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Posts posted by demonfanjezza

  1. Currently posting this from a net cafe on Rundle St, as i've gone over to Adelaide to watch Hawks v Port with my girlfriend.

    Flew over Saturday night with the Dees scarf on loud and proud, got some really dirty looks from the crows fans, but that was half the fun! I wasn't the only Melbourne supporter travelling over to Adelaide, a young family we sat next to in the departure lounge said that they were going over for the weekend, but their two little girls wanted to wear their Demons jumpers to "rub it in'. I like their spirit.

    At the Hawks game, I wore my Dees jacket loud and proud, and when the scores for the Melb/Adel game came up, i stood up, pointed my fingers to the sky, i cheered, i clapped, i shouted, i got called a w*nker and told to **** off back to victoria, i was told i was inbred, i was told to go home, and i loved it.

    We are Melbourne and we are proud.

    This post captures the essence of this thread-- very proud of you B) :)

  2. MMM are like much of the vanilla variety commnetary currently on offer at moment... all drivel and dross coated in spin and gel.

    In addition they mix like oil and yoghurt mixed together. Very oily and does not offer any benefit to anyone

  3. The most ironic thing I thought about the programme was that BT was carrying on for about an hour about how nobody cares about us. I was thinking at the time, if nobody cares about us, why are you STILL talking about us after all this time?

    EXACTLY- could not agree more. Very strange

  4. I was at the aftermatch function when Brad Green was up on the podium and said that. There were kids all around us who obviously had no idea what he had just said,

    but me and my mates (who had had a few sherberts by then) were rolling around with laughter after the initial 'Did he just say what I thought he did?' pause...

    I thought Ricky Petterd and Nathan Jones both came across fairly well at this function too, more of them please, Melbourne!

    :lol: that would have been very funny to see you and your made rolling around in laughter :lol:

    Good that at least we have got some sense of humour

  5. I read it, and was extremely offended (although I agree with a lot of what he says), so I emailed him and told him to come visit this website.

    If ever there was proof that Melbourne supporters do bleed about the club, this is it.

    Did you get any reply?

  6. "Melbourne has had poor seasons before under Daniher, whose contract with the club expires at the end of the season. It finished as low as 14th in both 1999 and 2003. But in neither of those years did the Demons deal with the level of injury and bad luck they have in 2007."

    That is from todays age. You all have short memories when it comes to ND luckily Rohan Connolly does not

    How true- in 2003 didnt we lose towards the end of the season about 9 or 10 straight? Im sorry because i have a 2003 paper at home, but cant exaclty remeber the figure. That was pretty poor

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