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Posts posted by demonfanjezza

  1. Yze has been a champion at the club for so many years but i felt once he reached the forward line...he slowly began to loose the tallent he once had.

    Yeah, i agree with you on this point. Got the hilights of 2002, and YZE certainly played great footy. Great that stynes will hold the record, but i do feel a little sadness that he wont be playing and hopefully he will getting back to playing his best footy

  2. all u have to do is look at his top 50 players every year too answer that question

    Umm i dont know where u got your info, because here is a link to Sheahan's top 50 player List as discussed last month and guess what....... YZE is NOT There. So he is no longer in the top 50.

    Yze is lucky that we dont have a full list, so i give him one or possibly two more chances and if he does not improve, if i was coach i would drop him.

  3. Franklin is an overrated goose

    He kicked 4 goals on MATTHEW WARNOCK in a PRACTICE MATCH and Hawks supporters creamed themselves

    His marking ability for someone of his size is embarrassing

    Rivers or Carroll will annihilate him.. Easily

    110 % agree :) :)

    Carroll please take out Franklin

    For me the dees win by between 70 to 100 pts

    Neitz will kick 9 to 10 goals

  4. i am not to worried about monday, but hopefully we do beat the hawks by a consideratiaable margin and get our season back on track. I know it is only rd 2, but if we go bad now that is the end of us in 2007. But i do hope we will get back on track and end up about 3rd or 4th on the table at the end of the next 21 weeks

  5. Im really worried about Melbs future actually. I look at the dogs, hawks, WCE, Port and Brissy and see 100% better depth than us.

    I could keep going but i dont believe melbourne have that good of a list personally. We look ok for the next 2 years but after that i believe we will be not contenders of the 8. Although names like Bate, Dunn, Bartram, Rivers all look good...we dont have the depth of any of these clubs. Thats my opinion anyway

    Yeah, I agree with you. Hopefully we can find talent to replace the old warheads, and i still hope we can be compete in 2009 and beyond

  6. Ouch, certainly this injury hurts the team and agree with what some have said that this is a bad way to start season 07.

    Hopefully we can still play well in the next 6 wks without Brock.

    And hopefully slyvia can stand up and be counted as a worthy replacement

  7. Interesting thing I noticed, is that this year, as soon as a player comes off, they are measured for heart rate. Wonder what thats all about.

    I think the reason why they measure the heart rate is to see how their heart is going throughout the progress of play they were on the field and give and indication of how much rest they need, and what can help them recover.

    Just my thoughts

    In relation to the topic, i think there should be a limited amount of interchange, eg up to a limit of 12 changes per quarter.

  8. Then why is it that Carlton seem to be on top of the game pre-season yet performs abysmally in the real thing? I agree with you on the fact that preseason helps players adjust to the AFL season, but I believe it is very different to the actual season, not only in terms of the game rules and giving youngsters game experience, but also the fact that clubs don't give away their strategies until the season starts, sometimes not even until the finals.

    Very good summary ooze

    Yeah i know differennt rules in pre season makes things harder, although it helps players get back in the grove after the summer.

    So even though we played poorly on friday, there is still plenty of time to go before the finals and hopefullt we can be in the top 4 after the next 21 weeks

  9. If Wheels gets rubbed out for that bump then I will absolutely spew. It was a perfectly legitimate shepherd that just unfortunately resulted in a clash of heads. :angry:

    A clash of heads certainly does hurt, I have done it, but it does not deserve a suspension, because how could he get out of it :unsure: He could not

  10. All these onjuries are very disheartning to start the season, especally for the superstar in Brock Mclean. I hope the CT scan will clear him of major injury in the 'bones' and he will be out for only 2-3 weeks, :mellow: not 10 weeks as some commentators have said

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