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Everything posted by IRW

  1. Thank goodness someone noticed the guts of my post
  2. yeah fair enough,though I only introduced Giles as an option because there seemed to be so much similarity between the Brownlow Medalist and Jumping Jack. It wasnt a take a crack at Jack thing. Maybe they could trade Jack for a small forward... just labouring the point. Cheers
  3. So do we agree or disagree about the possibility of Giles adding something to his game because, as he said," AFL is a collision sport"Watts isnt Robbie Flower baulking and running down the wing, he's 196cms and 89kgs KPP (in theory)
  4. Sigh..... I just miss the General board with balls, and the blokes who hated me. And exposure to all the stuff that I never believed existed in otherwise sane society.
  5. Actually this is a Giles thread...I just hi jacked it. I dont care who he works with,but Jack is my preference unless they get a trade for him of course
  6. No disrepesct to Beamer but this bloke wasnt talking about the same thing..He was very impressive and specifically said it wasnt about punching blokes in the face to toughen them up
  7. so much to learn..so little time.Is Ology ever going to be reborn?
  8. In case you havent noticed footy is a contact sport.
  9. Thanks for that, I suspected I'd got the name wrong. I heard him on SEN last night and pulled over to listen. Not one sporting cliche, which is a thing of wonder to me at least
  10. fair enough, inretrospect I was just being defensive.. Its not ironic but amusing that Jacks intro to MFC was getting the crepe punched out of him at Beamers camp...the sort of thing that Riley implied wasnt really the point of the exercise...he kept stressing repeat efforts and the attitude to play that way
  11. yep fair enough, but given that suggestion that Carey would be good for Watts I cant help but think Riley would be much more useful. Of course its up to Jack, but I reckon he misread his 'needs' when he went to Malthouse for help.
  12. Ironic? Rileys point was that the essence of competetive elite contact sport was repeated efforts and collision football. Jack has the skills to beat most anyone at at given contest,that isnt in dispute. fwiw Tappy impressed me with his endeavour in the dying moments of that game more than Jack. Watching him I turned to my friend and 'called' the game.
  13. I heard the boxing coach dude who worked with Jobe Watson interviewed yesterday. He was talking about AFL being a contact sport where repeated and resilient under pressure 2nd and 3rd efforts are the difference between players;not their speed or skills and that is what he had taught Watson. Every time he said Jobe I thought Watts. I think he's called Riley...whatever...just get him to work with Jack immediately
  14. IRW


    Andy doesnt do TT's and even though they say there wont be the same long TT stages next year Froome was super strong on all stages and the Sky team (even one down) was awesome... Andy vs Contador vs Sky could be a mighty battle
  15. IRW


    Thanks for your work Macca.......How good were Sky? The yellow jersey leading out Cavendish for his 4th final sprint win.and Froome......game set and match. Until next year at least
  16. IRW


    I dont understand this stuff and, as I said above, I suspect they all have done drugs at some stage of their career, but I do see Voekler is a zero and Michael Rogers measures a seven. Cadel and Wiggins at 4 and 5 isnt actually ringing alarm bells statisticaly and I have no doubt any Tour rider would read differently from myself. What they do for a living must make changes to a body that is probably already outside the normal range anyway. I suppose that is taken into account though I wonder how Sherpas would measure up?
  17. IRW


    With nothing to lose and being no threat to the GC it will be interesting to see if Cadel gives it a red hot go. The ruthless Sky boys wont bother to chase him...he's history.
  18. IRW


    Well thats it now..not even the podium for Evans.He's been outclassed in the TT's,in the mountains,tactically (very much imo) and in the make up of his "improved" team. Its all very well for him to shake his drug cheat mate Hincapie's hand at the end of the stage and thank him for his help but I dont recall him dragging a flagging Evans up the mts earlier or protecting his vain breakaway attempts when they might have had some meaning overall. As for the morons,they do look really really stupid dont they?Like a highway lined by Collingwood,Richmond and St.Kilda supporters.I guess standing beside a road for countless hours to see some bikes ride past briefly,very briefly, means you have to make your own fun.Its better than watching the Olympic Torch go past, but not much better I reckon. An event made for HD 3D wide screen TV if there ever was one
  19. IRW


    Its for another thread but there is an argument for letting them take what they want. In a world where we ogle women it could add a "freak show" aspect to the street, because they'd all look funny in certain ways....and maybe amateur sport would stage a revival in response.
  20. IRW


    Big night for Cadel to move to try for the podium by Paris. The descending supremecy that was boasted (talked) about before the Tour?
  21. IRW


    My understanding is that there a bunch of substances banned in cycling that are permittable in the Olympics and this may be one of them. The sort of thing that allows for the old 'contanimated meat' defense which gets you out with the 'Judd option',ie short suspension but everyone still says you're a champion. Armstrong is hoping for that but the wheel does turn eventually and, as with Judd, people eventually wake up to the fact that for all your competitive attributes and skill,a cheat is a cheat and a creep to boot. When Ben Johnson came to Oz and said basically everyone does drugs at some stage in their career he was probably telling an Olympic truth. I certainly feel that way about cycling. I suspect there is an unwritten code of whats ok and whats not. Schlek and Contador might be on one side of the divide and Lance the other. Merkxx did it when naievity ruled. Watching 'Diesel' Evans labour up the hills, and vainly try to break away from the front of the pack,I suspect he's as close to clean as a champion rider can be these days.
  22. IRW


    Anyway back to the Tour...I must say the French deserve credit for starting that
  23. IRW


    I quite liked B. Bardot as well, and thought Claidine Longet was 'hot as' until she was convicted of a 'misdemenour', ie killing her boyfriend Spider Sabrich. Its coincidental of course that she later married her defence attorney and settled the civil proceedings with Sabich's family out of court on the understanding she would not reveal details of the relationship . The Stones had something to say about it though. I suppose that might be the deviancy you mentioned and I'm sure that Sabrich's small goods were irrelevent. It was the cheese she liked I guess "Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail (again) Claudine's back in jail again Claudine Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail (again) She only does it at weekends Claudine Oh, Claudine Now only Spider knows for sure But he ain't talkin' about it any more Is he, Claudine? There's blood in the chalet And blood in the snow (She)Washed her hands of the whole damn show The best thing you could do, Claudine Shot him once right through the head Shot him twice right through the chest The judge says (ruled) it was an accident Claudine Accidents will happen (In the best homes) And Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine (Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine) [additional chorus] I'll tell you something Now Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine Tell you one more Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Huh Claudine? Oh Claudine... Oooo ... What about the children, baby? Poor, poor children Now I threaten my wife with a gun I always leave the safety on I recommend it Claudine Now she pistol whipped me once or twice But she never tried to take my life (What do you think about that) Claudine The prettiest girl I ever seen I saw you on the movie screen Hope you don't try to make a sacrifice of me Claudine (Don't get trigger happy with me) Don't wave a gun at me (Claudine) I said Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again Claudine I said Claudine's back in jail again Claudine's back in jail again She only does it at weekends Claudine Keith, will you put that weapon down? Oh Claudine Oh Claudine"
  24. IRW


    I've missed the last few nights due to other involvements but I did see a highlight from Saturday that had Chief Wiggins leading out his sprinter (not Cav) at the end of the stage..Very impressive stuff I thought and not something I'd expect to see from a leading GC rider that everyone reckoned was going to crack. Wishful thinking that was He'll have to fall off to lose in my opinion,but slowing the peleton is to protect a genuine GC competitor suffering misfortune is the racing tradition so its not quite as wonderously sporting as some people are making out. I've seen it done before and I'm not a long time observer. That Frenchman however, upholds the tradition of Frog duplicitous hypocricy in all things,....politics ,human rights, bravery in battle, philosophy and now cycling. EDITS ..endless spelling mistakes
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