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Mr Steve

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Everything posted by Mr Steve

  1. If the pies kick two more we lose top spot.
  2. 20 minute test unless they are sure he cant come back on.
  3. The kicking inside 50 is hurting big time.
  4. It's nothing like the past couple. Pressure is back.
  5. Locking the ball inside 50, have not done it for weeks.
  6. So the [censored] complaining during the week is paying off.
  7. Expect us to win and win easy but this team is looking for the bye round. Lot of players need a rest.
  8. Is there any word on why Daw was out yesterday.
  9. Now that is BS how can you over-rule that.
  10. Catch 22 again stay a game, maybe two clear on top with a Saints win or three games clear of fifth if the Lions win.
  11. Race two Bullfinch $9.50 Will be flying home.
  12. I called the wife in to have look at it, real problems down at the club.
  13. They got into $2.50 they are drifting now. Centrelink money has dried up.
  14. AFL Integrity Department to investigate Melbourne Demons fight between Steven May and Jake Melksham
  15. I was listening to Radio National ABC this morning. Jack Snape and Patricia Karvelas taking about Melbournes wows this week. Not only did they get the story completely wrong they added the Simon Goodwin has lost all the players . At best the story they ran was total B/S at worse it was slanderous. Jack Snape is their Sports Reporter.
  16. The Club and May have released a video. Not of the fight but a video never the less.
  17. Let him stew for the next three weeks until he can play again. Will only make the team stronger. And if we lose this week let him take responsibility for it. His next game we be against the Lions and he owes us.
  18. Every chance Freo will be 2nd tonight. Need another two goal.
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