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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. There's nothing stupid about it. I simply ask why all of the justifications thrown up over the years for the above mentioned aren't forwarded to Daw. Why doesn't he deserve this same luxury, because he doesn't play for us? Like it or not Daw has potential. Im happy to wait until Daws career is over we compare them.
  2. The majority of people who are quick to knock Daw are the same people who have gone into bat for Grimes, Garland and Dawes over the years.
  3. How many players in your opinion average the average wage of 350k ? I'm not the one confused.
  4. You made the claim, you give me the breakdown. I used your figures, please explain where I've gone wrong, and please answer the question, who out of Geelong/Hawthorn are average.
  5. How do you work out an average Stuie? I actually thought I was being fair by just including best 22 players.
  6. You give me the breakdown then. I went average for best 22. How many players in Hawthorns side are average? How many players in Geelongs side of 07 - 2013 were average?
  7. He hasn't nailed anything. Let's assume Richmond do land Prestia, so now they have a sixth player at 700k (contracts at various stages) That leaves 16 players splitting up 400k.
  8. 17 x 350,000 = 5.950 million (let's say 6) 5 x 700,000 = 3.5 million Theres a clubs best 22. So if the salary cap is 10.6 million that means 17 players are getting 1.1 million between them.
  9. I think was was detailed last year or earlier but do we know what rookies and first/second year players are getting?
  10. My point is the clubs that have had models of having players stay and play for less have had sustained success. Geelong and Hawthorn are the obvious ones, Adelaide seem to be heading down that path
  11. I would wager Hawthorn don't and Geelong didn't for 07 through to 2013, I think more recently they broke away from that with a five year deal to Taylor (probably in its 3rd or 4th year) and Selwood and Danfer.
  12. I will never forget hearing a mate tell me about the bus ride back from Adelaide after week 1 of the finals in 2014. Their fans continue to think they're part of something special.
  13. You could argue they have to pay the money to someone, article on FB today about player movement, Carlton quoted as saying "yes we'd love Omera but would rather two players at 400k instead". Prestia might give the Richmond faithful the big fish they have so desperately wanted but is not the answer long term if he comes at such a high price. Plus how does the deal get done?
  14. Because that's what got them into the mess they are currently in. 5 players x 7-800 thousand a year. The rest on a pittance. Prestia at 700k or two at 400k.
  15. I thought he stepped down from the captaincy, it was Grimes that was demoted. I would be very surprised if he elected to stay on next year after all that has happened.
  16. Looking it at the wrong way. 2 tall forwards 1 fwd/ruck 1 small forwards 3 tall defenders 1 small defender 1 ruck 13 mids Look at Geelong 07, 09, 11 and the Hawks 13-15. Mids who could play back, forward or both. So we now ha w a number of players that can or are working towards playing off half back as well as the midfield as well as players like Petracca, VB and Kent that can play forward and are working towards spending time in the middle.
  17. No they didn't, but they can podcast the audio from a previous visual, hence I said "did anyone else hear/see this". As in hear the audio or see the visual from an episode of fox footy during the week. Yes I also wrote "watched a podcast", big deal....I'm having a day off after working the last 19 straight and I'm tired. Stil curious to know if anyone else heard this but not expecting the answer from you.
  18. Go hard Stu, I was simply asking if anyone else saw it. Occasionally some journalists get things right.
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