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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. my sense of deja vu is returning Win tomorrow...get beaten in the "easy one" by the Lions and then get pummeled by Collingwood in the irrelevant game Shades of the end to our 2016 campaign
  2. Would love to see the business case for a Gold Coast team. The only plus that I can see is weekly live TV match and media coverage in Qld. It will never be cash flow positive but then again there are probably only 6-8 teams that are. As each week goes by the more convinced I am that this money would be better spent in Tasmania. A 35k indoor stadium funded by the Feds (a la Geelong) would be packed.... not to mention a vote winner
  3. what's that song too much, too little, too late..............
  4. 35k... maybe a few k more The last few weeks have derailed the bandwagon somewhat
  5. Agree... let's see him back on the park before we get excited
  6. Strangest selections of the whole year. None of the ins are screaming for a spot and the outs are notional best 22 except for another one game experiment in Maynard. Pederson over Watts ???... Weid has played a few good quarters at VFL level ...note I said quarters not games Brayshaw.... two games after how many weeks out... around 10
  7. This week's selections have certainly seen a change in the direction of our path. Fingers crossed it does not lead us to a cul de sac
  8. Fascinating discussion ...keep it up. Traditionally the quick kick out of the centre to the leading forward was the most effective play. Is this plan really any more effective? I suppose you get better controlled delivery but it seems to come at the cost of a more crowded forward line.
  9. Our accurate kicking last week against GWS hid to some extent what was a woeful scoring performance. As you say it has been the norm for several weeks. Perhaps our structures need to change
  10. Other than Hannan name me one player from regular VFL team who has retained his place?
  11. Might not be in form but except for maybe an in form Weid for Pederson and Gus for somebody that team last week was definitely our best 22. Another strange set of selections and let's face it most of Goodwin's left field selections have failed. Not sure what to say frankly..............
  12. Would be nice to have what used to be called a "regulation win" once in a while instead of all these season defining games
  13. Garlett with an ounce of luck could have had two or three six goal games. Let's hope we see a few of them in the next 3-6 weeks!!
  14. North says hi and hi again as do a few other mediocre teams The reality is that we have played a few good quarters and one or two good games but rarely has the team functioned as such. I would love to be surprised by the next few weeks but MFCSS tells me to be ready for disappointment. Until we can build consistency in a core group of players we will always be struggling. While I understand the game plan it is high risk and it does not lend itself to high scores which tends to make games against lesser sides closer than they used to be. Here's hoping... BTW 6 weeks ago I considered a prelim final a successful year but that was then.
  15. well..... next week will definitely be "season defining" Go Dees
  16. Collingwood doing well against North....to be expected
  17. This path that looked so golden a few weeks back is now looking like an uphill goat's track
  18. The scoreboard flatters us 26 scoring shots to 10 No score for 15 mins while kicking with the wind
  19. it was fun for the first 5 minutes.... now reality sets in
  20. Good to see another solid possession game from gus
  21. Weid needs to show something for a few consecutive weeks. Remember that coburg is last on the ladder. Very much hope he can do it.
  22. Could the Pies beat Adelaide and keep alive a slim chance of making the finals ......... strange season
  23. Dogs almost home at least there is something good out of this weekend
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