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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Although Viney's contract signing hasn't been announce I note that since news broke that Geelong had been advised he wasn't going there we have seen the announcement of 4 contract signings, Smith, Petty, Sparrow and Fritsch and proposed 1 year deal for Jones. The dominoes are starting to fall The list out of contracts is shrinking with Oscar I think will not getting renewed and Nibbler with a year still to go, looks likely to be moved on and Pruess is being seriously courted ( I could see the Bulldogs come knocking after their rucks got mauled yesterday). I hope for his health sake that Kolo retires. 3 already delisted and if Oscar, Nibbler, Pruess and Kola's go that brings the total to 7. That may well be it with room for 3 to come in
  2. He has shown that he is becoming one of the competitions best rovers he has all the attributes to be to Collingwood what Shuey is the Eagles if he was every available I would go after him. His brother is a Carlton supporter so I am surprised Carlton haven't made a play they seem to have thrown money at everyone else.
  3. Some ask what does Adem bring. Well, the reason Chaplin joined was he came a current player fresh out of the system at Richmond. I could not see the reasoning for this at the time and still don't. Coaching is an ever evolving art and many assistants have been found wanting in the main role. I am not interested in the romance of Adem returning to this old club, he wont be putting on his boots for us but I do believe he has something to offer as an assistant coach which may further develop the team Adem's skill set has already been listed here but in pre season Clarko is happy for Adem to be the main coach. He has moved up their heirachy to be Clarko's confident and match day strategy, an area we all know is not Goody's strong point. Our existing coaches have been there for a while and it is time to bring in experienced assistants with fresh ideas. Under Clarko we have seen, Simpson, Beveridge, Ratten and Bolton with only the latter not succeeding take over the reigns with some premiership success. If Goody is as obstinate as people say only a strong minded, well credentialed and respected assistant will get through to him. Goody also will be aware his career is on the line next year so he needs all the help he can get.
  4. Agree but cannot help thinking the only reason Collingwood made it is because we stuffed up in Cairns. As the final season finished they are the team we should have replaced in the final 8. So if Collingwood go on in October it is our fault!! The horror
  5. The more informative article was about North sacking 6 coaches, and some big names. The MFC review is forced on them because they have to cut 3 million from their budget (extra $ 50K if you include the fine). AFL also introduced a rule that paying out coaches doesn't go on next years budget and are facilitating clearing out support staff at all clubs. The financial loses this season will not be recouped for many years and the existing levels of staff are not sustainable. Granted all clubs have the same problem but we will not replace like for like. By that I mean having a coach for everything ie at North Firrito has been let go as their next gen coach. I doubt that will be replaced. Burgoyne at Hawthorn will have a coaching role but stay on as a player, his wage come of the team budget not the soft cap. Jones I believe will have a similar role at MFC. Daniel Cross and Max Rooke have already been stood down. Many coaches will lose their jobs and others have their hours reduced. Does Max need a ruck coach? Perhaps not but maybe his role is the nurture Jackson and Bradtke. This is an AFL instigated restructure or disruption of all clubs coaching structures which I am pleased that Pert is running from the top down.
  6. Great news to see Sparrow and Petty sign on for more. A 1 yr contract for Smith sends a message. With Tomlinson likely to stay down back as we recruit another wingman and Petty who can play back then Smith has a year to show something and I think Oscar misses out on a contract moving forward.Also not TMac going to shed the extra kgs he put on this year and return to his old shape and endurance.
  7. Brilliant recruiting. They gave up Wingard to Hawthorn in return for Burton and after lots of pick swaps got pick 5 used for Rozee, Butters at pick 12 and Duursma at pick 18. Somehow Mayes came from Brisbane in all those pick swaps. That is a recruiters dream
  8. If I divulge my source then they will never speak to me again. You only have to look who is in the leadership group to narrow the field. Clubs don’t match the offer because the RFA gets offered overs so and more than the Existing club is prepared to offer, the Crows matched the offer for Danger and then Geelong had to trade but Danger had compelling reasons to return to Geelong. I know it is a ruthless business but if a leader ask you if you are staying and how are you going and you say unequivocally Yes I am red & blue through and through, then you have to take them at their word, don’t you. If they stay they haven’t breached that trust if they have been untruthful then it doesn’t matter because they will be somewhere else. Do you think Scully ever had any remorse for lying to Jim? Viney’ should manager is on record as saying the original offer was too low but he has a contract now to consider that is commensurate with being a former leader and 3rd in the B&F. The ball is in Viney’s court. I have only reported what I have been told from someone I trust and the club has so far done the right thing by the club. Viney will be well compensated with a long contract. The delay suggests he is still thinking about it which is his perogative.
  9. Not fake, Jack told a senior member of the leadership group he was staying after seeing the contract. That person is taking Jack at his word. If Jack is sounding out other offers they would have to be much better as an RFA the club can match the offer and Geelong are not noted for over paying.
  10. For his trouble he is now locked in quarantine in a hotel room under security surveillance for the next 14 days. W.A. government really want to make a point.
  11. Age article states : Sources indicated the decision on Jade was part of a sweeping decision from the club board to radically overhaul the entirety of the football program from this year at all levels. Furthermore The AFL has ruled that any redundancy payments made by clubs this year to reduce staff in line with a reduced soft cap on footy spending next year – a consequence of the league's austerity measures as a COVID response – will not be included in the soft cap for 2021. That has led to the farcical situation at some clubs where staff will be paid out their contracts for all of next year despite not working at the club. These are clubs that are financial enough to keep the staff on and would rather see them remain and work, but the AFL is insistent they get employees off the books. Maybe he can come back and all you Goodwin haters don't get ideas
  12. The club were quick to return him to the team post suspension and his role is to play as a defensive forward, something he does better than Melksham. We have not idea of the role he is expected to play in the team and I wouldn't be trading him and would keep the changes to a minimum. Speculative 18 year olds after no under 18 comp is a bad idea as a replacement for a hardened body. It is all good and well to offload players but who are you going to replace them with? Players of the same ability? I hope not. If he sees opportunities elsewhere then by all means ask for a trade but pick 45 spare me the stats on the number of games 3 round picks average is woeful. We loaded up last year with 3 great picks consolidate this season and reduce list as per AFL and not renew contracts.
  13. Harley is in a serious situation and clearly is in need of help. I know he breached the hub COVID, but his case is one of mental health. I think it is time MFC appealed the fine and Demonlanders starts emailing the AFL to rescind the fine. This is not like the other COVID breaches. He absconded and is clearly under duress, unlike the other breaches for playing tennis, going to a night club and visiting a facial salon and so on. From his mums emotional plea the fine and suspension are exacerbating his current mental state as well as all the hate coming his way. MFC are doing everything to get him home but as reported his erratic behaviour is making this difficult. In light of this scenario I think it is ridiculous to hold the club responsible for a player with mental health issues who has fled the hub never to return.
  14. Yes the surprises keep coming. Vandenburg the quickest and Weid in the top 5 for distance covered. There are so many performance indicators the club uses which are evidence why they rate players higher than we mere mortals on Demonland do. I marvel at Ed Langdon and the kms he covers, I was pleasantly surprised to see how quick and how much ground Salem covers. A few of Tomlinson's detractors may take a step back as well when you can see how hard he works. Well done gentlemen I would love to see the rest of the list for MFC to see where the rest of our midfield are and their work rate.
  15. Crouch may get a diversion but this is Stengles 2nd major offence. He got into serious strife in April.
  16. Weekend article from the Suns suggests they are open to him moving. He is a Victorian lad but has 2 years left on his contract. He wont be cheap and they will want a decent draft pick. If Pruess leaves then Wright will fill the same role waiting in the wings. Pruess came to MFC as a backup for Max but his other aim was to learn ruck craft from Stafford, be understudy to max and this year Burgess got him supremely fit. He is now marketable, can earn a similar if not better contract and play AFL football every week. Ruck depth is important and Jackson & Bradtke are very young so I still think we need a backup. Essendon used Phillips, Carlton got Pittonet for that very reason and he stepped up. Ladhams improved out of site when Lycett got injured and St Kilda rejuvenated the ageing Ryder to support Marshall. All of which proves you need to separate the backup old dog workhorse ruck from your developing gun. Peter Wright is neither imo
  17. Warning lights everywhere. In the hub the player support network was busy and lots of players had issues, Harley however chose his own way. He cut contact with the club after the incident and his initial excuse was shown to be false. OK so Ross Lyon has mentioned that Harley has issues way more significant than footy. I wish him well but there is no way he could stay. He has lost the confidence of the players (not naming my source) and has cost one of the support staff their job next year. $ 50K is someones job and that is just selfish.
  18. So far the club have delisted 3 players, unlike some others that have cast many off.This will barely cover the downsizing of the list so more will probably go but 2 retirement candidates still have a year to run ( KK & Jetta) on their contracts. Lockhart would be positioned to come of the rookie list for a permanent spot Petty, if fit is the missing extra tall up forward or back we had hoped to step up this year. Brown should be retained as both are a better long term prospect than sticking with Oscar. Other movement may come from others wanting better opportunity elsewhere but they will hopefully draw extra draft spots. I believe we will be quiet this year having gone hard last year to get Jackson, Picket and Rivers. I cannot believe this wanting to get rid of Sparrow, he has 2 years in the system with lots of injuries. He has a lot of upside and can run and gun. RE what we need, the only hint the club have given is Goody identified more outside run. The target should be someone who has the talent but cannot get a regular game. We want role players and disciplined team players as superstars cost too much. I like Phillips the wingman at Collingwood, he is quick and a raking left foot kick and probably being forced out. The 2 GWS boys who may miss out in the money squeeze. Saad would be good but I think he wants a long contract on big coin. The Swans were masters at this and the Josh kennedy type of deal and player is what I think we need. Ronke has been suggested and that is an excellent idea as is Witherden Minimal list changes on top of what we have done. Trade out those who want to leave and not make wholesale changes
  19. Pruess came to MFC as a backup for Max and to learn ruck craft from max and Stafford who is a highly regarded ruck coach. Added bonus this year is Burgess got him really fit. He showed he could now be a clubs number 1 ruckman and if he want to move for greater opportunity good luck to him. There is a guy in Queensland out of contract this year who could not get a game this year at Gold Coast. If Pruess leaves maybe consider 2 metre Peter as the back up who plays as a forward.
  20. On a slightly different take. The players and managers are about to get a dose of reality. List sizes will be cut most likely in 2 stages meaning there will be a few unemployed players. Next the AFL have yet to set caps and club spending on players. The soft cap has been cut, clubs have borrowed money from the AFL soon to be paid back with interest. Clubs are waiting to see what and who they can afford and the million dollar contracts wont be there. Carlton can throw all the money around they like, ben brown probably regrets turning down the 3 years on significant money and Jeremy cameron is still negotiating as he took a massive payout this year. Reality is about to bite the players and the industry.
  21. Confirmed on SEN, cannot get his body right. Effective immediately
  22. No the implication is he flew home today so, couldn't have done the B&F tonight live. Nothing sinister at all
  23. She never left. Stayed due to work commitments
  24. For those wanting Jack out the door yet again he has finished in the top 10 of the B & F and as much as he frustrates me with his repeated flaws he is still in the top 3 of the club. I know he has a contract before him and cannot see Geelong who never pay overs matching it. I didn't think him weird, he explained every time he gets on stage he goes blank. Cut him some slack I bet neither he nor his wife are getting lots of sleep at the moment. he stays!
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