost the rights in 02. Here in sydney hardly grt much AFL coverage. In 06 games get broadcast anytime between 11pm and 1:30am and when wimbeldon was on a game broadcast at 5am. Could listen to game on radio live instead

    Great watch hilights at 1am :angry:

  3. I personally can't stand the IR game and I'd prefer it if we tried to promote our game internationally rather than a hybrid that doesn't quite work unless there's a bit of World Wrestling Entertainment added to give it some spice.


    We should be trying to promote the game in other countries, eg England, US, to show these people that Australians have their own game and that we enjoy or game.

    We could play friendly matches against Collingwood and other teams

  4. It's a little disconcerting that IR players talk of the honour of playing under Sheedy with the end result being more a brawl than a contest.


    I have to agree with you there that it seems to be more fists than a game ;):blink:

    Thats Sheedy 4 u :o

  5. the australians weren't the only ones dishing it out...

    sure we went the biff but to say the irish were innocent is wrong!

    okeefe got headbutted behind play and was bleeding from the nose, a player got a very late knee in the back and cambell brown got a knee in the ribs (sure it was in play but then so was they broken collar bone and kennely's injury)

    the irish are just crying cause they got thumped!

    Shame on them.

    They should take it like men.

    A pack of Sissies they are.

    If we whinged to them about the fact that the ball is round, and that they're faster than us they'd come back and call us sooks. We played according to the way AFL players have been groomed to play for 100+ years, and while we were agressive, they did as much of the niggling stuff as us.

    For such an amazingly talented list in such a top-quality sport, these gaelic guys truly come off as amateurs when their manager has a big sookie sookie la la like he has. While I still think they're certainly a match for us, they've got a lot to learn about professionalism in the world of football, especially when you compare them to Soccer/AFL/League/Union/Gridiron, all of which share similarities with one-another. It's ok to criticise umpiring, but to come out and claim the game is in jeapordy helps no-one. Had they gotten up, he wouldn't be chucking a spakky like he did.

    Exactly- Agree with all u guys

    I think this series will continue B)

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